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Help with vlr functions.


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Sorry for my language.

I am new in VLR Functions and I want to make a 2 reactors between a polyline and a acad table with coordinates of polyline . When I modify the polyline , polyline reactor modify de coordinates in table . If I change the coordinates in acad table , table reactor modify the polyline vertices . How can I stop the cycling executed reactions ? Because when I modify one of this tow objects , opposite reactor react in consequence and I don’t want to. Below , I put my lisp code .



;;; make a 2 reactors between a polyline and a acad table with coordinates of polyline
;;; Version : 1 . 11 . 2012 ;
;;; [email="costinbos@yahoo.com"]costinbos@yahoo.com[/email]
(defun FReaPlin (nmvr revr ppp) ; Functie Reactor PoliLinie ! V : 30 . 10 . 2012 .
(princ "\n   FReaPlin  ;")
(if (and (not keypl1) (vlax-read-enabled-p nmvr)) ; vlax-write-enabled-p
  (or (vl-load-com))
  (defun FEnd () ; Functie de Incheiere ! V : 15 . 09 . 2012 .
   (setq keypl1 nil  keytab nil  keypl2 nil) ;_ end of setq
  ) ;_ end of defun FEnd !
  (FAlReact "Reactor Tabel") ; Functie Alegere Reactor ! nmobvl vlobjw

  (if (and nmobvl vlobjw)
    (setq keypl1 nil  keytab T  keypl2 nil  nmobpv (vlax-vla-object->ename nmvr)
          lent (entget nmobpv)  tip (strcase (cdr (assoc 0 lent)))  lcoo nil) ;_ end of setq

    (princ (strcat "\n   Functia  :  FReaPlin  =  " tip "  ;"))

    (foreach el lent (if (member (car el) '(10 11)) (setq lcoo (cons (cdr el) lcoo)) ) ) ;_ end of f
    (setq lcoo (reverse lcoo)  llcoo (length lcoo)  i 2  row (- (vla-get-Rows vlobjw) 2) ) ;_ end of setq
    (cond ((> llcoo row) (progn (vla-InsertRows vlobjw (+ row 2) (vla-GetRowHeight vlobjw 2) (- llcoo row)) ))
          ((< llcoo row) (progn (vla-DeleteRows vlobjw (+ row 0) (- row llcoo)) ))
    ) ;_ end of c

    (vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed vlobjw :vlax-false)

    (foreach el lcoo
     (vla-setText vlobjw i 0 (itoa (1- i)))
     (vla-setText vlobjw i 1 (rtos (car el) 2 3))
     (vla-setText vlobjw i 2 (rtos (cadr el) 2 3))
     (vla-setText vlobjw i 4 (rtos (if (> i 2) (distance p1 el) 0) 2 3))
     (setq p1 el)

