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get the tangential point


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my coding

(setq p1 '(500 200 0)
(command "circle" ' (0 0 0)  10)


now at this point i have to draw line from p1 to tangential point on circle.

how can thisbe done?

help me.

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This ?


(setq p1 '(500 200 0))
(command "circle" ' (0. 0. 0.) 10.)
(setq obj (entlast))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj))
(setq p2 (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo obj p1))
(entmakex (list (cons 0 "LINE")(cons 10 p1)(cons 11 p2)))

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This will return the two points (in WCS) which are tangent to the supplied circle entity from the supplied point projected onto the plane in which the Circle resides; or nil if the supplied point lies inside the circle.


([color=BLUE]defun[/color] LM:GetTangentPoints ( pt ci [color=BLUE]/[/color] a1 c1 d1 el r1 tn )

 ([color=BLUE]setq[/color] el ([color=BLUE]entget[/color] ci)
       c1 ([color=BLUE]cdr[/color] ([color=BLUE]assoc[/color] 10 el))
       r1 ([color=BLUE]cdr[/color] ([color=BLUE]assoc[/color] 40 el))
       d1 ([color=BLUE]distance[/color] pt c1) a1 ([color=BLUE]angle[/color] c1 pt)
 ([color=BLUE]if[/color] ([color=BLUE]<[/color] r1 d1)
     ([color=BLUE]setq[/color] tn ([color=BLUE]sqrt[/color] ([color=BLUE]-[/color] ([color=BLUE]*[/color] d1 d1) ([color=BLUE]*[/color] r1 r1)))
           tn ([color=BLUE]atan[/color] tn r1)
       ([color=BLUE]trans[/color] ([color=BLUE]polar[/color] c1 ([color=BLUE]+[/color] a1 tn) r1) ci 0)
       ([color=BLUE]trans[/color] ([color=BLUE]polar[/color] c1 ([color=BLUE]-[/color] a1 tn) r1) ci 0)

A test function:


([color=BLUE]defun[/color] c:test ( [color=BLUE]/[/color] e p )

     ([color=BLUE]setq[/color] e ([color=BLUE]car[/color] ([color=BLUE]entsel[/color] [color=MAROON]"\nSelect Circle: "[/color])))
     ([color=BLUE]eq[/color] [color=MAROON]"CIRCLE"[/color] ([color=BLUE]cdr[/color] ([color=BLUE]assoc[/color] 0 ([color=BLUE]entget[/color] e))))
     ([color=BLUE]setq[/color] p ([color=BLUE]getpoint[/color] [color=MAROON]"\nSpecify Point: "[/color]))
     ([color=BLUE]setq[/color] p ([color=BLUE]trans[/color] p 1 0))
   ([color=BLUE]foreach[/color] x (LM:GetTangentPoints ([color=BLUE]trans[/color] p 0 e) e)
       ([color=BLUE]list[/color] ([color=BLUE]cons[/color] 0 [color=MAROON]"LINE"[/color]) ([color=BLUE]cons[/color] 10 p) ([color=BLUE]cons[/color] 11 x))



Alternatively, here is a function accepting a Point, Circle Center and Circle Radius:


([color=BLUE]defun[/color] LM:GetTangentPoints ( pt cen rad [color=BLUE]/[/color] a1 d1 tn )

 ([color=BLUE]if[/color] ([color=BLUE]<[/color] rad ([color=BLUE]setq[/color] a1 ([color=BLUE]angle[/color] cen pt) d1 ([color=BLUE]distance[/color] pt cen)))
     ([color=BLUE]setq[/color] tn ([color=BLUE]atan[/color] ([color=BLUE]sqrt[/color] ([color=BLUE]-[/color] ([color=BLUE]*[/color] d1 d1) ([color=BLUE]*[/color] rad rad))) rad))
       ([color=BLUE]trans[/color] ([color=BLUE]polar[/color] cen ([color=BLUE]+[/color] a1 tn) rad) 1 0)
       ([color=BLUE]trans[/color] ([color=BLUE]polar[/color] cen ([color=BLUE]-[/color] a1 tn) rad) 1 0)

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As a starting point:


This should give you length of the tangent line ( s2 ) and the length of the 3 sides forming a right triangle.


[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]setq p1 '[b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]6 2 0[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]   [color=#8b4513];;;PICK POINT[/color]
     ce '[b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]0 0 0[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]   [color=#8b4513];;;CIRCLE CENTER[/color]
     ra 2[b][color=BLACK])[/color][/b]         [color=#8b4513];;;CIRCLE RADIUS[/color]

[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]setq s3 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]distance ce p1[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]
     s1 ra
     s2 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]sqrt [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]- [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]* s3 s3[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b] [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]* s1 s1[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b][b][color=BLACK])[/color][/b]




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This is what I would write:


(setq	osn (getvar "osmode")
p1 '(0.0 0.0 0.0)
r  10.0
dx 500.0
dy 200.0
a  (sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))
b  (sqrt (- (* a a) (* r r)))
u1 (atan (/ dy dx))
u2 (atan (/ b r))
up (+ u1 u2)
down (- u1 u2)
p2 (polar p1 up r)
p3 (polar p1 down r)
p4 (polar p1 u1 a)
 (setvar "osmode" 0)
 (command "circle" p1 r)
 (command "line" p2 p4 p3"")
 (setvar "osmode" osn)

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