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Why is this not working correct?


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This does what I want except for one thing. I am not sure how to change it. I only want it to ask me once what the spacing is, but it is asking me each line for spacing.


;Version 1.00
(defun c:cs (/)
(and (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LINE"))))
           (while (setq en (ssname ss 0))
           (setq ed (entget en))
           (setq p10 (cdr (assoc 10 ed)))
           (setq p11 (cdr (assoc 11 ed)))
           (setq mpt (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (* (+ a b) 0.5)) p10 p11))
           (setq d2d (distance (cdr (reverse p10)) (cdr (reverse p11))))
           ;(setq d1d (/ d2d 12.))
           ;(setq d1c (fix (+ d1d 0.501)))
 (setq c (getstring "\nWhat is the spacing? (24,16,12): "))
  (if (= c "24")
      (cond  ((<= d2d 118)(setq e "2x6"))
       ((and(>= d2d 118.01)(<= d2d 150))(setq e "2x8"))
              ((and(>= d2d 150.01)(<= d2d 177))(setq e "2x10"))
              ((and(>= d2d 177.01)(<= d2d 209))(setq e "2x12"))
       ((and(>= d2d 209.01)(<= d2d 500))(setq e "Change Spacing"))
               );end cond
               );end if
(if (= c "16")
      (cond  ((<= d2d 144)(setq e "2x6"))
       ((and(>= d2d 144.01)(<= d2d 183))(setq e "2x8"))
              ((and(>= d2d 183.01)(<= d2d 217))(setq e "2x10"))
              ((and(>= d2d 217.01)(<= d2d 256))(setq e "2x12"))
       ((and(>= d2d 256.01)(<= d2d 500))(setq e "Change Spacing"))
               );end cond
               );end if
(if (= c "12")
      (cond  ((<= d2d 167)(setq e "2x6"))
       ((and(>= d2d 167.01)(<= d2d 211))(setq e "2x8"))
              ((and(>= d2d 211.01)(<= d2d 251))(setq e "2x10"))
              ((and(>= d2d 251.01)(<= d2d 296))(setq e "2x12"))
       ((and(>= d2d 296.01)(<= d2d 500))(setq e "Change Spacing"))
               );end cond
               );end if

 (defun radians->degrees (r)(cvunit r "radian" "degree"));end rad defun
;-------TEXT JUSTIFICATION----------------------------------------     
(setq lan (angle p10 p11))
      (setq ad (radians->degrees lan))
      (if (and (> ad 90.1) (<= ad 270.1)) 
          (setq ptemp p10
                p10 p11
                p11 ptemp
                lan (angle p10 p11)  
                ad (radians->degrees lan))
   );end progn
   );end if
      (setq dir (if (< (* pi 0.5) lan (* pi 1.5)) - +))
 (setq r3(entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT")
                          (cons 8 (getvar "CLAYER"))
                          (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))
                          (cons 40 (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))
                          (cons 41 0.80)
     (cons 72 4)
            (setq fg(cons 10 ' (0.0 0.0)));(setq r1(polar mpt (dir lan (+ 1))
                                   ;(getvar "TEXTSIZE")))))
                          (setq hg(cons 11 (setq r2(polar mpt (dir lan (* 0.5 pi));(+ 1))
                                  (+ (* 0.5 (atof width)) (* 0.8 (getvar "TEXTSIZE")))))))
                          (setq gg(cons 50 lan))
                         (setq rg(cons 1 (strcat e)))
   );end list
          );end entmake
                 );end setq r3
                  (ssdel en ss)));end and
);end defun

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I figured it out now for some reason it is giving me an error.

; error: bad argument type: stringp nil

But when I run one of my other lisps then run this one it works.

Any ideas on why?


;Version 1.00
(defun c:cs (/)
(setq c (getstring "\nWhat is the spacing? (24,16,12): ")) 
(and (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LINE"))))
           (while (setq en (ssname ss 0))
           (setq ed (entget en))
           (setq p10 (cdr (assoc 10 ed)))
           (setq p11 (cdr (assoc 11 ed)))
           (setq mpt (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (* (+ a b) 0.5)) p10 p11))
           (setq d2d (distance (cdr (reverse p10)) (cdr (reverse p11))))
           ;(setq d1d (/ d2d 12.))
           ;(setq d1c (fix (+ d1d 0.501)))
  (if (= c "24")
      (cond  ((<= d2d 118)(setq e "2x6"))
       ((and(>= d2d 118.01)(<= d2d 150))(setq e "2x8"))
              ((and(>= d2d 150.01)(<= d2d 177))(setq e "2x10"))
              ((and(>= d2d 177.01)(<= d2d 209))(setq e "2x12"))
       ((and(>= d2d 209.01)(<= d2d 500))(setq e "Change Spacing"))
               );end cond
               );end if
  (if (= c "16")
      (cond  ((<= d2d 144)(setq e "2x6"))
       ((and(>= d2d 144.01)(<= d2d 183))(setq e "2x8"))
              ((and(>= d2d 183.01)(<= d2d 217))(setq e "2x10"))
              ((and(>= d2d 217.01)(<= d2d 256))(setq e "2x12"))
       ((and(>= d2d 256.01)(<= d2d 500))(setq e "Change Spacing"))
               );end cond
               );end if
  (if (= c "12")
      (cond  ((<= d2d 167)(setq e "2x6"))
       ((and(>= d2d 167.01)(<= d2d 211))(setq e "2x8"))
              ((and(>= d2d 211.01)(<= d2d 251))(setq e "2x10"))
              ((and(>= d2d 251.01)(<= d2d 296))(setq e "2x12"))
       ((and(>= d2d 296.01)(<= d2d 500))(setq e "Change Spacing"))
               );end cond
               );end if