     (setq i (1+ i)) ;_ end of setq
    ) ;_ end of f el
   ) ;_ end of prog then
   (alert (strcat "   Valori  NULE  Pentru  Obiecte   :  nmobvl  ,  vlobjw   !!!\n\n   Descriere  Reactor  :  " "desrea" "  .")) ;_ end of a
  ) ;_ end of if (and nmobvl vlobjw)
  (FEnd) ; Functie de Incheiere !
)) ;_ end of if (not keypl1)
(princ "\n   FReaPlin  :  End  !") ; Depanare !
) ;_ end of defun FReaPlin
; ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
(defun FAlReact (desrea / i j lisrea llisrea) ; Functie Alegere Reactor ! V : 31 . 10 . 2012 .
(princ (strcat "\n   FAlReact  :  " desrea)) ;_ end of p ; Depanare !
(if (setq nmobvl nil  vlobjw nil  lisrea (vlr-reactors :vlr-object-reactor)) ;_ end of setq
;;;_  (vlr-type replin) ; :VLR-Object-Reactor
  (setq i 0  llisrea (length lisrea)) ;_ end of setq
  (while (< i llisrea)
   (setq lreact (nth i lisrea)  j 1  llreact (length lreact) ) ;_ end of setq
   (while (< j llreact)
    (setq nreact (nth j lreact)) ;_ end of setq
    (if (= (vlr-data nreact) desrea) ; Cauata Descrierea
     (if (setq i llisrea  j llreact  vlobjw (car (vlr-owners nreact)) ) ;_ end of setq
      (setq nmobvl (vlax-vla-object->ename vlobjw)) ;_ end of setq
     ) ;_ end of if vlobjw
    ) ;_ end of if =
    (setq j (1+ j)) ;_ end of setq
   ) ;_ end of wh (< pas llisrea)
   (setq i (1+ i)) ;_ end of setq
  ) ;_ end of wh (< pas llisrea)
 ) ;_ end of prog then
 (alert (strcat "   Lista  Reactori  Pentru  Obiecte  GOALA   !!!\n\n   Descriere  Reactor  :  " desrea "  .")) ;_ end of a
) ;_ end of if (not keypl1)
(princ "\n   FAlReact  :  End  !") ;_ end of p ; Depanare !
) ;_ end of defun FAlReact
; ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
(defun FReaTab (nmvr revr ppp) ; Functie Reactor Tabel ! V : 31 . 10 . 2012 .
(princ "\n   FReaTab  ;") ; Depanare !
(if (and (not keytab) (vlax-read-enabled-p nmvr))
  (or (vl-load-com))
  (defun FEnd () ; Functie de Incheiere ! V : 15 . 09 . 2012 .
   (setq keypl1 nil  keytab nil  keypl2 nil) ;_ end of setq
  ) ;_ end of defun FEnd !
  (FAlReact "Reactor PoliLinie") ; Functie Alegere Reactor ! nmobvl vlobjw

  (if (and nmobvl vlobjw)
    (setq keypl1 T  keypl2 T  lentpl (reverse (entget nmobvl))  tip (strcase (cdr (assoc 0 lentpl)) )
          rnd (vla-get-Rows nmvr)  i 2  lpct nil  lver nil) ;_ end of setq
    (princ (strcat "\n   Functia  :  FReaTab  =  " tip "  ;"))
    (while (< i rnd)
     (setq nmp (vla-getText nmvr i 0)
           e (atof (vla-getText nmvr i 1))
           n (atof (vla-getText nmvr i 2))
           h (atof (vla-getText nmvr i 3))
           lpct (cons (list nmp e n h) lpct)
           lver (cons (list 10 e n) lver)
     ) ;_ end of setq
     (setq i (1+ i)) ;_ end of setq
    ) ;_ end of wh
    (if (and lpct lver)
      (setq lpct (reverse lpct)  lver (reverse lver)
            loplb (reverse (member (assoc 39 lentpl) lentpl))
            lcoon (append loplb lver)  ) ;_ end of setq
;;;       (command "zoom" "o" nmobvl "")
      (entmod lcoon) (entupd lcoon)
      (alert "\n   Obiect  Polilinie  Modificat  de  TABEL   !")
     ) ;_ end of prog then
     (alert "Functia  :  FReaTab  !\n\n  Lista  'lpct'  cu  COORDONATE  din  Tabel  este  GOALA   !") ;_ end of 
    ) ;_ end of if lpct
   ) ;_ end of prog then
   (alert "Functia  :  FReaTab  !\n\n   NU  S-au  Determinat  :  Nume Obiect  si  Variant  !\n\n  NU  se  va  Modifica  Planimetria   !") ;_ end of 
  ) ;_ end of if (and nmobvl vlobjw)
  (FEnd) ; Functie de Incheiere !
)) ;_ end of if (not keytab)
(princ "\n   FReaTab  :  End  !") ; Depanare !
) ;_ end of defun FReaTab

