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Quantise LISP works fine but makes hatch with quantised objects non-associative


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Here's the code originally written by David Forbus (Thank you btw). Any help will be appreciated in helping me to fix the hatch issue. Thanks.

;;; Written by David Forbus 09_dec_2008
;;; QUANTALL prompts a user for a Quantize Value 
;;; QUANTALL then prompts a user for a selection set and then
;;; modifies the INSERTION POINTS of TEXT, MTEXT, CIRCLES, BLOCKS, LINES and LWPOLYLINES within that selection set so they all "snap" to quantized coordinates.

;;; Modified by 3dwannab (get OSNAP settings) 14.06.02

(defun QUANTLN ()
(setq SP-X (/ (cadr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Y (/ (caddr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Z (/ (cadddr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq EP-X (/ (cadr (assoc 11 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq EP-Y (/ (caddr (assoc 11 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq EP-Z (/ (cadddr (assoc 11 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(if (>= (- SP-X (fix SP-X)) 0.5) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-X)))) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-X))))
(if (>= (- SP-Y (fix SP-Y)) 0.5) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Y)))) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Y))))
(if (>= (- SP-Z (fix SP-Z)) 0.5) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Z)))) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Z))))
(if (>= (- EP-X (fix EP-X)) 0.5) (setq EP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix EP-X)))) (setq EP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (fix EP-X))))
(if (>= (- EP-Y (fix EP-Y)) 0.5) (setq EP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix EP-Y)))) (setq EP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (fix EP-Y))))
(if (>= (- EP-Z (fix EP-Z)) 0.5) (setq EP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix EP-Z)))) (setq EP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (fix EP-Z))))
(setq CURENT (subst (list 10 SP-X SP-Y SP-Z) (assoc 10 CURENT) CURENT ))
(setq CURENT (subst (list 11 EP-X EP-Y EP-Z) (assoc 11 CURENT) CURENT ))
(entmod CURENT)

(defun QUANTPOLY ()
(setq COUNTER2 1)
(setq POLY-NEW (list))
(while (< COUNTER2 (length CURENT))
(if (= 10 (car VRTX-PNT))
(setq SP-X (/ (cadr VRTX-PNT) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Y (/ (caddr VRTX-PNT) QUANT-VALUE ))
(if (>= (- SP-X (fix SP-X)) 0.5) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-X)))) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-X))))
(if (>= (- SP-Y (fix SP-Y)) 0.5) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Y)))) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Y))))
(setq POLY-NEW (append POLY-NEW (list (list 10 SP-X SP-Y)))))
(if (= 330 (car VRTX-PNT)) nil (if (= 5 (car VRTX-PNT)) nil (setq POLY-NEW (append POLY-NEW (list VRTX-PNT))))
(setq COUNTER2 (+ COUNTER2 1))
(entmake POLY-NEW)
(entdel CURENT-NAME)

(defun QUANTREG ()
(setq SP-X (/ (cadr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Y (/ (caddr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Z (/ (cadddr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(if (>= (- SP-X (fix SP-X)) 0.5) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-X)))) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-X))))
(if (>= (- SP-Y (fix SP-Y)) 0.5) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Y)))) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Y))))
(if (>= (- SP-Z (fix SP-Z)) 0.5) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Z)))) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Z))))
(setq CURENT (subst (list 10 SP-X SP-Y SP-Z) (assoc 10 CURENT) CURENT ))
(entmod CURENT)

(defun QUANTXT ()
(setq TXT-HORZ (cdr (assoc 72 CURENT)))
(setq TXT-VERT (cdr (assoc 73 CURENT)))
(if (= TXT-HORZ 0)
(if (= TXT-VERT 0)
(setq SP-X (/ (cadr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Y (/ (caddr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Z (/ (cadddr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(if (>= (- SP-X (fix SP-X)) 0.5) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-X)))) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-X))))
(if (>= (- SP-Y (fix SP-Y)) 0.5) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Y)))) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Y))))
(if (>= (- SP-Z (fix SP-Z)) 0.5) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Z)))) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Z))))
(setq CURENT (subst (list 10 SP-X SP-Y SP-Z) (assoc 10 CURENT) CURENT ))
(progn (setq SP-X (/ (cadr (assoc 11 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Y (/ (caddr (assoc 11 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Z (/ (cadddr (assoc 11 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(if (>= (- SP-X (fix SP-X)) 0.5) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-X)))) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-X))))
(if (>= (- SP-Y (fix SP-Y)) 0.5) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Y)))) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Y))))
(if (>= (- SP-Z (fix SP-Z)) 0.5) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Z)))) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Z))))
(setq CURENT (subst (list 11 SP-X SP-Y SP-Z) (assoc 11 CURENT) CURENT ))
(progn (setq SP-X (/ (cadr (assoc 11 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Y (/ (caddr (assoc 11 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Z (/ (cadddr (assoc 11 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(if (>= (- SP-X (fix SP-X)) 0.5) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-X)))) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-X))))
(if (>= (- SP-Y (fix SP-Y)) 0.5) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Y)))) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Y))))
(if (>= (- SP-Z (fix SP-Z)) 0.5) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Z)))) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Z))))
(setq CURENT (subst (list 11 SP-X SP-Y SP-Z) (assoc 11 CURENT) CURENT ))
(entmod CURENT)