 (defun radians->degrees (r)(cvunit r "radian" "degree"));end rad defun
;-------TEXT JUSTIFICATION----------------------------------------     
(setq lan (angle p10 p11))
      (setq ad (radians->degrees lan))
      (if (and (> ad 90.1) (<= ad 270.1)) 
          (setq ptemp p10
                p10 p11
                p11 ptemp
                lan (angle p10 p11)  
                ad (radians->degrees lan))
   );end progn
   );end if
      (setq dir (if (< (* pi 0.5) lan (* pi 1.5)) - +))
 (setq r3(entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT")
                          (cons 8 (getvar "CLAYER"))
                          (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))
                          (cons 40 (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))
                          (cons 41 0.80)
     (cons 72 4)
            (setq fg(cons 10 ' (0.0 0.0)));(setq r1(polar mpt (dir lan (+ 1))
                                   ;(getvar "TEXTSIZE")))))
                          (setq hg(cons 11 (setq r2(polar mpt (dir lan (* 0.5 pi));(+ 1))
                                  (+ (* 0.5 (atof width)) (* 0.8 (getvar "TEXTSIZE")))))))
                          (setq gg(cons 50 lan))
                         (setq rg(cons 1 (strcat e)))
   );end list
          );end entmake
                 );end setq r3
                  (ssdel en ss)));end and
);end defun

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The width variable has no value and it returns nil which would cause the code to return error at the command line .


(setq    hg (cons 11
                                (setq r2 (polar mpt
                                                (dir lan (* 0.5 pi))
                                                (+ (* 0.5 (atof [color=red][b]width[/b][/color]))
                                                   (* 0.8 (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))


And localize the variables like the following .



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As Tharwat already pointed, the WIDTH variable isn't allocated, so it will generate an error when you attempt to use it in an evaluation. You stated that after using a particular routine, the trouble-maker one just start to work - you didn't posted the code of that second routine, but the reason it helps is that you probably have a variable with the same name in it, so when call CS command the variable can now be evaluated.

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Try this draft at the moment after removing the width variable :)


(defun c:cs (/ radians->degrees a ad b c d2d dir e ed en lan mpt p10 p11
            ptemp ss
 (defun radians->degrees (r) (cvunit r "radian" "degree"))
   (and (progn (initget 7 "12 16 24")
               (setq c (getkword "\nWhat is the spacing? (24,16,12): "))
        (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LINE"))))
      (while (setq en (ssname ss 0))
        (setq ed (entget en))
        (setq mpt (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (* (+ a b) 0.5))
                          (setq p10 (cdr (assoc 10 ed)))
                          (setq p11 (cdr (assoc 11 ed)))
        (setq d2d (distance (cdr (reverse p10)) (cdr (reverse p11))))
        (if (= c "24")
          (cond ((<= d2d 118) (setq e "2x6"))
                ((and (>= d2d 118.01) (<= d2d 150)) (setq e "2x8"))
                ((and (>= d2d 150.01) (<= d2d 177)) (setq e "2x10"))
                ((and (>= d2d 177.01) (<= d2d 209)) (setq e "2x12"))
                ((and (>= d2d 209.01) (<= d2d 500))
                 (setq e "Change Spacing")
        (if (= c "16")
          (cond ((<= d2d 144) (setq e "2x6"))
                ((and (>= d2d 144.01) (<= d2d 183)) (setq e "2x8"))
                ((and (>= d2d 183.01) (<= d2d 217)) (setq e "2x10"))
                ((and (>= d2d 217.01) (<= d2d 256)) (setq e "2x12"))
                ((and (>= d2d 256.01) (<= d2d 500))
                 (setq e "Change Spacing")
        (if (= c "12")
          (cond ((<= d2d 167) (setq e "2x6"))
                ((and (>= d2d 167.01) (<= d2d 211)) (setq e "2x8"))
                ((and (>= d2d 211.01) (<= d2d 251)) (setq e "2x10"))
                ((and (>= d2d 251.01) (<= d2d 296)) (setq e "2x12"))
                ((and (>= d2d 296.01) (<= d2d 500))
                 (setq e "Change Spacing")
        (setq lan (angle p10 p11))
        (setq ad (radians->degrees lan))
        (if (and (> ad 90.1) (<= ad 270.1))
          (progn (setq ptemp p10
                       p10   p11
                       p11   ptemp
                       lan   (angle p10 p11)
                       ad    (radians->degrees lan)
        (setq dir (if (< (* pi 0.5) lan (* pi 1.5))
        (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT")
                       (cons 8 (getvar "CLAYER"))
                       (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))
                       (cons 40 (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))
                       (cons 41 0.80)
                       (cons 72 4)
                       (cons 10 '(0.0 0.0))
                       (cons 11
                             (polar mpt
                                    (dir lan (* 0.5 pi))
                                    (* 0.8 (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))
                       (cons 50 lan)
                       (cons 1 (strcat e))
        (ssdel en ss)

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I used a piece of another lisp that is why that was in there. I changed and it works great.


Well my goal is to use this and try and merge another lisp so I can swipe a lot of lines and have it label them with a dimension and say what they are. So any lines that equal the same result they will be labeld all with the dimension. It may make since looking at my example. I am not good at lisp yet so I am doing one step at a time.


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I used a piece of another lisp that is why that was in there. I changed and it works great.


Well my goal is to use this and try and merge another lisp so I can swipe a lot of lines and have it label them with a dimension and say what they are. So any lines that equal the same result they will be labeld all with the dimension. It may make since looking at my example. I am not good at lisp yet so I am doing one step at a time.


I am talking about the current modified lisp and I have no idea about your second lisp , so I can not guess what the second lisp does .

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