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Working With Tables

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Hi all,


I am using tables for some manually input data (no linking or anything) and the interface for tables in 2014 is slightly sluggish and rather annoying at times. Is there a way besides exploding them for them to just act like a static object? Once I am done with the data I can lock it but the row/column popups still show up and I don't need them to.


Alternatively, if anyone has a good table dynamic block I'd love to try it out!

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You can write your own version of a table but it will be text and lines. Maybe something like read a csv file. We have a point setout lisp that does just that.


                    ;SETOUTBOX.LSP draw setout details boxed ver2
                   ; 29/9/04 by alan h
(setvar "menuecho" 0)
(setvar "SNAPMODE" 0)
(setvar "OSMODE" 0)
(defun xyz ()
 (setq ans "")
 (setq char_found "")
 (while (/= char_found ",")
   (setq char_found (substr new_line x 1))
   (setq x (+ x 1))
   (setq ans (strcat ans char_found))
 )                    ;end while
)                    ;end defun 
(defun xyzend ()
 (setq ans "")
 (setq char_found "")
 (while (/= char_found (chr 13))
   (setq char_found (substr new_line x 1))
   (setq x (+ x 1))
   (setq ans (strcat ans char_found))
 )                    ;end while
)                    ;end defun 
(setq setsc (/ (getreal "\nEnter Dwg scale 1: ") 1000.0))
(setq stpt (getpoint "\nPick top left point for details "))
(setq xyzfiles (getfiled "\nENTER CO-ORD File name  " "" "" 4))
(setq fopen (open xyzfiles "R"))
(command "zoom" "E")
(command "zoom" "c" stpt (* setsc 100.0))
(setq pt1 stpt)
(setq txtht (* 2.5 setsc))  ; 2.5mm HIGH LETTERING
(setq num 1)
(setq llen (* 115.0 setsc))
(setq ydiff (* 4.5 setsc))  ; 4.5mm line spacing
(setq stptx (car stpt))
(setq stpty (cadr stpt))

(setq txtpt (list (+ stptx (* 42.0 setsc)) (+ stpty (* 2.0 setsc))))
(command "text" "BC" txtpt txtht "" "xxxxx")

(setq txtpt (list (+ stptx (* 42.0 setsc)) (+ stpty (* 7.0 setsc))))
(command "text" "BC" txtpt txtht "" "%%uSETOUT DETAIL")
(setq pt2 (polar stpt 0.0 llen))
(command "line" stpt pt2 "")        ;draw horizontal line
(setq pt1 (polar stpt 4.7124 (* 5.75 setsc)))
(setq txtpt (polar pt1 0.0 (* 9.0 setsc)))
(command "text" "BC" txtpt (* 3.5 setsc) "" "POINT")
(setq txtpt (polar pt1 0.0 (* 34.0 setsc)))
(command "text" "BC" txtpt (* 3.5 setsc) "" "EASTING")
(setq txtpt (polar pt1 0.0 (* 67.0 setsc)))
(command "text" "BC" txtpt (* 3.5 setsc) "" " NORTHING ")
(setq txtpt (polar pt1 0.0 (* 100.0 setsc)))
(command "text" "BC" txtpt (* 3.5 setsc) "" " HEIGHT ")
(setq pt1 (polar stpt 4.7124 (* 8.0 setsc)))
(setq pt2 (polar pt1 0.0 llen))
(command "line" pt1 pt2 "")        ;draw horizontal line
(setq pt1 (polar pt1 4.7124 (* 1.0 setsc)))
(setq pt2 (polar pt1 0.0 llen))
(command "line" pt1 pt2 "")        ;draw horizontal line below above
(setq pt1 (polar pt1 4.7124 (* 1.0 setsc)))
(setq pt2 (polar pt1 0.0 llen))
(command "line" pt1 pt2 "")        ;draw horizontal line below above

(setq pt3 pt1)                ; sets pt to last line position
;(setq pt5 (polar pt3 1.5708 (* 1.0 setsc)))      ; 1 mm above line
(setq pt5 pt3)                ; 0.5 mm above line
(while (setq new_line (read-line fopen))
 (setq x 1)
 (setq y 5)
 (setq ptno ans)            ;pull ptno out
 (setq easting ans)
 (setq northing ans)
 (setq height ans)
 (setq pt3 (polar pt3 4.7124 ydiff))
 (setq pt4 (polar pt3 0.0 llen))
 (command "line" pt3 pt4 "")
 (setq pt5 (polar pt5 4.7124 ydiff))
 (setq pt6 (polar pt5 0.0 (* 8.0 setsc)))
 (setq pt7 (polar pt5 0.0 (* 28.0 setsc)))
 (setq pt8 (polar pt5 0.0 (* 58.0 setsc)))
 (setq pt9 (polar pt5 0.0 (* 88.0 setsc)))
 (command "text" "BL" pt6 txtht "" ptno)
 (command "text" "BL" pt7 txtht "" EASTING)
 (command "text" "BL" pt8 txtht "" NORTHING)
 (command "text" "BL" pt9 txtht "" HEIGHT)
(SETQ XX (+ XX 1))
)                    ; end while
(command "line" stpt pt3 "")
(setq pt3 (polar pt3 0.0 (* 18.0 setsc)))
(setq stpt (polar stpt 0.0 (* 18.0 setsc)))
(command "line" stpt pt3 "")
(setq pt3 (polar pt3 0.0 (* 33.0 setsc)))
(setq stpt (polar stpt 0.0 (* 33.0 setsc)))
(command "line" stpt pt3 "")
(setq pt3 (polar pt3 0.0 (* 33.0 setsc)))
(setq stpt (polar stpt 0.0 (* 33.0 setsc)))
(command "line" stpt pt3 "")
(setq pt3 (polar pt3 0.0 (* 31.0 setsc)))
(setq stpt (polar stpt 0.0 (* 31.0 setsc)))
(command "line" stpt pt3 "")
(princ setsc )
(setq pt1  nil
     pt2  nil
     pt3  nil
     pt4  nil
     pt5  nil
     pt6  nil
     pt7  nil
     pt8  nil
     pt9  nil
     stpt nil
     ans  nil

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