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Increment numbers....but with special thing.


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Hi everyone,


I'm looking for a lisp for special numbering:








So the lisp need to "identify" when the text ending with 1 number (BGDT/001)

an when the texte ending with 2 numbers (BGDT/002-003).


I will make a block with attribute for numbers with 1 number (BGDT/xxx)

And a block with attribute for numbers with 2 numbers (BGDT/xxx-xxx)


And now with a lisp (like increment) if i select one of the text, he can recognise if it's with 1 or 2 numbers...for sample:


BGDT/xxx ---- when a click ---- BGDT/001

BGDT/xxx-xxx -- when a click ---- BGDT/002-003...and so far.


Possible? :?


Thanks for answer...



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  • bono05


  • pBe


  • Tharwat


This lisp to check for numbers .


(defun c:Test (/ ss n e p)
 (if (progn
       (princ "\n Pick only one Attibuted Block :")
       (setq ss (ssget "_+.:S" '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1))))
     (setq n (entnext (ssname ss 0)))
     (while (not (eq (cdr (assoc 0 (setq e (entget n)))) "SEQEND"))
       (if (and (eq (cdr (assoc 0 e)) "ATTRIB")
                (setq p (vl-string-position 47 (cdr (assoc 1 e))))
         (if (vl-string-position 45 (cdr (assoc 1 e)) (1+ p))
           (alert "The selected Block has two Numbers !")
           (alert "The selected Block has only one Number !")
           "The selected Block has no < / > to check for Numbers !"
       (setq n (entnext n))

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Woaw.....very fast answer!! thanks Tharwat.


So i made a few block with attribute BGDT/xxx and BGDT/xxx-xxx.... i'll put manually the first one to BGDT/001 and then i try de lisp...and at the end i receive this alert "The selected Block has no to check for Numbers !".


And how to make increment?


I don't know the problem...:(

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Just upload a sample drawing with these blocks and mention what you want from the lisp to do , so I might be able to help or anyone else may also have the willing to help you as well .

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As you can see i have a plan with blocks/attribute:

Block Data1 with attribute and one ending number (BGDT/xxx)...xxx is the ending number.

Block Data2 with attribute and two ending numbers (BGDT/xxx-xxx) xxx-xxx are the ending numbers


So i need to increase those numbers from 001 to 200 or more...

Actually i'm using incr.lsp to increase my numbers but he's only working with one ending numbers...evrytime i select a atrribute he made +1.


But in this case i need a lisp who can made from two ending numbers a logical suite.


For sample when i select de first one with xxx...he made 001...and if the second one has xxx-xxx...he made 002-003....


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Try this routine and let me know how did the code work for you .


(defun c:Test (/ _inc ss n i e p s en j k)
 ;;--== Tharwat 06. 06. 2013 ==--;;
 (defun _Inc (n / o)
   (cond ((< n 10) (setq o (strcat "00" (itoa n))))
         ((<= n 99) (setq o (strcat "0" (itoa n))))
         (t (setq o (itoa n)))
 (if (progn
       (princ "\n Select Attibuted Blocks :")
       (setq n  0
             ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)))
     (repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
       (setq en (entnext (ssname ss (setq i (1- i)))))
       (while (not (eq (cdr (assoc 0 (setq e (entget en)))) "SEQEND"))
         (if (and (eq (cdr (assoc 0 e)) "ATTRIB")
                  (setq p (vl-string-position 47 (cdr (assoc 1 e))))
             (setq s (vl-string-position 45 (cdr (assoc 1 e)) (1+ p)))
                (setq n (1+ n)
                      j (_inc n)
                      n (1+ n)
                      k (_inc n)
                    (cons 1
                          (strcat (substr (cdr (assoc 1 e)) 1 (+ 1 p))
                    (assoc 1 e)
                (setq n (1+ n))
                    (cons 1
                          (strcat (substr (cdr (assoc 1 e)) 1 (+ 1 p))
                                  (_inc n)
                    (assoc 1 e)
         (setq en (entnext en))

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We go forward!!!!


Can you do somethings to see number(s) each time i select a attribute? So i can really follow my result.

Actually i need to select all attribute and then i can see the results.


Also actually the last attribute give me the first number? Better the first attribute ----> first number.



