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help combine 2 lisp into 1


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I have 2 lisp routines help draw bearing line and label them but i would have to do 2 command seperately so i am seeking someone help me combine them together.


command 1 is to draw the bearing...

;Tip1741:  BD.LSP           Bearing/Distance lines         (c)2001, Joon Hong  $50 Bonus Winner

(defun C:BD  ()
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (initget 1)
 (setq PT (getpoint "\nPick a starting point: "))
 (initget 1 "NE NW SE SW")
 (setq BR (getkword "\nPick bearing (NE/NW/SE/SW): "))
 (setq OPT (strcase BR))
 (initget 1)
 (setq LEN (getreal "\nType the length: "))
 (setq DEG (getstring "\nType the degree: ")
       minx (getstring "\nType the minute: ")
       SEC (getstring "\nType the second: "))
 (if (= DEG "")
   (setq DEG "0"))
 (if (= minx "")
   (setq minx "0"))
 (if (= SEC "")
   (setq SEC "0"))
 (cond ((= "SW" OPT)
        (setvar "angbase" (cvunit 270 "degree" "radian"))
        (setvar "angdir" 1))
       ((= "SE" OPT)
        (setvar "angbase" (cvunit 270 "degree" "radian"))
        (setvar "angdir" 0))
       ((= "NW" OPT)
        (setvar "angbase" (cvunit 90 "degree" "radian"))
        (setvar "angdir" 0))
       ((= "NE" OPT)
        (setvar "angbase" (cvunit 90 "degree" "radian"))
        (setvar "angdir" 1)))
 (command "line" PT (strcat "@" (rtos LEN) "<" DEG "d" minx "'" SEC "\"") "")
 (setvar "angbase" 0)
 (setvar "angdir" 0)
 (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
(princ "\nType 'BD' to draw lines with bearings")



command 2 is to label the bearing line

; TIP752.LSP   Distance and Bearing   (c)1992, Roy Cook

;* distance and bearing label for lines
(prompt "\nloading. . .")

;convert radians to degrees
(defun rtd (R) (/ (* R 180.0) pi))

(defun C:brg2 ()
;input for line notations
 (setq P1 (getpoint "\nfirst point: "))
     (setq P2 (getpoint p1 "\nsecond point: "))
     (setq T1 "text height: <default = "
           T2 ">: "
           T3 (getvar "textsize")
     (setq TH (getreal (strcat T1 (rtos T3 2 2) T2)))
   (if (= TH nil)
     (setq TH t3))
;determine if bearings are true north, south, east, or west
(defun nsew ()
 (if (and (= (car P1) (car P2))
   (< (cadr P1) (cadr P2)))
      (setq BNG "north")
 (if (and (< (car P1) (car P2))
   (= (cadr P1) (cadr P2)))
      (setq BNG "east")
 (if (and (= (car P1) (car P2))
   (> (cadr P1) (cadr P2)))
     (setq BNG "south")
 (if (and (> (car P1) (car P2))
   (= (cadr P1) (cadr P2)))
     (setq BNG "west")

;place text on line
(setq AA (angle P1 P2)
     DS (distance P1 P2)
     P3 (polar P1 AA (/ DS 2.0))
     AA1 (strcat (rtos (/ DS 12.0) 2 2) "'")

;calculate bearing from coordinates and format for printing
(defun bearing ()

 (setq O (- (car P2) (car P1))
    T (- (cadr P2) (cadr P1))
    AZMTH (/ (* (atan (/ O T)) 180.0) pi)
    A (abs AZMTH)
    D (fix A)
    M (* 60 (- A D))
    S (* 60 (- M (fix M)))
    M (fix M)

   (if (= "60" (rtos s 2 0)) (setq M (+ 1 m)))
   (if (= "60" (rtos s 2 0)) (setq S 0))
   (if (= "60" (rtos m 2 0)) (setq D (+ 1 d)))
   (if (= "60" (rtos m 2 0)) (setq M 0))
   (if (< (cadr P2) (cadr P1)) (setq G "s") (setq G "n"))
   (if (< (car P1) (car P2)) (setq H "e") (setq H "w"))

 (setq BNG (strcat G ""
   (if (< D 10) (strcat "0" (rtos D 2 0)) (rtos D 2 0)) "%%d"
   (if (< M 10) (strcat "0" (rtos M 2 0)) (rtos M 2 0)) "'"
   (if (< S 10) (strcat "0" (rtos S 2 0)) (rtos S 2 0))
     "''" "" H))

 ;bearing and distance on line
 (if (or (= 0 (- (car P1) (car P2)))
   (= 0 (- (cadr P1) (cadr P2))))
   (nsew) (bearing))
 (command "text" "m"
 (polar P3
   (rem (+ AA (/ pi 2))
     (* pi 2.0))
     TH (rtd AA)
 (if (or (> (car P1) (car P2))
     (= (rtd AA) 270))
 (command "rotate" "last" "" P3 180.0)
 (command "text" "m"
  (polar P3
   (rem (+ AA (* pi 1.5))
     (* pi 2.0))
     TH (rtd AA)
 (if (or (> (car P1) (car P2))
   (= BNG "south"))
   (command "rotate" "last" "" P3 180.0)
 (command "line" P1 P2 "")
   (setq P1 P2)
 (princ);end program cleanly


thank you in advance :)

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A couple of suggestions if you have a line why would you pick two points ? why not the line.


Re BRg enter as DDD.MMSS one getreal rather than 3 questions just use FIX function (fix brg) and subtract from this is DDD multiply result * 100 fix again this MM and so on add together as a decimal Deg then change to radians.


last question to user is put on other side ? use or any key like Homer


Now re 2 lisps pretty easy just create the lisps as a series of defuns within the one lisp the code shown is non workable but gives an idea of how to construct the lisp


(defun lisp1 ()
(defun lisp2 ()
(defun brgdist ()
(setq brg (getreal "\nEnter DDD.MMSS"))
(defun quadcheck ()
; start of program now

(if do ex line or create new X N
(if X (lisp1)

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