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(nesting)optimize bar lengths


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Does anyone know any code that would allow me to optimize bar lengths?


I have bar lengths that are 6m long and I have to cut 20 allsorted lengths from the 6m lengths.


What code would you write to perform this task?





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Those are kinda what im looking for but the seem overally complicated.


All I need to be able to do is 1D optimizing and it doesnt need to be drawn out, could use Text boxes for input & output


any thoughts?



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This is something I was playing with some time back. Perhaps you can make use of it.


(defun c:test(/ lst maxlen)
 (setq lst '(144 35 23 86 99 12 230 12 12 14 132 189 6 3 99))
 (setq maxlen 240.0)
 (get_cutlist lst maxlen)
;;  result ((99) (99 132) (86 144) (12 12 12 14 23 35 189) (3 6 230))

;;  CAB 03-10-06
(defun get_cutlist (lst maxlen / cutlst itm lst ptr tl x finallst remove-at)
 (defun remove-at (lst pos / head) ; Tony Tanzillo
   (repeat pos
     (setq head (cons (car lst) head)
           lst  (cdr lst)
   (append (reverse head) (cdr lst))

 (setq lst (mapcar '(lambda (x) (nth x lst)) (vl-sort-i lst '>)))
 ;;  step through lst
 (while lst
   (setq cutlst (list (car lst)) ; start new cutlist w/ first item
         lst    (cdr lst) ; remove first item
         ptr    (1- (length lst)) ; point to end of list
         tl     (apply '+ cutlst) ; total length so far

   ;; build the cutlst
   (while (and lst cutlst)
     ;; find largest next cut
     ;; exit conditions ptr < 0 or itm length exceeds max
     (while (and (< (+ tl (setq itm (nth ptr lst))) maxlen)
                 (> ptr 0))
       (setq ptr (1- ptr))

     (if (> ptr -1)
       (if (= ptr (1- (length lst)))
         ;;  no more cuts fit, go to next
         (setq finallst (cons cutlst finallst)
               cutlst   nil
         (setq cutlst (cons (nth (1+ ptr) lst) cutlst)
               lst    (remove-at lst (1+ ptr))
               tl     (apply '+ cutlst) ; new total

       ;; else exausted pointer
       (setq finallst (cons cutlst finallst)
             cutlst   nil
 (if cutlst
   (cons cutlst finallst)

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  • 9 years later...

Hi Guys,


I was playing around with the code above and noticed that it wouldn't work in a real world situation when I make;


(setq maxlen 6500.0) and (setq lst '(1120 2705 2725 2715)).... I get back ((2715) (1120 2705 2725)) = 6550? this should be (2725 2715)(2705 1120)


(setq maxlen 6500.0) and (setq lst '(2715 1050 2725 2705)).... i get back ((2715) (1050 2705 2725)) where as this should optimize to (2725 2715 1050)(2705)



Can someone please help me fix this code?




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