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Bhatch,use lisp,please help!


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Hello everyone,I need some help.

Use LISP to do this:



1. Specify four points.

2. use"bhatch" in this region.Scale can dynamic.

3. Remove the border.


Thank for help me!

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Try this and let me know .


(defun c:Test (/ p a i sc l 1p e pl h gr)
 ;;    Tharwat 10. Apr. 2014         ;;
     (logand 4
               (assoc 70 (entget (tblobjname "LAYER" (getvar 'CLAYER))))
    (alert "Current layer is LOCKED ! Unlock and Try again .")
    (if (setq p (getpoint "\n Specify point < 1 > :"))
        (setq a  p
              i  1
              sc 1.0
              l  (cons p l)
        (while (/= (length l) 4)
            1p (getpoint
                 (strcat "\n Next point < "
                         (itoa (setq i (1+ i)))
                         " > :"
          (setq l (cons 1p l)
                p 1p
          e (entmakex
              (append (list '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
                            '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
                            '(100 . "AcDbPolyline")
                            '(70 . 1)
                            '(90 . 4)
                      (mapcar '(lambda (u) (cons 10 u)) (cons a l))
        (setq pl (entlast))
        (command "_.-hatch" "S" e "" "P" "ANSI37" 1.0 0.0 "")
        (setq h (entlast))
          (setq v (vlax-ename->vla-object h))
        (entdel e)
        (princ "\n Type [+,-] to change Pattern Scale :")
        (if (not (eq pl h))
          (while (or (eq (car (setq gr (grread t 13 0))) 5)
                     (member (cadr gr) '(43 61 45))
            (if (and (eq (car gr) 2)
                     (member (cadr gr) '(43 61 45))
                (if (eq (cadr gr) 45)
                    (if (<= (setq sc (- sc 0.5)) 0.)
                      (setq sc 0.5)
                  (setq sc (+ sc 0.5))

Edited by Tharwat
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Try this and let me know .

(defun c:Test (/ p a i l 1p e)
 ;;    Tharwat 10. Apr. 2014         ;;
     (logand 4
               (assoc 70 (entget (tblobjname "LAYER" (getvar 'CLAYER))))
    (alert "Current layer is LOCKED ! Unlock and Try again .")
    (if (setq p (getpoint "\n Specify first point :"))
        (setq a p
              i 1
              l (cons p l)
        (while (/= (length l) 4)
            1p (getpoint
                 (strcat "\n Next point < "
                         (itoa (setq i (1+ i)))
                         " > :"
          (setq l (cons 1p l)
                p 1p
          e (entmakex
              (append (list '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE") '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
                            '(100 . "AcDbPolyline") '(70 . 1) '(90 . 4))
                      (mapcar '(lambda (u) (cons 10 u)) (cons a l))
        (command "_.-hatch" "S" e "" "P" "ANSI37" 1.0 0.0 "")
        (entdel e)


Beautifully!Thank you!but I want scale dynamic , or use "+"&"-"key to adjust scale. thank you very much!tharwat.

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Beautifully!Thank you!but I want scale dynamic , or use "+"&"-"key to adjust scale. thank you very much!tharwat.


You're welcome .


I just modified the routine to meet your new requirements .


Try it and let me know .

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You're welcome .


I just modified the routine to meet your new requirements .


Try it and let me know .



Thank you,Tharwat, Your codes is always reassuring! Thanks so much!


I'm still a little small request:

Add a option, can use "ANSI31" Bhatch, if choose "ANSI31" , must Adjust the "Angle" and "Scale" (ANSI37 only adjust scale ). "angle" only two kinds, 35 and 135.

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Tharwat if you decide to add more to your code maybe rather than hard code the scale and angle put these in a while that allows you to keep changing till happy a none answer would exit the while.


Read the above again the + - would be a good way say 5 or 10 degrees.


Now wheres that pop up pick hatch dialouge.

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Here is a list select option for basicly any one wanting to pick from a list, thanks to AlanJt for original code. My menu would be ^c^c^p(load "listselect")(Load "Hatcher")


; By Alan H Apr 2014
;select from list box 
; thanks to AlanJT for list select
(setq lst (list "Ansi31" "Ansi32" "Net" "dots"))

(setq lstpick (car (AT:ListSelect
               "Set hatch pattern"
               "Select style"
               (vl-sort lst) '<)
(princ lstpick)


 ;; List Select Dialog (Temp DCL list box selection, based on provided list)
 ;; title - list box title
 ;; label - label for list box
 ;; height - height of box
 ;; width - width of box
 ;; multi - selection method ["true": multiple, "false": single]
 ;; lst - list of strings to place in list box
 ;; Alan J. Thompson, 09.23.08 / 05.17.10 (rewrite)
(defun AT:ListSelect (title label height width multi lst / fn fo d item f)
 (setq fo (open (setq fn (vl-filename-mktemp "" "" ".dcl")) "w"))
 (foreach x (list (strcat "list_select : dialog { label = \"" title "\"; spacer;")
                  (strcat ": list_box { label = \"" label "\";" "key = \"lst\";")
                  (strcat "allow_accept = true; height = " (vl-princ-to-string height) ";")
                  (strcat "width = " (vl-princ-to-string width) ";")
                  (strcat "multiple_select = " multi "; } spacer; ok_cancel; }")
   (write-line x fo)
 (close fo)
 (new_dialog "list_select" (setq d (load_dialog fn)))
 (start_list "lst")
 (mapcar (function add_list) lst)
 (setq item (set_tile "lst" "0"))
 (action_tile "lst" "(setq item $value)")
 (setq f (start_dialog))
 (unload_dialog d)
 (vl-file-delete fn)
 (if (= f 1)
   ((lambda (s / i s l)
      (while (setq i (vl-string-search " " s))
        (setq l (cons (nth (atoi (substr s 1 i)) lst) l))
        (setq s (substr s (+ 2 i)))
      (reverse (cons (nth (atoi s) lst) l))

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I prepared a video for the following routine but it did uploaded as an image and not as a .gif file .


