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Mirroring Attributes with the Block


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I wrote some VBA code to mirror an object (because i have to do it programatically instead of manually) and I am having an issue


it seems that the VBA mirror function doesnt also automatically mirror the attributes of the block like the normal mirror command does


I'll attach a test dwg file and post the code if anyone can explain to me how to fix the code so that the attributes are also mirrored


Option Explicit

Sub AutoMirror()
 Dim x1 As AcadBlockReference
 Dim x2 As AcadBlockReference
 Dim inspt As Variant
 ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity x1, inspt, "Select item to mirror:"
 Set x2 = MirrorFix(x1)
End Sub

Public Function MirrorFix(entMirror As AcadBlockReference) As AcadBlockReference
 Dim pt1(2) As Double
 Dim pt2(2) As Double
 Dim inspt As Variant
 Dim bb1 As Variant
 Dim bb2 As Variant
 Dim AttList As Variant
 Dim i As Integer
 Dim nHeight As Integer
 Dim attr(3) As String
 Dim entNew As AcadBlockReference

 If entMirror.XScaleFactor <> Abs(entMirror.XScaleFactor) Then
   'save attribute info to variables and then delete from block
   ' or the bounding box will be wrong
   AttList = entMirror.GetAttributes
   attr(0) = AttList(0).TextString
   attr(1) = AttList(1).TextString
   attr(2) = AttList(2).TextString
   attr(3) = AttList(3).TextString
   AttList(0).TextString = ""
   AttList(1).TextString = ""
   AttList(2).TextString = ""
   AttList(3).TextString = ""
   ' mirror the block
   ' doesnt mirror the attributes for some reason
   entMirror.GetBoundingBox bb1, bb2
   pt1(0) = bb1(0) + ((bb2(0) - bb1(0)) / 2)
   pt1(1) = bb1(1) + ((bb2(1) - bb1(1)) / 2)
   pt2(0) = pt1(0) + (10 * Cos(entMirror.Rotation)) ' new X
   pt2(1) = pt1(1) + (10 * Sin(entMirror.Rotation)) ' new Y
   Set entNew = entMirror.Mirror(pt1, pt2)
   ' add attribute info back to block
   AttList = entNew.GetAttributes
   AttList(0).TextString = attr(0)
   AttList(1).TextString = attr(1)
   AttList(2).TextString = attr(2)
   AttList(3).TextString = attr(3)
   Set entNew = entMirror
 End If
 Set MirrorFix = entNew
End Function


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