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(Defun c:IT  (/ ZeroPref  ss two att names)
(defun ZeroPref  (str)
           (strcat (nth (strlen str) '(x "00" "0" "")) str)
[color="blue"];;;	Add your blocknames here			;;;
(setq Names (list
;;;	IF the block only have one number add here	;;;
                 '("PRISE-M120" "PRISE-M150" "PRISE-SR" )

;;;	if the block has two numbers add it here	;;;
                   '("PRISE DOUBLE WIFI 1"
                     "PRISE-D" "PRISE-DR"
                        )      [/color]
(setq qstr  (getstring
         (strcat "\nEnter Prefix <"
                 (cond (prefx)
                 ">: "))
prefx (cond ((/= qstr "") (strcase qstr))
(setq num  (cond
                     (strcat "\nEnter Start number"
                             (if num
                                   (strcat " <"
                                                 (itoa num))
                                           ">: ")
                                   ": ")
     (While (and (princ (strcat "\nCurrent number "
                                (ZeroPref (itoa num))))
                 (setq two nil
                       ss  (ssget
                                 ([color="blue"]list '(0 . "INSERT")'(66 . 1)
                                 (cons 2 (apply 'strcat
                                               (mapcar '(lambda (d)
                                                (strcat  d ","))
                                                     (apply 'append
           (if (Setq att (vl-some
                         '(lambda (j)
                                (if (eq (vla-get-tagstring j) "NR") j))
                               (setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object
                                     (ssname ss 0)))
		[color="blue"](setq two (member
                                        (vla-get-effectivename e)
                                       (cadr Names)))[/color]
            (vla-put-textstring att
                  (strcat prefx "."
                          (if two
                                (strcat (ZeroPref (itoa num))
                                       (ZeroPref (itoa (1+ num))))
                                     (ZeroPref (itoa num)))))
            (setq num (+ (if two 2

Edited by pBe
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That's the way i'm looking for!!!!!!


Is that right if it's not BGDT/ but ABCD/ (for sample), i just need to change this here: (strcat "BGDT/"


Can you insert a line to have a popup who ask me "text before number" and "insert first number"?

Because BGDT/ was a sample... but there are different zone and so different text before the number. So i don't need to change the lisp and reload the lisp each time.


If not your lisp is already GREAT for me!!!



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Can you insert a line to have a popup who ask me "text before number" and "insert first number"?

Because BGDT/ was a sample... but there are different zone and so different text before the number. So i don't need to change the lisp and reload the lisp each time.






You are welcome bono05 :)


Remember this code will work specifically for blocks "Data1" & "Data2" with tags "G" & "A" found on your test drawing attachment.


Happy to help.

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IT.lsp work perfect for me....

But there is no other way than this: this code will work specifically for blocks "Data1" & "Data2" with tags "G" & "A"


Because that was a sample...and it will be more than two differents blocks on the plan. Problem i'm still waiting for the plans. :oops:


Can you make that this lisp working for each block and each tag?




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Because that was a sample...and it will be more than two differents blocks on the plan. Problem i'm still waiting for the plans. :oops:

Can you make that this lisp working for each block and each tag?




Yes we can its really easy.

These are the lines you need to change:

(2 . "Data1,Data2");

("A" "G");


Tell you what bono05 we'll cross the bridge when we get there okay? : [i'll be here]


Note: i wrote it that way [block and TAG specific] to make do without reading the current value for determining if the "numbers" is one or two.

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OK i understand....is there a possibilities to have 6 differents blocks "data1, data2,....data6" with tags "A,B,C,D,E,F" that i can change easily into the lisp? :unsure:

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OK i understand....is there a possibilities to have 6 differents blocks "data1, data2,....data6" with tags "A,B,C,D,E,F" that i can change easily into the lisp? :unsure:


Again, Yes...[but its more than just that really] i just need to see what you have... unless you know how to modify it yourself then by all means do so. :)


Catch you later bono05

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  • 2 years later...

Hi PBe (and all others),


Concerning It.lsp....

It's possible to "add" an option for block with 3 numbers and block with 4 numbers?

It would be fantastic for me because i need it for a large project.

Thanks a lot!


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Hi PBe (and all others),


Concerning It.lsp....

It's possible to "add" an option for block with 3 numbers and block with 4 numbers?

It would be fantastic for me because i need it for a large project.

Thanks a lot!



(Defun c:IT  (/ _numbers ZeroPref  op ss two att names)
;;;		pBe Jun 2013		;;;
;;;		pBe Apr 2016		;;;
(defun _numbers (int m / l)
 	(repeat m
  (setq n (ZeroPref (itoa int)))
  (setq l (cons (Strcat "-" n ) l)
	int (1+ int)))
 (list (substr (apply 'strcat (reverse l)) 2) int)
(defun ZeroPref  (str)
           (strcat (nth (strlen str) '(x "00" "0" "")) str)

;;;		Block Names Here	;;;
[color="blue"]	(setq Names '(
;;;	IF the block only have one number add here	;;;
	    (("PRISE-M120" "PRISE-M150"
     		"PRISE-SR" "PRISE-SP"
    		 "PRISE-S" 		)	1	)

