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Change color, command, change back


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I am trying to write a lisp that will change the current color (not layer color), execute a user input command, then change it back to bylayer.


(defun C:revc ()
(command "color" "240")
(command "revcloud")
(command "color" "bylayer")
) ;end_defun


If I remove the command to change the color back to bylayer it will execute fine. I think it is having an issue when I don't pause it and wait for the user to finish the "revcloud" command.

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You may use the CECOLOR system variable instead:

(setvar "CECOLOR" "240")
;your code here
(setvar "CECOLOR" "ByLayer")




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(defun c:revc nil
(setvar 'Cecolor "240")
      (command "_.Revcloud")
       (while (> (getvar 'Cmdactive) 0)
                     (command pause))
       (setvar 'Cecolor "256")(princ)


EDIT: Ooops.. didnt see your post there Mircea :)

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No matter what the layer status color is . :D


(defun c:TesT nil
 (command "_.revcloud")
   (= (getvar 'cmdactive) 1)
    (command pause)
 (command "_.chprop" (entlast) "" "_color" 240 "")

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Be careful...


Command: revc
Minimum arc length: 0.5000   Maximum arc length: 0.5000   Style: Normal
Specify start point or [Arc length/Object/Style] <Object>: [color=red]*Cancel*[/color]

Command: [color=red]; error: Function cancelled[/color]



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No matter what the layer status color is . :D


I believe the intent is to draw the revcloud in the desired color, and not change afterward.


:lol: Busted!!


Example with error handling:


(defun c:revc  ( / *error*)

 (defun *error*  (msg)
   (and oldCecolor (setvar 'cecolor oldCecolor))
   (cond ((not msg))                                                   ; Normal exit
         ((member msg '("Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort")))    ; <esc> or (quit)
         ((princ (strcat "\n** Error: " msg " ** "))))                 ; Fatal error, display it

 ((lambda (oldCecolor)
    (setvar 'cecolor "240")
    (command "._revcloud")
    (while (= (logand 1 (getvar 'cmdactive)) 1) (command pause))
    (*error* nil))
   (getvar 'cecolor)))


** Edit - This way, both when the command is completed, and if the user escapes out, the original Cecolor is restored.

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(if (null *revcloudreactor*)
   (setq *revcloudreactor*
       (vlr-command-reactor nil
               (:vlr-commandwillstart . revcloudstore)
               (:vlr-commandended     . revcloudrestore)
               (:vlr-commandfailed    . revcloudrestore)
               (:vlr-commandcancelled . revcloudrestore)
(defun revcloudstore ( reactor params )
   (if (wcmatch (strcase (car params)) "*REVCLOUD")
           (setq *cecolor* (getvar 'CECOLOR))
           (setvar 'CECOLOR "240")
(defun revcloudrestore ( reactor params )
   (if (and *cecolor* (wcmatch (strcase (car params)) "*REVCLOUD"))
           (setvar 'CECOLOR *cecolor*)
           (setq *cecolor* nil)

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Example with error handling:


(defun c:revc ( / *error*)
(defun *error* (msg)
(and oldCecolor (setvar 'cecolor oldCecolor))


This way, both when the command is completed, and if the user escapes out, the original Cecolor is restored.


Yup :thumbsup:


I knew i couldnt type and code as fast as your Renderman so i didnt even try :lol:

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Using a Command Reactor is my preferred method of standardizing active layer, color, etc. for multiple commands.


Very concise, Lee. :thumbsup:

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I knew i couldnt type and code as fast as your Renderman so i didnt even try :lol:


That is kind of you to say, but please know that trying to both offer the (or at least a) solution to a post, and do so before Lee, etc. beat me to it is what helped me learn all that I have... A little friendly, and respectful competition can be a good thing.


Don't ever feel that you couldn't, or shouldn't contribute because I or others have jumped in... Helping others is a great way to learn yourself. :beer:

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I wish I could deal with reactors one day .


Who are you, and what have you done with the Tharwat that I know!?!? :unsure:


You can tackle reactors - just know the rules, and plan for contingencies the way you would with any other routine. :thumbsup:

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Who are you, and what have you done with the Tharwat that I know!?!? :unsure:


You can tackle reactors - just know the rules, and plan for contingencies the way you would with any other routine. :thumbsup:


I am overwhelmed by work nowadays , and reactor need a very calm mind to avoid getting crazy .:D


Sooner or later will get through it deeply .


Thanks mate for the head up .

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That is kind of you to say, but please know that trying to both offer the (or at least a) solution to a post, and do so before Lee, etc. beat me to it is what helped me learn all that I have... A little friendly, and respectful competition can be a good thing.


Don't ever feel that you couldn't, or shouldn't contribute because I or others have jumped in... Helping others is a great way to learn yourself. :beer:


Wilco, :)


Thank you Renderman and Cheers :beer:

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