(defun QUANTARC ()
(setq SP-X (/ (cadr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Y (/ (caddr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(setq SP-Z (/ (cadddr (assoc 10 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(if (>= (- SP-X (fix SP-X)) 0.5) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-X)))) (setq SP-X (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-X))))
(if (>= (- SP-Y (fix SP-Y)) 0.5) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Y)))) (setq SP-Y (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Y))))
(if (>= (- SP-Z (fix SP-Z)) 0.5) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix SP-Z)))) (setq SP-Z (* QUANT-VALUE (fix SP-Z))))
(setq CURENT (subst (list 10 SP-X SP-Y SP-Z) (assoc 10 CURENT) CURENT ))
(setq RAD-R (/ (cdr (assoc 40 CURENT)) QUANT-VALUE ))
(if (>= (- RAD-R (fix RAD-R)) 0.5) (setq RAD-R (* QUANT-VALUE (+ 1.0 (fix RAD-R)))) (setq RAD-R (* QUANT-VALUE (fix RAD-R))))
(setq CURENT (subst (cons 40 RAD-R) (assoc 40 CURENT) CURENT ))
(entmod CURENT)

(defun c:Fix_Quantize_All ( / osnap ) ;;3dwannab fix
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq OSNAP (getvar "osmode")) ;;3dwannab fix
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(setq QUANT-VALUE (getreal "\nEnter Quantize Value: "))
(setq SELECT-SET (ssget))
(setq COUNTER0 (1- (sslength SELECT-SET )))
(while (> COUNTER0 -1.0)
(setq CURENT (entget (ssname SELECT-SET COUNTER0)))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 CURENT)) "LINE") (QUANTLN))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 CURENT)) "TEXT") (QUANTXT))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 CURENT)) "MTEXT") (QUANTREG))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 CURENT)) "INSERT") (QUANTREG))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 CURENT)) "CIRCLE") (QUANTREG))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 CURENT)) "ARC") (QUANTARC))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 CURENT)) "LWPOLYLINE") (QUANTPOLY))
(setq COUNTER0 (1- COUNTER0))
(setvar "osmode" OSNAP)

(princ "\nType \"Fix_Quantize_All\" to Quantize the INSERTION POINTS of TEXT, MTEXT, CIRCLES, ARCs, BLOCKS, LINES and LWPOLYLINES to the round off value.")

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  • 1 year later...

I've found that it's the objects where there is a polyline as the hatch boundary.



From what I can see in the LISP it creates a new polyline therefore destroying the associated hatches. Is there a possibility to modify the polyline instead, like you can in the properties dialog?



sorry for the bump :)

vertex in polyline.jpg

Edited by 3dwannab
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EDIT: this is not updating the hatch.


I don't know if this is a known bug but when this script runs the hatch doesn't come with it even if it still is associative.


Using manually the CONVERTPOLY command after works okay but I was wondering if it's possible within the LISP below.



Got a different script here https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/round-xyz-by-decimal-precision/m-p/1231665#M171900 which does exactly what I want by not creating a new polyline and taking away hatch association. It uses the SNAPUNIT variable.


I slightly modified it so I can enter in the SNAPUNIT I want prior to running the command. Thanks to user bruno.valsecchi on the other forum.


It works on the following:


(defun round_number (xr n / )
   (* (fix (atof (rtos (* xr n) 2 0))) (/ 1.0 n))
(defun c:Fix_Round_Numbers ( / js n_count ent dxf_ent dxf_lst)

(setq su (getvar 'SNAPUNIT))
(princ "Enter the tolerance in X,Y...\n")
(command "SNAPUNIT" pause "")
   (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
   (command "_.undo" "_group")
       (while (setq ent (ssname js (setq n_count (1+ n_count))))
       (setq dxf_ent (entget ent))
           ((eq (cdr (assoc 0 dxf_ent)) "LWPOLYLINE")
               (setq dxf_lst (cdr dxf_ent) dxf_ent (list (car dxf_ent)))
               (while (cdr dxf_lst)
                   (if (eq 10 (caar dxf_lst))
                       (setq dxf_ent (cons (cons 10 (mapcar '(lambda (x p) (round_number x (/ 1 p))) (cdar dxf_lst) (getvar "SNAPUNIT"))) dxf_ent))
                       (setq dxf_ent (cons (car dxf_lst) dxf_ent))
                   (setq dxf_lst (cdr dxf_lst))
               (setq dxf_ent (reverse dxf_ent))
           ((eq (cdr (assoc 0 dxf_ent)) "POLYLINE")
               (while (eq (cdr (assoc 0 (setq dxf_ent (entget (entnext (cdar dxf_ent)))))) "VERTEX")
                   (setq dxf_ent (subst (cons 10 (mapcar '(lambda (x p) (round_number x (/ 1 p))) (cdr (assoc 10 dxf_ent)) (append (getvar "SNAPUNIT") (list (car (getvar "SNAPUNIT")))))) (assoc 10 dxf_ent) dxf_ent))
                   (entmod dxf_ent)
               (foreach n dxf_ent
                   (if (member (car n) '(10 11 12 13 40))
                       (if (listp (cdr n))
                           (setq dxf_ent (subst (cons (car n) (mapcar '(lambda (x p) (round_number x (/ 1 p))) (cdr n) (append (getvar "SNAPUNIT") (list (car (getvar "SNAPUNIT")))))) (assoc (car n) dxf_ent) dxf_ent))
                           (setq dxf_ent (subst (cons (car n) (round_number (cdr n) (/ 1 (car (getvar "SNAPUNIT"))))) (assoc (car n) dxf_ent) dxf_ent))
       (entmod dxf_ent)
       (entupd ent)
   (command "_.undo" "_end")
   (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
   (setvar "SNAPUNIT" su)
   (princ (strcat "\n" (itoa n_count) " transformed objects (s)."))
   (T (princ "\nNo found valid object ."))

Edited by 3dwannab
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