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How I can write text and that text cover all area of rectangular ?


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Here I have problem when I wrote text on rectangular A that come on middle and not come in all area , I want write A in rectangular but I don't want (A) come out of rectangular I want that text

(A) from top of rectangular to bottom without going out of area of rectangular


please help me


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How you used that .. Its looks as I want with litter different , I don't want A touch the line of rectangular I mean space in up and down


But please tell me How you did that can please give me the steps ..


thanks so much

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Here we go again. So what you are saying is, "Don't give me what I asked for, give me what I need.":ouch:


For the example above I used DTEXT. I typed in "J" for Justify (or Justification) then I typed "F" for the Fit option. After that I just followed the prompts on the command line.


Now your original post specified that the "A" go from the top to the bottom of the rectangle but not go outside the rectangle. I gave you exactly what you asked for. If you do not want the "A" to touch the top and bottom of the rectangle then create a slightly less tall rectangle. Simple to do. Try it yourself and see.

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How you used that .. Its looks as I want with litter different , I don't want A touch the line of rectangular I mean space in up and down


But please tell me How you did that can please give me the steps ..


thanks so much


If the rectangle into which you want to add text already exists,

use the OFFSET command to create a smaller rectangle inside that one.

You will need to figure out how much you want to offset the line,

and that distance will become your text free border within the

original rectangle.

Once you have done that you can follow ReMark's

suggestions in his last post, and I believe you will like the result.

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Hi mark ..

I did DTEXT then i pressed J then I select top line and down line , but the text come with angle can please give me step by step


thanks foe help me

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Fitting text within a rectangle.


For our demonstration the text style is Arial Narrow.

Note that the white rectangle is 34x113 units. However, we want our text height to be less than 113. I arbitrarily used a height of 108. The width did not change.




Draw a line (shown in red) 34 units wide and move it such that it is 2.5 units above the bottom of the rectangle.


The only command required to create the text is DTEXT. The sequence of inputs is as follows:


Command: DTEXT

Current text style: "Arial" Text height: 2.5000 Annotative: No

Specify start point of text or [Justify/Style]: J

Enter an option [Align/Fit/Center/Middle/Right/TL/TC/TR/ML/MC/MR/BL/BC/BR]: F

Specify first endpoint of text baseline: select the left end of the red line

Specify second endpoint of text baseline: select the right end of the red line

Specify height :108

Now type your text.


The result is a letter "A" that is 34 units wide and 108 units high.



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Judging from the second request it sounds like he is OK with the width but not the height. But who knows. Maybe it's just the opposite.


Yeah, I know that is how it reads in the post, but the letters may wind up touching one another,

which I am guessing is not particularly desirable, but certainly could be wrong there. :)

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