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Toolbar to toggle layer on and off

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i use section planes quite a bit and if you're familiar with planes than everytime you insert a new section plane the settings reset. i would like to insert into my template 3 section planes each with my custom settings one being for plan one being for front one being for side. each being on a seperate layer. i would like to create a macro along with a toolbar that toggles a particular layer on and off. how do i do this? using the same shortcut to turn the item both on and off? to toggle....


From what i can gather i think i need two seperate shortcuts for each layer one for on one for off. i would preffer not to do this if anyone can think of a better way

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With layers from lisp etc you can get the status of a layer its a number depends on combination of off on frozen locked, look for some layer lisps here with "assoc 70" in them should provide the answer.

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If you create two buttons on your palette you can assign the following command strings to turn the layer on or off:




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Have multiple turn ons but only need 1 turn off by pick object


Freeze or off its up to you its also a start for your is it on or off lisp

 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (if (= dl (getvar "clayer"))(setvar "clayer" "0"))
 (COMMAND "layer" "f" dl "")
 (prompt "\n  LAYER FROZEN:  ")


I would have a defun that does all the work this way your command line is something like ^c^C(setq onofflay "layer1")(onoff onofflay) with the lisp onoff autoloaded at start up.

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Another by Lee Mac:

(defun c:lsw (/ lay1 lay2)
 (and (setq lay1 (tblobjname "LAYER" "name of one layer");change
            lay1 (vlax-ename->vla-object lay1))
      (setq lay2 (tblobjname "LAYER" "name of another layer");change
            lay2 (vlax-ename->vla-object lay2))
      (cond ((eq :vlax-true (vla-get-layeron lay1))
             (vla-put-layeron lay1 :vlax-false)
             (vla-put-layeron lay2 :vlax-true))
            (t (vla-put-layeron lay2 :vlax-false)
               (vla-put-layeron lay1 :vlax-true))))


Call it - lsw and hit enter to flip between layers.

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