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Running lisp over multiple items


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Im a bit of a lisp novice and am struggling with expending on a lisp routine I have been trying to write.

The routine takes a piece of text which is a number, stores the x,y and z (which is the number) and then inserts a block to those coordinates.


What I wrote so far works for a single piece of text but I've been scratching my head about how I can get it to work with multiple items, I've had a look at the 'while' function but I'm not getting it.


Does anyone have any tips to share to get me moving again?



;Get text points GB 06.12.13

(defun c:GTP ()
	(prompt "\nSelect text entities : ")	;Create windowed selection set
	(setq a (ssget))			;Store
	(setq b (entlast))			;Store entitys
	(setq c (entget b))			;Store Item
	(setq xyzval (cdr (assoc 10 c)))	;Store xyz of text
	(setq zval (cdr (assoc 1 c)))		;Extract Text value and store as z
	(setq xval (nth 0 xyzval))		;Seperate x
	(setq xval (rtos xval))			;Store x as string
	(setq yval (nth 1 xyzval))		;Seperate y
	(setq yval (rtos yval))			;Store y as string
	(setq xyzval (strcat xval  "," yval "," zval))	;Create x,y,z	

	(command "-insert" "I:/Users/Graham/Documents/work/Carriage/Blocks/m10_nut" xyzval "1" "1" "0")	;Insert block

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Please take care that ENTLAST is taking the last entity added to database and had nothing to do with the selection performed on previous statement.


(setq a (ssget))   ;Store
(setq b (entlast))   ;Store entitys
(setq c (entget b))   ;Store Item

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Would something like this work for you? If so, I would be happy to explain what is going on.


(defun c:GTP ( / ss no p1)
   (prompt "\nSelect text entities : ")
       (setq ss (ssget '( (0 . "TEXT") ))
             no 0 )
               (< no (sslength ss) )
               (setq p1 (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname ss no)))) )
                   (command "_.-insert" "I:/Users/Graham/Documents/work/Carriage/Blocks/m10_nut" p1 "1" "1" "0")
               (setq no (1+ no) )

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Thanks CheSyn the 'while\repeat' function worked great, but it didn't put the block on the z value depicted in the text value, Ill try and fathom it, thanks a lot for answering

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I have managed to get it working but I'm sure the code is not efficient:

Thanks a lot for your help CheSyn and MSasu not only for the assistance in this application but in helping me understand looping better.



;Get text points GB 06.12.13

(defun c:GTP ()

(prompt "\nSelect text entities : ")
(setq a (ssget '( (0 . "TEXT") ))
	no 0 )
	(< no (sslength a))
		(setq 	xyzval (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname a no)))) )
		(setq	zval (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (ssname a no)))) )
		(setq	xval (nth 0 xyzval))
		(setq	xval (rtos xval))
		(setq	yval (nth 1 xyzval))
		(setq	yval (rtos yval))
		(setq	xyzval (strcat xval  "," yval "," zval))
		(command "-insert" "I:/Users/Graham/Documents/work/Carriage/Blocks/m10_nut" xyzval "1" "1" "0")
	(setq no (1+ no) )

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I have tweaked your routine with some comments:


(defun c:GTP( / selSet entity pointText pointBlock no )    [color=blue];don't forget to localize variables[/color]
(prompt "\nSelect text entities : ")
(setq no 0 )                                              [color=blue];initiate counter here to avoid usage of PROGN[/color]

(if (setq selSet (ssget '((0 . "TEXT") )))                [color=blue];make sure user is making a valid selection[/color]
 (while (< no (sslength selSet))
  (setq entity       (entget (ssname selSet no))          [color=blue];not need to retrieve the entity twice from selection set[/color]
        pointText    (cdr (assoc 10 entity)))

  [color=blue];a point may be a list, may avoid inputting it as string[/color]
  (setq pointBlock (list (nth 0 pointText)                [color=blue];there is no need for those intermediate variables[/color]
                         (nth 1 pointText)
                         (distof (cdr (assoc 1 entity)))))

  [color=blue];use an underscore on command call to take care of localized AutoCADs[/color]
  (command "_-insert" "I:/Users/Graham/Documents/work/Carriage/Blocks/m10_nut" pointBlock "1" "1" "0")

  (setq no (1+ no))


Please try to use relevant names for variables, it will be easier later to revise the code; also avoid using the same variable to store different types (i.e. xyzval was used for a point, then a string).

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Thanks for observation Tharwat; I believe that you noticed one of the intermediate "releases" (I edited the code here).


Correct , and I have been in these situation before . :D

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Excellent MSasu,

Looks like you took pity on me in the end,

I appreciate you breaking the code down for me and making it more efficient and I shall endeavor to understand it.


Thanks a lot

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