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DOSLib and ARX files loaded automatically but from where?


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I have AutoCAD Electrical 2008. A long time ago I loaded DOSLib 7.8 which I want to stop from automatically loading when autocad starts up. Here is what I see when autocad first starts:


DOSLib 7.8.0

Copyright © 1992-2007, Robert McNeel and Associates

Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ELECTRICAL

Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ACAD

Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: IMPRESSION

Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: EXPRESS

Regenerating model.

Loading Electrical modules.....

Loader application completed

AutoCAD Express Tools Copyright © 2002-2004 Autodesk, Inc.

AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.

AutoCAD Electrical menu utilities loaded.



It is NOT being loaded from acad2008doc.lsp , acad2008.lsp, acaddoc.lsp. I did a manual search of each file AND I did an automated search in each file using windows search and a third party program called "Fileseek". I looked for any occurance of DOSLib in the above mentioned lisp files. The actual .arx file is called "DOSLib17.arx". DosLib17.arx appears in the list of loaded applications when you type "appload". Where in the heck is this arx file being loaded? I have been looking for hours! And I can't seem to figure out where it is being loaded.


If I remove the support path then of course it doesn't load. But that's really not the solution. It is being loaded somewhere in some lisp file. I think AutoCAD Electrical has a lisp file that is loaded that I don't know of (maybe?). Actually I doubt that.


Can someone help me troubleshoot this problem.



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Found some more information that I wanted to add:


I found an entry in the registry for DOSLib17 and deleted the whole key but AutoCAD still loads DOSLib 7.8 (which is DOSLib17.arx). Since DOSLib is loaded I decided to find out what lisp files were loaded and whar ARX files were loaded so I used a DOSLib function (dos_lisplist) and (dos_arxlist) and here is what I got:




("acetutil.fas" "acetauto.LSP" "acettest.fas" "acad2008.LSP" "acad2008doc.LSP"

"acade_demandload2.FAS" "wdreact.FAS" "acade_demandload3.FAS"

"acade_demandload.fas" "wd_load.lsp" "wdcom1.fas" "wdcom1a.fas" "wdfio.fas"

"wdauth.fas" "Acade.mnl" "acad.mnl" "acetmain.mnl")




("acade.arx" "acapp.arx" "acdblclkeditpe.arx" "acdim.arx" "ace_mb.arx"

"aceaip.arx" "aceaudit.arx" "acecompui.arx" "acedataexchange.arx"

"acedialogs.arx" "acejumper.arx" "acemdigblmanager.arx" "acepageman.arx"

"aceplotx.arx" "acepmclientapp.arx" "acepmdefun.arx" "aceshellextension.arx"

"aceterminalstripeditor.arx" "acetutil.arx" "acewiretype.arx" "achapi17.dbx"

"achlnkui.arx" "aclaunchnfw.arx" "acmgd.dll" "acmgdinternal.dll"

"acpltstamp.arx" "acprevinput.arx" "acsign.arx" "acsiui.arx" "doslib17.arx"

"oleaprot.arx" "vl.arx" "wd_dcenter.arx" "wd_dlg.arx" "wd_dwg.arx" "wd_mdb.arx"

"wd_utils.arx" "whohas.arx")


And there you see doslib17.arx. I manually opened up EVERY file except the compiled lisp routines designated by the .fas postfix. I did not open those since they are binary. But I did do an ASCII search for "DOSLib" within each file that (dos_lisplist) returned. I came up empty. It seems that DOSLib isn't being loaded by any routine reported by (dos_lisplist).


The file acad.rx does not exist but since I am running AutoCAD Electrical I do have ACADE.rx which when opened contains:

























So here I sit after 6 hours of trying with nothing to show for my efforts. Even deleting the registry entry didn't fix it. It still loads. If I rename the file of course AutoCAD can't find it so it doesn't load. But I want to know what is causing this file to be loaded. As you can see DOSLib17 is the first thing you see when you get a command prompt so it has to be loading BEFORE acaddoc.lsp, acad2008doc.lsp or acad2008.lsp loads.

I don't think I've ever been more frustrated troubleshooting a problem within AutoCAD as I have with this little nasty problem. I think I've been pretty thorough.



I hope someone can help me out.


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Could it be loading from the Startup Suite?


That doesn't work because it is not listed when you click on "Startup Suite". Although it is listed in the under the "loaded applications" tab it is NOT listed under the Startup Suite. I swear when I loaded DosLib a few years ago I put the load command in a lisp file but I'm not so sure I did that now because I looked in all the normal or expected places such a load command would be in such as acaddoc.lsp , etc. Man this is so frustrating. I could just reinstall AutoCAD but that will be left for the extreme.


Anyone else having this problem? Is there any way to get find the file that this DosLib17.arx file is being loaded from. Maybe I will have to write some lisp code to find it? I couldn't even come up with a way that a lisp program would be able to find out were that is being loaded from.



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It's stored in a special folder inside the registry. E.g. on my Vanilla 2008 on WinXP it's in:


Basically it does the same functionality to ARX files as the AutoLoad function does for LSP/FAS/VLX: i.e. automatically loads the ARX only when one of its commands are issued.

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