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Dialog box help


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Ok i think i am over my head on this one. I have a dialog box that i created. There are two columns to pick from. I need to have one of each picked to do option, but i do not know how to get them to come together. here is what I thought would work but did not.


(defun C:bd(/ bd)                                             
 (or c:bm$ (setq c:bm$ "3.5"))                               
 (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "beam.dcl"))                      
 (if (not (new_dialog "beam" dcl_id))                        
 (set_tile c:bm$ "1")                                        
 (action_tile "3.5" "(setq c:bm$ \"3.5\")")            
 (action_tile "5.25"  "(setq c:bm$ \"5.25\")")           
 (action_tile "7" "(setq c:bm$ \"7\")")                      
 (action_tile "7.25" "(setq c:bm$ \"7.25\")")                  
 (action_tile "9.25" "(setq c:bm$ \"9.25\")")                
 (action_tile "accept"  "(done_dialog)(setq userclick T)")   
 (action_tile "cancel"  "(done_dialog)(setq userclick nil)") 
 (start_dialog)(unload_dialog dcl_id)                        
 (setq cmd c:bm$)                                            
 (if userclick                                               
     (= cmd "3.5" ) (setqq aa (= aa 2))
     (= cmd "5.25" )
     (= cmd "7" )   
     (= cmd "7.25" ) (setq bb (= bb 7))
     (= cmd "9.25" )))
   (cond (= (+ aa bb) 9)
  (command "-linetype" "s" "2x10" "")(command  "-layer" "s" "s-frm-beam" "")(command "line" pause pause ""))) 

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You must use action_tile with key tile in DCL, similar (action_tile "keyA" "(set_tile \"keyB\" \"sth\")"). And, if you post DCL here, we can fix it easier

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beam : dialog {
     label = "Pick size of Beam";
     : column {
       : boxed_radio_column {
         label = "Width";
         : radio_button {
           label = "3.5";
           key = "3.5";
         : radio_button {
           label = "5.25";
           key = "5.25";
         : radio_button {
           label = "7";
           key = "7";
      : column {
       : boxed_radio_column {
         label = "Depth";
         : radio_button {
           label = "7.25";
           key = "7.25";
         : radio_button {
           label = "9.25";
           key = "9.25";
         : radio_button {
           label = "11.25";
           key = "11.25";
         : radio_button {
           label = "11.875";
           key = "11.875";
         : radio_button {
           label = "14";
           key = "14";
         : radio_button {
           label = "16";
           key = "16";
         : radio_button {
           label = "18";
           key = "18";
     : row {
       : button {
         label = "&OK";
         key = "accept";
         fixed_width = true;
         is_default = true;
       : button {
         label = "&Cancel";
         key = "cancel";
         fixed_width = true;
         is_cancel = true;


I thought about it after I posted to give an wxample but I could not get back to the computer.

In one column I pick 3.5,5.25, or 7.... Then in the other column i could pick 14,16,18.

So depending on which two I hit they will do something different. Like draw a line and put it on a lietype called 3.5x14, or 7x16. Does that make since. So I would have 9 options with this example that can be done.

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I think you are looking for this file

 (defun c:bm ()
 (if (= -1 (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "beam.dcl")))
   (progn (alert "Could not find the 'beam.dcl' file") (exit))
 (if (not (new_dialog "unlayers" dcl_id))
   (progn (alert "Could not find the 'unlayers' dialog box in the dcl file") (exit))
 (set_tile "k_5.25" "1")
 (set_tile "k_7" "1")
 (action_tile "hb" "(do_something $value)")
 (action_tile "k_3.5" "(do_something $value)")   
(defun do_something (wert) 
((= wert "k_3.5") (C:3.5)) 
((= wert "k_5.25") (C:5.25))))
 (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog)(unload_dialog dcl_id)(setq pressed-ok 1)")
 (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog)(unload_dialog dcl_id)(setq pressed-ok nil)")



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Sorry for late ^^ I'm working at site all time ^^

Since my poor English, i still not clear about your idea, but i think so :

- You shoulden't assign a var with "c:"

- Your function to do sth based on choices of width, depth should apply when you exit dialog

So you can :


beam : dialog {
     label = "Pick size of Beam";
     : column {
       : boxed_radio_column {[color=red]key = "kWidth";[/color]
         label = "Width";
         : radio_button {
           label = "3.5";
           key = "3.5";
         : radio_button {
           label = "5.25";
           key = "5.25";
         : radio_button {
           label = "7";
           key = "7";
      : column {
       : boxed_radio_column {[color=red]key = "kDepth";[/color]
         label = "Depth";
         : radio_button {
           label = "7.25";
           key = "7.25";
         : radio_button {
           label = "9.25";
           key = "9.25";
         : radio_button {
           label = "11.25";
           key = "11.25";
         : radio_button {
           label = "11.875";
           key = "11.875";
         : radio_button {
           label = "14";
           key = "14";
         : radio_button {
           label = "16";
           key = "16";
         : radio_button {
           label = "18";
           key = "18";
     : row {
       : button {
         label = "&OK";
         key = "accept";
         fixed_width = true;
         is_default = true;
       : button {
         label = "&Cancel";
         key = "cancel";
         fixed_width = true;
         is_cancel = true;

(defun C:bd()
;list your key here, it is not necessary but it will useful with a huge list of key, or you can do a function lisp to write your dcl
(setq     lstWidth '( "3.5" "5.25" "7")
       lstDepth '("7.25" "9.25" "11.25" "11.875" "14" "16" "18")

;Set default width, depth
(or width (setq width (car lstWidth)))
(or depth (setq depth (car lstDepth)))
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "beam.dcl"))                      
(if (not (new_dialog "beam" dcl_id)) (exit)                        
       ;Set Option with last width, depth or default :
       (set_tile width "1")
       (set_tile depth "1")
       ;Setq width, depth with radio choice :
       (action_tile "kWidth" "(setq width $value)")
       (action_tile "kDepth" "(setq depth $value)")
       (unload_dialog dcl_id)
;Now, when you unloaded dialog, you have width and depth, so you could do sth out here :
(alert (strcat "Now you have width = " width " & depth = " depth))
;Do job with cond here :

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