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Need Help with DCL


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Hello members ,

This is my first post in CADTUTOR ,well I Need Help with my DCL Codes

I was Created Lisp with Dialog Box , and I got one problem here ,which is how to save user settings , if I select one toggle key, same time I am going to select text objects ,when the Dialog box return ,my toggle selection is showing unselected Please help .....


Lisp Codes

(defun switch (/ mod)
 (setq mod(atoi (get_tile "left")))
 (if (= mod 1)
     (mode_tile "right" 1)
     (mode_tile "right" 0)

(defun switch2(/ mod2)
 (setq mod2(atoi (get_tile "right")))
 (if (= mod2 1)
   (mode_tile "left" 1)
   (mode_tile "left" 0)

(defun savevars (l r sset e / sname ent new_txt)
    (repeat (setq s (sslength sset))
      (setq sname (ssname sset (setq s (1- s))))
      (setq ent (entget sname))
      (if (= l 1)
          (setq new_txt(vl-string-left-trim e (cdr (assoc 1 ent))))
   (setq new_txt(vl-string-right-trim e (cdr (assoc 1 ent))))
      (entmod (subst (cons 1 new_txt) (assoc 1 ent) ent))
      (entupd (cdr (assoc -1 ent)))

(defun c:trim_t (/ counter dcl_id lft rht ed obj)
 (setq counter 3)
 (while (> counter 2)
 (if (not (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "C:\\Text Trim.dcl")))
     (alert "Could not be find Dcl file")
   (if (not (new_dialog "Trim" dcl_id))
(alert "The definition could not be found inside the DCL file")
     (action_tile "left" "(setq lft (atoi(get_tile\"left\"))) (switch)")
     (action_tile "right" "(setq rht (atoi(get_tile\"right\"))) (switch2)")
     (action_tile "edit" "(setq ed (get_tile \"edit\"))")
     (action_tile "apply" "(done_dialog 1)")
     (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")
     (action_tile "select objects" "(done_dialog 3)")
     (setq counter (start_dialog))

((= counter 1) (savevars lft rht obj ed))
((= counter 0) (princ "\n...Function cancelled."))
((= counter 3) (setq obj (ssget '((0 . "TEXT")))))
(unload_dialog dcl_id)


Dialog Codes

Trim: dialog {label= "Trim String 1.0";
              :boxed_radio_row {
              :text {label="                 Select Objects";}
              :button{label=" > > ";key="select objects";width=0.5;height=3 ;}
              : boxed_radio_row {
                    :toggle {label="Trim from Left";key="left";value=0;}
                    :toggle {label="Trim from Right";key="right";value=0;}
                    :edit_box{label="Type String ";key="edit";edit_limit=true;edit_width=30;allow_accept=true;}

                   :button{label="Apply";key="accept";alignment=centered ;width=12 ;is_default=true;}


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Try this code :-


(defun savevars	(l r sset e / sname ent new_txt)
 (repeat (setq s (sslength sset))
   (setq sname (ssname sset (setq s (1- s))))
   (setq ent (entget sname))
   (if	(= l 1)
     (setq new_txt (vl-string-left-trim e (cdr (assoc 1 ent))))
     (setq new_txt (vl-string-right-trim e (cdr (assoc 1 ent))))

   (entmod (subst (cons 1 new_txt) (assoc 1 ent) ent))
   (entupd (cdr (assoc -1 ent)))

(defun c:trim_t (/ counter dcl_id lft rht ed obj)
 (setq counter 3)

 (if (not *MyToggles@)
   (setq *MyToggles@ (list nil "0" "0"))
 (setq	left  (nth 1 *MyToggles@)
right (nth 2 *MyToggles@)

 (while (> counter 2)
   (if	(not (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "C:\\Text Trim.dcl")))
(alert "Could not be find Dcl file")

   (if	(not (new_dialog "Trim" dcl_id))
  "The definition could not be found inside the DCL file"

   (defun switch (/ mod)
     (setq mod (atoi (get_tile "left")))
     (if (= mod 1)
(mode_tile "right" 1)
(mode_tile "right" 0)

   (defun switch2 (/ mod2)
     (setq mod2 (atoi (get_tile "right")))
     (if (= mod2 1)
(mode_tile "left" 1)
(mode_tile "left" 0)

   (defun set_defaults	()
     (set_tile "right" right)
     (set_tile "left" left)
     (set_tile "edit" "")

     (action_tile "left" "(setq left $value) (switch)")
     (action_tile "right" "(setq right $value) (switch2)")
     (action_tile "edit" "(setq ed (get_tile \"edit\"))")
     (action_tile "apply" "(done_dialog 1)")
     (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")
     (action_tile "select objects" "(done_dialog 3)")
     (setq counter (start_dialog))

((= counter 1) (savevars left left obj ed))
((= counter 0) (princ "\n...Function cancelled."))
((= counter 3) (setq obj (ssget '((0 . "TEXT")))))
 (unload_dialog dcl_id)


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Try this code :-


(defun savevars	(l r sset e / sname ent new_txt)
 (repeat (setq s (sslength sset))
   (setq sname (ssname sset (setq s (1- s))))
   (setq ent (entget sname))
   (if	(= l 1)
     (setq new_txt (vl-string-left-trim e (cdr (assoc 1 ent))))
     (setq new_txt (vl-string-right-trim e (cdr (assoc 1 ent))))

   (entmod (subst (cons 1 new_txt) (assoc 1 ent) ent))
   (entupd (cdr (assoc -1 ent)))

(defun c:trim_t (/ counter dcl_id lft rht ed obj)
 (setq counter 3)

 (if (not *MyToggles@)
   (setq *MyToggles@ (list nil "0" "0"))
 (setq	left  (nth 1 *MyToggles@)
right (nth 2 *MyToggles@)

 (while (> counter 2)
   (if	(not (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "C:\\Text Trim.dcl")))
(alert "Could not be find Dcl file")


   (if	(not (new_dialog "Trim" dcl_id))
  "The definition could not be found inside the DCL file"

   (defun switch (/ mod)
     (setq mod (atoi (get_tile "left")))
     (if (= mod 1)
(mode_tile "right" 1)
(mode_tile "right" 0)

   (defun switch2 (/ mod2)
     (setq mod2 (atoi (get_tile "right")))
     (if (= mod2 1)
(mode_tile "left" 1)
(mode_tile "left" 0)

   (defun set_defaults	()
     (set_tile "right" right)
     (set_tile "left" left)
     (set_tile "edit" "")

     (action_tile "left" "(setq left $value) (switch)")
     (action_tile "right" "(setq right $value) (switch2)")
     (action_tile "edit" "(setq ed (get_tile \"edit\"))")
     (action_tile "apply" "(done_dialog 1)")
     (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")
     (action_tile "select objects" "(done_dialog 3)")
     (setq counter (start_dialog))

((= counter 1) (savevars left left obj ed))
((= counter 0) (princ "\n...Function cancelled."))
((= counter 3) (setq obj (ssget '((0 . "TEXT")))))
 (unload_dialog dcl_id)





satishrajdev That was brilliant , Thank So much for Helping Me to fix This


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