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Linking text blocks from one layout to another


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I have a little knowledge of AutoCAD and I do alot of reports using only AutoCAD, each sheet has a border on it with the project info, no., etc. Is there a way we can link the text blocks in page 1/layout 1 to the other pages/layouts so I dont have to go to each layout and edit the text block individually? Also, i did not draw the template so as to how it was constructed i do not know. Thank you for the help!



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This is one I did but you need autocad not LT it reads layout name for sheet number maybe useful to others as a starting point to do some of what you want.


Thanks to Lee-mac for parse code


; change the 410 to layout name
;;-------------------=={ Parse Numbers }==--------------------;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Parses a list of numerical values from a supplied string. ;;
;;  Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2011 - [url="http://www.lee-mac.com"]www.lee-mac.com[/url]       ;;
;;  Arguments:                                                ;;
;;  s - String to process                                     ;;
;;  Returns:  List of numerical values found in string.       ;;
(defun LM:ParseNumbers ( s )
   (lambda ( l )
       (strcat "("
               (lambda ( a b c )
                     (< 47 b 58)
                     ;put back for negative numbers (and (= 45 b) (< 47 c 58) (not (< 47 a 58)))
                     (and (= 46 b) (< 47 a 58) (< 47 c 58))
                   b 32
             (cons nil l) l (append (cdr l) (list nil))
   (vl-string->list s)
;(defun ah:sheetupdate1 (/ss1 lay plotabs tabname dwgname)
(defun sheetupdate1 (/ len plotabs tabname dwgname)
(setq doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(vlax-for lay (vla-get-Layouts doc)
 (setq plotabs (cons (vla-get-name lay) plotabs))
(setq title "Please enter dwg number")
(ah:getval title)
(setq dwgname item)
(setq title "Please enter version for all sheets OK no change")
(ah:getval title)
(setq NEWSTR4 item)
(if  (= item nil)(Setq version nil)(setq version "ok")) 
(setq len (length plotabs))
(setq x 0)
(setq title (strcat "There was " (rtos (- len 1) 2 0) " sheets counted Ok or new num"))
(ah:getval title)
(if (= item nil)
(setq NEWSTR5 (rtos (- len 1)2 0 ))
(setq newstr5 item)

(setq bname "DA1DRTXT")
(repeat len
 (setq tabname (nth x plotabs))
 (if (/= tabname "Model")
     (setvar "ctab" tabname)
     (setq ss1 (ssget "x"  (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 2 bname)(cons 410 tabname))))
     (setq dwgnum (Lm:parsenumbers tabname))
     (setq sheetnum (car dwgnum))
     (setq oldtag1 "SHT_NO") ;attribute tag name
     (setq newstr1 (rtos sheetnum 2 0))
     (setq oldtag2 "DRG_NO") ;attribute tag name
     (setq oldtag3 "PROJ_NO") ;attribute tag name
     (setq newstr3 dwgname)
     (setq oldtag4 "REV_NO") ;attribute tag name
     (setq oldtag5 "SHEETS") ;attribute tag name
; if less than 10
(if (< (car dwgnum) 10.0) 
     (setq newstr2 (strcat dwgname "-D0"  (rtos sheetnum 2 0)))
     (setq newstr2 (strcat dwgname "-D"  (rtos sheetnum 2 0)))
     (foreach att (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname SS1 0 )) 'getattributes)
       (if (= oldtag1 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring att)))
       (vla-put-textstring att newstr1) 
       ) ; end if
       (if (= oldtag2 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring att)))
       (vla-put-textstring att newstr2) 
       ) ; end if
       (if (= oldtag3 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring att)))
       (vla-put-textstring att newstr3) 
       ) ; end if
       (if (and (/= version nil) (= oldtag4 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring att))) )
       (vla-put-textstring att newstr4) 
       ) ; end if 
       (if (and (/= newstr5 nil)(= oldtag5 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring att))) )
       (vla-put-textstring att newstr5) 
       ) ; end if 

      ) ; end foreach
   ) ; end progn
) ; end if
(setq x (+ x 1))
) ; end repeat
(setq ss1 nil)  
) ; end defun ah

(setq plotabs nil)

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