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Dimensions with text overrides


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Is there a way, through either a LISP or an option directly in ACAD, that would force all dimensions with overridden values to show up as a different color? One of the people we fired had a nasty habit of just changing the dimension text and not actually fixing the drawing. It would be nice to be able to hit a button and see if it finds any overridden dimensions.

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I used to have a lisp that checked all assocated dims for correct value....Havent used in years....May still work. Just see if I can find it. Found it. Can't promise it still works, but you might be able to plunder the code


;; Programmer's Tool Box    Feb 1996
;; CADENCE MAGAZING:        Bill Kramer
;; Dimension Edits and Checking
(defun C:DIMCHK ( / DIML    ;dimension layer name
                   TOL     ;tolerance value
                   SS1     ;selection set
                   II      ;index into pick set
                   JJ      ;index to distances
                   D1      ;distances list
                   D2      ;found flag
                   P1 P2   ;points of dim entity
                   TY TX   ;type / text  
                   XB      ;text block of dim
                   XT      ;text in text block
                   VAL     ;value of dim text
                   EL EN)  ;entity list and name
  "\nDIMCHK: Check associative dimension values")
 (while (null DIML)
    (setq DIML 
         "\nLayer name for dimensions: "))
    (if (or (= DIML "") 
            (null (tblsearch "LAYER" DIML)))
      (setq DIML ;;nil
        (prompt "\nLayer does not exist!"))
 (setq TOL 
    (getdist "\nEnter tolerance <0.001>: "))
 (if (null TOL) (setq TOL 0.001))
 (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
 (if (null (tblsearch "LAYER" "DIM_BAD"))
    (command "_LAYER" 
             "_N" "DIM_BAD,DIM_OUTTOL"
             "_C" "YELLOW" "DIM_OUTTOL"
             "_C" "RED" "DIM_BAD"
 (setq SS1 (ssget "X" (list (cons 8 DIML))))
 (if SS1 
     (setq II 0)
     (repeat (sslength SS1)
        (if (GET_DIM_DATA) (progn
           (setq JJ 1
                 D2 nil)
           (if (DIM_VALUES) (DIM_VALUE_CHECK))
           (redraw EN)
        ) (prompt " unable to translate text."))
     );;end REPEAT
   (prompt "\nNothing found!")
;; Listing 2: Retrieve entity information into 
;; global variables used by remainder of function
;; set.
(defun GET_DIM_DATA ()
  (setq EN (ssname SS1 II)
        II (1+ II)
        EL (entget EN)
  (redraw EN -3)
    ((= (cdr (assoc 0 EL)) "DIMENSION")
       (setq P10 (cdr (assoc 10 EL))
             P13 (cdr (assoc 13 EL))
             P14 (cdr (assoc 14 EL))
             P15 (cdr (assoc 15 EL))
             TY (cdr (assoc 70 EL));;type
             TX (cdr (assoc 1 EL)) ;;text
             XB (cdr (assoc 2 EL)) ;;block name
             XT (BLOCK_TEXT XB) ;;text in block
       ;;check to see if dimension location flag
       ;;is set. Remove if found.
       (if (> TY 70) (setq TY (- TY 128)))
       (if (or 
             (= TX "") ;;nothing in text or
             (wcmatch TX "*<>*")) ;;variable
         (progn  ;;then look in block
            (prompt "\nAssociative dim,")
            (setq VAL XT)
         (progn ;;else look in text
            (prompt "\nAssoc w/ text override,")
            (setq VAL TX)
       ;;Convert VAL to distance value
       (setq VAL 
            (Convert_Mtext_Dim VAL)))
        "\nNon-associative dimension object: ")
       (prompt (cdr (assoc 0 EL)))
;; Listing 3:  Calculate dim distances
(defun DIM_VALUES ( / TYP)
  (setq TYP (logand TY 7))
    ((zerop TYP) ;;vert/hor
      (prompt " VER|HOR")
      (setq D1 
           (abs (- (car P13) (car P14)))
           (abs (- (cadr P13) (cadr P14)))
           (distance P13 P14)
    ((= 4 TYP) ;;radius
      (prompt " RAD")
      (setq D1
          (distance P10 P15)
    ((= 3 TYP) ;;diameter
      (prompt " DIA")
      (setq D1
          (distance P10 P15)
    ((= 1 TYP) ;;aligned
      (prompt " ALI")
      (setq D1 
           (distance P13 P14)
    ((= 2 TYP) ;;angular
      (prompt " ANG, not checked.")
      (setq D1 nil)
      (prompt " dim check not available.")
      (setq D1 nil) ;;ignored
  );;end COND
;; Listing 4:  test dimension against tolerance
  (foreach DD D1
      ((equal DD VAL (/ TOL 10.0))
          (setq D2 JJ))
      ((and (null D2) (equal DD VAL TOL))
          (setq D2 (* -1 JJ)))
    (setq JJ (1+ JJ))
  (if D2 ;;found something      
     (if (minusp D2) 
           ", YELLOW: not exact, within tol.")
             (cons 8 "DIM_OUTTOL")
             (assoc 8 EL)     
       );end PROGN
       (prompt ", exact or <= 10% tol. accepted.")
     (progn ;;nothing close
       (prompt ", RED: outside tolerance.")
           (cons 8 "DIM_BAD")
           (assoc 8 EL)
;; Listing 5:  return text value from block 
;; definition entities.
(defun BLOCK_TEXT (NM / EL EN)
 (setq EL (tblsearch "BLOCK" NM))
 (if EL (progn
   (setq EN (cdr (assoc -2 EL))
         EL (entget EN)
     (and EN 
          (not (or 
            (= "MTEXT" (cdr (assoc 0 EL)))
            (= "TEXT" (cdr (assoc 0 EL))))))
      (setq EN (entnext EN))
      (if EN (setq EL (entget EN)))
   (if EN
      (cdr (assoc 1 EL))
;; Listing 6: Convert MTEXT dimension value 
;; number, seek out the real number information 
;; bypassing all [url="file://xx/"]\\xx[/url]; type stuff and looking 
;; inside { } brackets
  (setq RES "")
  (while (> (strlen TX) 0)
    (setq CH (substr TX 1 1)
          TX (substr TX 2)
      ((= CH "\\") ;;start of control sequence
         (setq CH (substr TX 1 1))
           ((= CH "U") ;;unicode skip over
            (setq TX (substr TX 7)
                  CH "")
           ((member CH  ;;control character?
              '("e" "n" "r" "t"))
            (setq TX (substr TX 2)
                  CH "")
           ((member CH  ;;octal number?
              '("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7"))
            (setq TX (substr TX 4)
                  CH "")
            (setq Skip 'T) ;;other command
      ((= CH "}")  ;;end of paragraph
         (setq Skip 'T)
         (if (distof RES)
             (setq TX "")
             (setq RES "")
      ((= CH "%") ;;control character?
         (if (= (substr TX 1 1) "%")
           (setq TX (substr TX 2)
                 CH "")
      ((= CH "R") ;;radius marker?
         (setq CH "") ;;gamble it is
    (if (and (null Skip) (< (ascii CH) 128)) 
       (setq RES (strcat RES CH)))
      ((= CH ";")  ;;end of control sequence
         (setq Skip nil)
      ((= CH "{")  ;;start of paragraph
         (setq Skip nil)
;;-----------------------------------------------  EOF