;;; 5 . 10 **********   **********   **********   ***   Start  ***
(defun C:ProCond ()
(or (vl-load-com))
(if (not (setq obtpl (car (entsel "\n   Select  PolyLine  :   Enter  =  Defyne  : "))) )
  (command "pline")
  (while (setq p (getpoint (if p p '(0 0)) "\n   Defyne  PolyLine  :    Enter  =  Stop  ;    < Pick > ;"))
   (command (list (car p) (cadr p))) ) ;_ end of wh
  (command "") ;_ end of c
  (setq obtpl (entlast) ) ;_ end of setq
) )  ;_ end of if not obtpl
(setq rnd (cdr (assoc 90 (entget obtpl))) ) ;_ end of setq Nr Vertexuri
(command "style" "Arial" "Arial" "0" "1" "0" "N" "N") ;_ end of c
(command "_table" 8 rnd '(0 0 0)) ;_ end of c
(princ "\n   CORNER  Top - Left  Table  Coordonates  :  < Pick > :  ") ;_ end of p
(command "move" (entlast) "" '(0 0 0) pause) ;_ end of c
(setq vmypol (vlax-ename->vla-object obtpl)  lu (vla-get-Length vmypol) ; lisco (vla-get-Coordinates vmypol)
      vmytab (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast) )  ) ;_ end of setq
(setq acmCol (vla-GetInterfaceObject (vlax-get-acad-object) (strcat "AutoCAD.AcCmColor." (substr (getvar "ACADVER") 1 2)))) ; Proprietate Culoare
(vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed vmytab :vlax-false) ; Regenerare Tabel Activa
(vla-setTextStyle vmytab (+ acDataRow acHeaderRow acTitleRow) "Arial") ; "Standard"
(vla-put-TitleSuppressed vmytab :vlax-false)
(vla-setText vmytab 0 0 "Tabel cu Coordonate")
(vla-put-HeaderSuppressed vmytab :vlax-false) ; :vlax-true
(vla-setText vmytab 1 0 "Name") (vla-setText vmytab 1 1 "E [ m ]") (vla-setText vmytab 1 2 "N [ m ]") (vla-setText vmytab 1 3 "Hr [ m ]")
(vla-setText vmytab 1 4 "D [ m ]") (vla-setText vmytab 1 5 "Panta o/oo") (vla-setText vmytab 1 6 "Ht [ m ]") (vla-setText vmytab 1 7 "Adâncime [ m ]")
(setq replin (vlr-object-reactor (list vmypol) "Reactor PoliLinie" '((:vlr-objectClosed . FReaPlin))) ) ; :vlr-modified ; :vlr-objectClosed
(setq retab (vlr-object-reactor (list vmytab) "Reactor Tabel" '((:vlr-objectClosed . FReaTab))) ) ; :vlr-modified ; :vlr-objectClosed
(FReaPlin vmypol replin T) ; Completeaza Initial Tabelul

(vlr-pers replin) (vlr-pers retab) ; Devine Persistent
(setq lreper (vlr-pers-list)) ; (vlr-pers-list :vlr-object-reactor)
(princ "\n   END  C:ProCond  .")

(FEnd) ; Functie de Incheiere !

) ;_ end of DEFUN C:ProCond  !
;;; 5 . 10 ***********************     END     **************

Edited by Costinbos77
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How can I stop the cycling executed reactions? Because when I modify one of this tow objects , opposite reactor react in consequence and I don’t want to.


I don't have time to look through your code, but to prevent the infinite callback loop you can temporarily disable a reactor using vlr-remove from within the appropriate reactor callback function (note that you will need to ensure that all owners of the Object Reactor are write-enabled for the reactor to be successfully disabled), then re-enable the reactor following modification using the vlr-add function.

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I don't have time to look through your code, but to prevent the infinite callback loop you can temporarily disable a reactor using vlr-remove from within the appropriate reactor callback function (note that you will need to ensure that all owners of the Object Reactor are write-enabled for the reactor to be successfully disabled), then re-enable the reactor following modification using the vlr-add function.


Tanks’ for your answer .

You have an example with 2 reactors interdependent ? Because I cannot made it.

When I modify the polyline object, immediately activates table reactor.



Edited by Costinbos77
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