;;;	if the block has two numbers add it here	;;;
           (("PRISE DOUBLE WIFI 1" "PRISE-D"
      		"PRISE-DR" "PRISE-P"
    					)	2	)
;;;	if the block has three numbers add it here	;;;
	    				)	3	)

;;;	if the block has four numbers add it here	;;;
	    				)	4	)
(setq qstr  (getstring (strcat "\nEnter Prefix <"
                 (cond (prefx)
                 ">: "))
	prefx (cond ((/= qstr "") (strcase qstr))
	          (prefx)  ("BGDT"))

(setq num  (cond
              ((getint (strcat "\nEnter Start number"
                             (if num (strcat " <"
                                                 (itoa num))
                                           ">: ") ": ")
                             ))) (num)))
(While (and (princ (strcat "\nCurrent number "
                                (ZeroPref (itoa num))))
                 (setq ss (ssget  "_:S:L" '((0 . "INSERT")(66 . 1)))))

           (if (And
		[color="blue"](setq ef (strcase (vla-get-EffectiveName (setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object
                                      		(ssname ss 0))))))
		(setq op (vl-some '(lambda (k) (if (member ef (car k)) (Cadr k))) Names))[/color]
		(Setq att (vl-some
                          '(lambda (j)
                                 (if (eq (vla-get-tagstring j) "NR") j))
                          (vlax-invoke e 'GetAttributes))
			  (setq r (_numbers num op) s (car r) num (cadr r))
			  (vla-put-textstring att (strcat prefx "." s))    
      		(princ "\n <<<Not a valid block >>>"))


clydE 2.dwg


EDIT: Clear on what the OP meant by "...block with 3 numbers and block with 4 numbers?.."

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That's great !!!

Now it's my fault...but i have a block (3 numbers) but with 4 attributes! And of course It.lsp change only the first one...See sample dwg.

Is there a solution? Once again i'm sorry to forget this...


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That's great !!!

Now it's my fault.......


You are right about that dude :lol:


.....but i have a block (3 numbers) but with 4 attributes! And of course It.lsp change only the first one...


Because that's from all the other samples you sent & posted.


Is there a solution? Once again i'm sorry to forget this...


Of course there is, but i wish you think about ALL the conditions before you request for modifications bono05.


(Defun c:IT  (/ _numbers ZeroPref  op ss  att names)
;;;		pBe Jun 2013		;;;
;;;		pBe Apr 2016		;;;
(defun _numbers (int m / l)
 	(repeat m
  (setq n (ZeroPref (itoa int)))
  (setq l (cons (Strcat "-" n ) l)
	int (1+ int)))
 (list (substr (apply 'strcat (reverse l)) 2) int)
(defun ZeroPref  (str)
           (strcat (nth (strlen str) '(x "00" "0" "")) str)

;;;		Blcok Names Here	;;;
(setq Names '(
;;;	IF the block only have one number add here	;;;
	    (("PRISE-M120" "PRISE-M150"
     		"PRISE-SR" "PRISE-SP"
    		 "PRISE-S" 		)	1	)

;;;	if the block has two numbers add it here	;;;
           (("PRISE DOUBLE WIFI 1" "PRISE-D"
      		"PRISE-DR" "PRISE-P"
    					)	2	)
;;;	if the block has three numbers add it here	;;;
	    (( "ST-VLOERDOOS_2"
	    				)	3	)

;;;	if the block has four numbers add it here	;;;
	    				)	4	)
(setq qstr  (getstring (strcat "\nEnter Prefix <"
                 (cond (prefx)
                 ">: "))
	prefx (cond ((/= qstr "") (strcase qstr))
	          (prefx)  ("BGDT"))

(setq num  (cond
              ((getint (strcat "\nEnter Start number"
                             (if num (strcat " <"
                                                 (itoa num))
                                           ">: ") ": ")
                             ))) (num)))
(While (and (princ (strcat "\nCurrent number "
                                (ZeroPref (itoa num))))
                 (setq ss (ssget  "_:S:L" '((0 . "INSERT")(66 . 1)))))

           (if (And
		(setq ef (strcase (vla-get-EffectiveName (setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object
                                      		(ssname ss 0))))))
		(setq op (vl-some '(lambda (k) (if (member ef (car k)) (Cadr k))) Names))
		[color="blue"](setq att (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (j)
                                 (if (eq (vla-get-tagstring j) "NR") j)) (vlax-invoke e 'GetAttributes)))[/color]
    [color="blue"]  (foreach itm att
		(setq r (_numbers num op) s (car r) num (cadr r))
			  (vla-put-textstring itm (strcat prefx "." s))[/color]
      		(princ "\n <<<Not a valid block >>>"))

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I can believe what i see :roll: It's AMAZING !!!!

And with the block with 4 attributes ...Don't need to click on each attributes separately, one click and it's done!!!!!!

1000000x Thank you Pbe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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