Edited by SLW210
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I've got one on my free download page called ChkDims.lsp


It will place a block of a red circle with an X over overridden dimensions and a green box over non-overridden dimensions. You have an option to clean-up the markers.

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Non Annotative dimensions:


(sssetfirst nil (ssget "_X" '((0 . "*DIMENSION") (-4 . "<OR") (1 . "*?*") (-3 ("ACAD")) (-4 . "OR>"))))


(defun c:OD (/ Fdim)
 (setq  FDim
      '((0 . "*DIMENSION")
        (-4 . "<OR")
        (1 . "*?*")
        (-3 ("ACAD"))
        (-4 . "OR>")
 (repeat (sslength FDim)
     (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname Fdim 0))
   (ssdel (ssname Fdim 0) Fdim)


For Both types:


(defun c:OD (/ Fdim)
 (setq aDoc
    (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) clr 5)
   (if (ssget "_X" '((0 . "*DIMENSION")))
          itm (setq
                   (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
         (if (not (eq (vla-get-TextOverride itm) ""))
           (vla-put-TextColor itm clr)
         (vla-delete fdim)

Edited by pBe
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Just highlighting those that have overrides :


(defun c:chkdims ( / ss ssn ent entA )
 (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "*DIMENSION")) ))
 (repeat (setq ssn (sslength ss))
   (setq ent (ssname ss (setq ssn (1- ssn))))
   (setq entA (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
   (if (or (= "" (vla-get-textoverride entA)) (wcmatch (vla-get-textoverride entA) "*<>*"))
     (redraw ent 1)
     (redraw ent 3)




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