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Trying to work out how to select objects with vba


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The line

[color=#000080]Set[/color] acSelSet ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add = ("Test") 

throws up an error when I try to run this sample code from http://www.cad.dp.ua/stats/a_vba/acentity.php#AddEntToSS


Public Sub AddEntToSS ()
  Dim acSelSet As AcadSelectionSet
  Dim intCnt As Integer
 Dim objArray (0) As Object
 Dim AnyObj As AcadEntity
  Dim AnyPnt As Variant
 Set acSelSet ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add = ("Test")
 intCnt = acSelSet.Count
 MsgBox "There are" & intCnt & _
 "Entities in the new Selection Set"
 ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity AnyObj, AnyPnt, _
 "Pick an Entity to Add to the Selection Set:"
 Set objArray (0) = AnyObj
 acSelSet.AddItems objArray
 intCnt = acSelSet.Count
 MsgBox "Now there are" & intCnt & _
 "Entities in the new Selection Set"
   ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item ("test"). Delete
End Sub



Can anyone tell me why that is (incompatible with 2012 API syntax?) and how I would fix it?


What I am trying to do is work out (from example code I've found) how to select polylines and examine their elevation property.

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You can use filters to select certian objects just like ssget, this bit of code example is for blocks do not have a pline


Dim SS As AcadSelectionSet
Dim objENT As AcadEntityDim FilterDXFCode(0) As Integer
Dim FilterDXFVal(0) As Variant
FilterDXFCode(0) = 0
FilterDXFVal(0) = "INSERT"
'FilterDXFCode(1) = 2
'FilterDXFVal(1) = "SCHEDTEXT"
Set SS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("pit1sel")
SS.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , FilterDXFCode, FilterDXFVal
then maybe
If SS.Item(Cntr).Name = BLOCK_NAME Then


this may help a bit more


For Each ent In ssetpick
   Select Case ent.EntityType
       Case acPolylineLight
           Select Case ent.Layer
       Case layer1
           ent.Highlight (True)
           'MsgBox "You selected a poly line"
           intVCnt = 0
           varCords = 0
           varVert = 0
           varCord = 0
           varNext = 0
           intCrdCnt = 0
           dblTemp = 0
           dblArc = 0
           dblAng = 0
           dblChord = 0
           dblInclAng = 0
           dblRad = 0
           varCords = ent.Coordinates
           For Each varVert In varCords
               intVCnt = intVCnt + 1
               For intCrdCnt = 0 To intVCnt / 2 - 1 'For LWPoly 2 - 1
                   If intCrdCnt < intVCnt / 2 - 1 Then
                       If ent.GetBulge(intCrdCnt) = 0 Then
                           varCord = ent.Coordinate(intCrdCnt)
                           varNext = ent.Coordinate(intCrdCnt + 1)
                           'computes a simple Pythagorean length
                           dblTemp = dblTemp + Sqr((Sqr(((varCord(0) - varNext(0)) ^ 2) + _
                           ((varCord(1) - varNext(1)) ^ 2)) ^ 2))
                           ' + ((varCord(2) - varNext(2)) ^ 2)) for 3D
                           'If there is a bulge we need to get an arc length
                           varCord = ent.Coordinate(intCrdCnt)
                           varNext = ent.Coordinate(intCrdCnt + 1)
                           dblChord = Sqr((Sqr(((varCord(0) - varNext(0)) ^ 2) + _
                           ((varCord(1) - varNext(1)) ^ 2)) ^ 2))
                           '+ ((varCord(2) - varNext(2)) ^ 2)) For 3D
                           'Bulge is the tangent of 1/4 of the included angle between
                           'vertices. So we reverse the process to get the included angle
                           dblInclAng = Atn(Abs(ent.GetBulge(intCrdCnt))) * 4
                           dblAng = (dblInclAng / 2) - ((Atn(1) * 4) / 2)
                           dblRad = (dblChord / 2) / (Cos(dblAng))
                           dblArc = dblInclAng * dblRad
                           dblTemp = dblTemp + dblArc
                       End If
                   End If
       lengthPoly = lengthPoly + dblTemp
       End Select
   End Select

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