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lisp for area in square feet


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I am looking for a lisp routine to create an area in a given square feet quantity. Can someone help me out?




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Welcome to CADTutor - In the future, please post your LISP questions in the AutoLISP, Visual LISP & DCL Forum.


As for your request... are you looking for a LISP routine to create an object with a specific area, or are you looking to select an object(s) and label the area of said object(s)? :unsure:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The shape of the area would be a rectangle. I have a lisp for a circle. It is as follows:


; ----- CTEST.LSP -----

; Draw circles by area (in square yards)

(defun C:CTEST()

(setq ar (getreal "AreaSY? "))

(setq ar (* ar 1296))

(setq pt (getpoint "Centerpoint?"))

(setq rad (sqrt (/ ar pi)))

(command "circle" pt rad)



Could this be modified for the area of a rectangle?




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If its a rectangle then whats the problem the area= L x W you just have to nominate 1 of them then theres lots of ways to draw a rectang simplest would be use RECTANG.


(setq pt1 (getpoint "Left lower corner ?")) the (car pt1) = x (cadr pt1) = y add L & W to these values then make a list for new Pt2 (setq pt2 (list (+ ptx L) (+ pty W)))(command "rectang" pt pt2)

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OK. If the rectang command would prompt me for an area in square feet, then I would be ok. I need a lisp that would prompt me for a start point then ask me for either a lenght or width, then prompt me for the square feet at the given length or width.



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Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]:
Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: A

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I forgot one thing. I use version R14, so I don't have the option of entering the area using the rectang command which is why I am asking about a lisp routine.



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As an imitation of the Rectang command in 2010...


(defun c:arec ( / an ar p1 x )
     (setq p1 (getpoint "\nSpecify first corner point: "))
     (progn (initget 6)
       (setq ar (getreal "\nSpecify Area for Rectangle: "))
     (progn (initget "Length Width")
       (setq an (getkword "\nCalculate rectangle dimensions based on [Length/Width] <Length>: "))
       (if (eq "Width" an)
         (setq x (getdist "\nSpecify rectangle width: " p1))
         (setq x (getdist "\nSpecify rectangle length: "p1))
   (command "_.rectang" "_non" p1 "_non"
       (polar p1 (if (eq "Width" an) 0. (/ pi 2.)) x)
       (if (eq "Width" an) (/ pi 2.) 0.)
       (/ ar x)

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Lee Mac

On the right path, however the above routine area defaults in square inches. Could you redo your magic to default in square feet?


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(defun c:arec ( / an ar p1 x )
     (setq p1 (getpoint "\nSpecify first corner point: "))
     (progn (initget 6)
       (setq ar (getreal "\nSpecify Area for Rectangle: "))
     (progn (initget "Length Width")
       (setq an (getkword "\nCalculate rectangle dimensions based on [Length/Width] <Length>: "))
       (if (eq "Width" an)
         (setq x (getdist "\nSpecify rectangle width: " p1))
         (setq x (getdist "\nSpecify rectangle length: "p1))
   (command "_.rectang" "_non" p1 "_non"
       (polar p1 (if (eq "Width" an) 0. (/ pi 2.)) (* x 12.))
       (if (eq "Width" an) (/ pi 2.) 0.)
       (* 12. (/ ar x))

Edit: went the wrong way with the conversion.. :oops:

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Yes sir, I sure did. Your previous code worked fine, but I got the "malformed list "error with this one.



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