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Break line and draw symbol using point style


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Hello everyone, I need a Lisp that can perform the following after

I draw a line representing the sewer pipeline:


(1) First divide and break the line (the line must be break to the length specify); by instruction the maximum length is say 50m (any length by user input) and leave the remaining length.

(2)Put the manhole using symbol (eg square or circle); can be using PDMODE?

(3) Place the length of the pipe L= on top orbelow of the line. The text must be editable


Hope I explain this well; sorry for the bad english....maybe attached drawing will explain the above well


Thanks guy


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Sure it could be done although I doubt you would save much time. It doesn't really take long to draw a line 50m long (or use the break command and place the manhole as a block.

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Search here for "break line" pretty sure it does what you want. Its not that hard manually draw circle 50m toffset say 2m trim gap grab grip pull onto end of line erase circles insert block.


If you want to do auto do you want all in one go or one by one or both ?


Heres a start for you


; add a circle to end of lines for import into the DRAINS software
(setq oldsnap (getvar "osmode"))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(command "layer" "n" "PITS" "Color" 1 "PITS" "s" "PITS" "")
(setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect drain layer: "))) 
(setq l_name (cdr (assoc 8 (entget ent))))

(setq listlines (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "line")(cons 8 l_name))))
(setq listlinesno (sslength listlines))
(setq y 0)
(repeat listlinesno
       (setq pt1 (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname listlines y)))))
       (command "circle" pt1 1.0)
       (setq y (+ y 1))
)   ;end repeat listlineno

(setvar "osmode" oldsnap)

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Thanks guy, but this don't solve my problem. As a newbie, to Lisp

I may need a complete Lisp problem instead of only code.


I need Lisp to prompt for the breakline of whole length of the pipe

(ie draw to max length say 50m by user prompt and left the remaining); and later

draw the rectangular/circle (represent manhole);

and also indicate the distance (L= xxx).


I thought this would be very faster as I need to do do this almost

every project. Thanks ahead for those can help.

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Try this routine and let me know how things went with you ... :)


(defun c:Test (/ _L _P _T p p1 p2 a ang l i)
;;; =============------------ Tharwat 27. Jan. 2013 -----------=========;;;
;;; Prompt to user to specify Distance between Manholes         ;;;
;;; then height of the text and finally to specify start and end points    ;;;
 (defun _L (j k) (entmakex (list '(0 . "LINE") (cons 10 j) (cons 11 k))))
 (defun _P (p) (entmakex (list '(0 . "POINT") (cons 10 p))))
 (defun _T (p h s a)
   (entmakex (list '(0 . "TEXT")
                   (cons 10 (trans p 1 0))
                   (cons 11 (trans p 1 0))
                   (cons 40 h)
                   (cons 1 s)
                   (cons 50 a)
                   '(72 . 1)
                   '(73 . 1)
 (if (and (if (progn (initget 6)
                     (setq *d* (cond ((getdist (strcat "\n Specify distance between Manholes "
                                                       (if *d*
                                                         (strcat "< " (rtos *d* 2 2) " > :")
                                                         " :"
                                     (t *d*)
            (setq *d* *d*)
          (if (progn (initget 6)
                     (setq *h* (cond ((getdist (strcat "\n Specify Text Height "
                                                       (if *h*
                                                         (strcat "< " (rtos *h* 2 2) " > :")
                                                         " :"
                                     (t *h*)
            (setq *h* *h*)
          (setq p1 (getpoint "\n specify start point :"))
          (setq p2 (getpoint "\n Specify end point :" p1))
   (progn (setvar 'pdmode 65)
          (setq a   (angle p1 p2)
                ang a
          (if (and (< (* pi 0.5) ang) (<= ang (* pi 1.5)))
            (setq ang (+ pi ang))
          (mapcar '_P (list p1 p2))
          (setq l (distance p1 p2))
          (repeat (fix (/ l *d*))
            (_L p1 (setq p (polar p1 a *d*)))
            (_P p)
            (_T (mapcar '(lambda (j k) (/ (+ j k) 2.)) p1 p) *h* (strcat "L= " (rtos *d* 2 0)) ang)
            (setq p1 p)
          (if (> (setq i (rem l *d*)) 0.)
            (progn (_L p1 p2)
                   (_T (mapcar '(lambda (j k) (/ (+ j k) 2.)) p1 p2)
                       (strcat "L= "
                               (if (< i 0.)
                                 (rtos i 2 2)
                                 (rtos i 2 0)
 (princ "\nWritten by Thrwat Al Shoufi")

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Thanks Tharwat. This is exactly what I am looking for....Wow


Maybe another question (that I may ask too much :)); what

about equally break the line and indicate the distance & manhole with L=xxx

(same as above)


Thanks again.:)

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Just a thoughts...

You can use for this task the dimensions with arrows like "closed origin"

or with other arrow head style and without extension lines,

then change dimstyle text using "ddedit" command to your suit

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(2)Put the manhole using symbol (eg square or circle); can be using PDMODE?


I would warn against using an AutoCAD Point to represent the manhole. The lineweight of a point is set at 0.00, so if you were to print out the drawing on paper, the manholes would be very faint. :cry:

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Try this code

(defun C:mhd(/ elist en p1 pn)
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick first point: "))
 (setq pn (getpoint p1 "\nPick next point (Enter to exit): "))
(command "._dimaligned" "_non" p1 "_non" pn "_non" pn)
(setq en (entlast))
(setq elist (entget en ))
(entmod (subst (cons 1 "L = <>")(assoc 1 elist) elist))
 (setq en (entlast))
   (setq elist (entget en '("*")))
 (assoc -1 elist)
  (list -3 
   (list "ACAD" '(1000 . "DSTYLE")
      '(1002 . "{")
      '(1070 . 77)
      '(1070 . 0)
      '(1070 . 289)
      '(1070 . 2)
      '(1070 . 279)
      '(1070 . 2)
      '(1070 . 174)
      '(1070 . 1)
      '(1070 . 76)
      '(1070 . 1)
      '(1070 . 75)
      '(1070 . 1)
      '(1070 . 343)
      '(1005 . "1A7A");;try this arrow type as well: "1B4B"
      '(1070 . 173)
      '(1070 . 1)
      '(1070 . 344)
      '(1005 . "1A7A");;try this arrow type as well: "1B4B"
      '(1002 . "}")))))
 (setq p1 pn)

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