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Lee Mac - Geometry function explined


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learning Lee's geometry functions , starting with Perpendicular-p()


what is vxv and and what is the decimal 1e-8 mean?


;; Perpendicular-p  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns T if vectors v1,v2 are perpendicular

(defun LM:Perpendicular-p ( v1 v2 )
   (equal 0.0 ([b][color="red"]vxv[/color][/b] v1 v2) [color="red"][b]1e-8[/b][/color])

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That function stands for a dot product of 2 vectors (as opposed to a cross product). From Lee's collection:

;; Vector Dot Product  -  Lee Mac
;; Args: u,v - vectors in R^n

(defun vxv ( u v )
   (apply '+ (mapcar '* u v))

The 1e-8 is the scientific notation for 10 raised at -8, used to simplify writing of such numbers; its equivalent with:

(expt 10.0 -

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Lee Mac nice coding style simple but works!!


still long way to achieve his level :)

Here just to share another method

my version 3-lines cosine

(defun per-p (a b c fuzz)
(equal ( / pi 2)
 ('((d )
      (equal (abs d) 1. 1e-16)
     (+ (* 2. (atan 1.)) (atan (/ d (sqrt (- 1. (* d d ))))) ); (* 2. (atan 1.))= (/ pi 2)
   (/ (+ (* a a) (* b b) (-(* c c)))(* 2. a b))
) ;_ end of defun

(per-p 3. 4. 5. 1e-16); T

*EDIT comment removed

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i always treat entites by points, in this function , the expected areguments are vectors, how can i use it? can someonr please post an example?




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Apply in math

Area Formula:

| x1 x2 x3 x4 xn.. |

| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ |

|. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ |

| y1 y2 y3 y4 yn.. | .1/2


;hanhphuc 07/07/2014
(defun 2d-area (l)
   (/ (apply '-
      (mapcar '(lambda (x y)
   (vxv  ; sub function by LEE MAC
     (mapcar '(eval x) l)
     (mapcar '(eval y)
      (append (cdr l) (list (car l)))
   ) ;_ vxv
        ) ;_ end of lambda
       '(car cadr)
       '(cadr car)
      ) ;_ end of mapcar
      ) ;_ end of apply
   ) ;_ end of /
 );_ end of abs
) ;_ end of defun



(2d-area '((0.0 0.0 ) (4.0 0.0 ) (4.0 3.0 )) )


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Apply in math

Area Formula:

| x1 x2 x3 x4 xn.. |

| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ |

|. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ |

| y1 y2 y3 y4 yn.. | .1/2


;hanhphuc 07/07/2014
(defun 2d-area (l)
   (/ (apply '-
      (mapcar '(lambda (x y)
   (vxv  ; sub function by LEE MAC
     (mapcar '(eval x) l)
     (mapcar '(eval y)
      (append (cdr l) (list (car l)))
   ) ;_ vxv
        ) ;_ end of lambda
       '(car cadr)
       '(cadr car)
      ) ;_ end of mapcar
      ) ;_ end of apply
   ) ;_ end of /
 );_ end of abs
) ;_ end of defun



(2d-area '((0.0 0.0 ) (4.0 0.0 ) (4.0 3.0 )) )



sorry i still dont understand...could it be simpler?

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sorry i still dont understand...could it be simpler?


hi hope this helps?




pls advise if i get you wrong direction, thanx


Edited by hanhphuc
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1e-8 is used to improve comparison of two values where one has more decimal places in its value not returning true


V1 = 123.123

v2 = 123.12300003

v1 is not equal to v2 but taking into acount tolerance it is.

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hi hope this helps?




pls advise if i get you wrong direction, thanx



THANK YOU for the visual explanation, :)


vxv() compares the x.y of the 3 given coordinates and multiply and divide their components in order the get the area, that cool!


but how its related to passing vectors to a function?




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anyone please? just need to know how to pass 2 vectors to Mac Lee's function


;; Perpendicular-p  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns T if vectors v1,v2 are perpendicular

(defun LM:Perpendicular-p ( v1 v2 )
   (equal 0.0 (vxv v1 v2) 1e-

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As MSasu explained: vxv is dot product

(vxv '(P Q) '(R S)) = P*R + Q*S


If a Line A (x1,y1) to B (x2,y2) ,the vector only 2 directions:

(x1-x2 , y1-y2) or (x2-x1 , y2-y1)



assume A to B, delta = '(-3.0 -4.0 )

C to D, delta = '(-4.0 3.0 )


meaning : (vxv A-B C-D )

(vxv '(-3.0 -4.0 ) '(-4.0 3.0 ))
; -3*-4 + -4*3 = 12 + -12 = 0.0


if we change the C to D direction ,ie= D to C, so delta = '(4.0 -3.0 )

(vxv '(-3.0 -4.0 ) '(4.0 -3.0 ))
; -3*4 + -4*-3 = -12 + 12 = 0.0

still zerop, T


p/s: sorry previous picture, the sum label which before AREA result should be indicated as sum1-2 instead of sum, spread sheet explains.


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