Try this routine and let me know how things going on with you .


(defun c:Test (/ *error* dlg p a i l 1p sc e pl h gr rot r)
 ;;    Author : Tharwat Al Shoufi 14. Apr. 2014         ;;
 (defun *error* (msg)
   (if (< id 0)
     (unload_dialog id)
   (if (and d (setq d (findfile d)))
     (vl-file-delete d)
   (if (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK*,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*")
     (princ msg)
     (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
 ;;                    ;;
 (defun dlg (h / d o id head tail go back)
   (if (and (setq d (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl")) (setq o (open d "w")))
     (progn (setq head "test : dialog { label = \"Hatch Control\";"
                  tail ": button { label = \"Exit\"; key = \"esc\"; width = 12; height = 2; fixed_width = true; alignment = centered;
            is_default = true; is_cancel = true;}"
            (if h
                  head ": button { label = \"ANSI37\"; key = \"i37\"; width = 10; height = 2.5;} spacer; "
                  ": button { label = \"ANSI31\"; key = \"i31\"; width = 10; height = 2.5;} spacer; " tail "}"
                  head ": boxed_column { label = \"Controls\"; : text { label = \"Scale\";}"
                  ": row { : button { label = \"+\"; key = \"isc\"; width = 2;}"
                  ": button { label = \"-\"; key = \"dsc\"; width = 2;}}" "spacer; : text { label = \"Rotation\";}"
                  ": row { : button { label = \"+\"; key = \"iro\"; width = 2;}"
                  ": button { label = \"-\"; key = \"dro\"; width = 2;}}} spacer;" tail "}"
            (close o)
   (if (or (not d)
           (> 0 (setq id (load_dialog d)))
           (not (new_dialog
                  (if *loc*
                    '(-1 -1)
     (progn (if (< id 0)
              (unload_dialog id)
            (if (and d (setq d (findfile d)))
              (vl-file-delete d)
       (action_tile "i37" "(setq go \"ANSI37\") (done_dialog)")
       (action_tile "i31" "(setq go \"ANSI31\") (done_dialog)")
       (if (eq *pat* "ANSI37")
         (mapcar '(lambda (u) (mode_tile u 1)) (list "iro" "dro"))
         "(if (>= (setq rot (+ rot (/ pi 12.))) (+ pi pi))
                              (setq rot (/ pi 12.)) rot)(setq r t *loc* (done_dialog))"
         "(if (>= (setq rot (- rot (/ pi 12.))) (+ pi pi))
                              (setq rot (/ pi 12.)) rot)(setq r t *loc* (done_dialog))"
       (action_tile "isc" "(setq sc (+ sc 0.5) back t *loc* (done_dialog))")
         "(if (<= (setq sc (- sc 0.5)) 0.)(setq sc 0.5) sc)(setq back t *loc* (done_dialog))"
       (action_tile "esc" "(setq back nil r nil)(done_dialog)")
       (unload_dialog id)
       (vl-file-delete d)
   (cond ((and back) (vla-put-patternscale v sc) (vla-update v) (dlg nil))
         ((and r) (vla-put-PatternAngle v rot) (vla-update v) (dlg nil))
         (t nil)
 ;;                        ;;
 (if (eq 4 (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 (entget (tblobjname "LAYER" (getvar 'CLAYER)))))))
   (alert "Current layer is LOCKED ! Unlock and Try again .")
   (if (and (setq *pat* (dlg t)) (setq p (getpoint "\n Specify point < 1 > :")))
     (progn (setq v   nil
                  a   p
                  i   1
                  sc  1.0
                  rot 0.
                  l   (cons p l)
            (while (/= (length l) 4)
              (setq 1p (getpoint p (strcat "\n Next point < " (itoa (setq i (1+ i))) " > :")))
              (setq l (cons 1p l)
                    p 1p
            (setq e (entmakex
                      (append (list '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE") '(100 . "AcDbEntity") '(100 . "AcDbPolyline") '(70 . 1) '(90 . 4))
                              (mapcar '(lambda (u) (cons 10 u)) (cons a l))
            (setq pl (entlast))
            (command "_.-hatch" "S" e "" "P" *pat* 1.0 0.0 "")
            (setq h (entlast))
            (vla-put-AssociativeHatch (setq v (vlax-ename->vla-object h)) :vlax-false)
            (entdel e)
            (if (not (eq pl h))
              (dlg nil)

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Here is a list select option for basicly any one wanting to pick from a list, thanks to AlanJt for original code. My menu would be ^c^c^p(load "listselect")(Load "Hatcher")



Thank you,BIGAL,Thank you for your suggestion!

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I prepared a video for the following routine but it did uploaded as an image and not as a .gif file .


Try this routine and let me know how things going on with you .



Thank you very much, Tharwat,


Perfect code. You're the greatest!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I prepared a video for the following routine but it did uploaded as an image and not as a .gif file .


Try this routine and let me know how things going on with you .



Nice to see you again ,Tharwat, Can you extend to me, please!


I don't need pick 4 point to hatch, only pick one point, like Internal command: bhatch , I only need ANSI131 & ANSI137 too.

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