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Ok so what im trying to do is modify the value of a lookup in the dynamic block "CARTOUCHE LU" which is located in all the layouts.


(setq nomBloc "Cartouche LU")
(setq obj
      (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))



Now it returns


; error: bad argument type: VLA-OBJECT ("CARTOUCHE LU")


I don't know why i'd like some explanation please.


Would be appreciated.


Thanks !

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You must be copy and paste codes from routine to another without understanding where the code goes and what it does .


Did not THIS post do the same thing you are trying to do in this post ?

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Well it's not exactly the same thing.


Before I wanted to change an attribut text now it's a lookup in my dynamic block.


The thing is I'd like to understand. But I would need explanation from the code poeple give me sometimes would help me understand :(


Some people do help me out like you and some just post and it does work but I don't know why hehe!


And it's not like i'm not ready on the subject I have a bunch of Autodesk PDF talking about it and I find them hard to understand. It might just not be explained in a way I get things.


So there it is :D

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Well from the same Block I have in the drawing you got from the other post.


I want to change the Lookup 1 accord to the revision.


Now I had it working when I passed it in the old version :


(vlax-for lt (vla-get-layouts adoc)
   ;(vla-put-activelayout adoc lt) ; optionnel
   (vlax-for obj (vla-get-block lt)
     (if (and (= "AcDbBlockReference" (vla-get-objectname obj))
             (member (vla-get-effectivename obj) Nombloc) 
             (= :vlax-true (vla-get-hasattributes obj) ))
         (setq atts (vlax-invoke obj 'getattributes))
         (foreach x atts
    (if (= Tag#Pg (vla-get-tagstring x))
               (vla-put-textstring x Tnumtabs)
        (setq  N-E-dbp (nth 2 (vlax-invoke obj 'GetDynamicBlockProperties)))
        (vla-put-value  N-E-dbp TRev)


but now it's not getting the VLA-Object from the other code.


So when I passe this code :


Now my code is this and it doesn't work

(defun _Revision (/ TRev TDesc Tdate TPar TApp
	  TagRev TagNRev TagDesc TagDat TagPar TagApp
	  lt obj atts x DynBP)

 ;| Élénment de text |;
 (if (= choix "N")
     (setq TRev "0"))
 (if (= choix "R")
   (setq TRev (itoa (fix (getreal "\n Numéro de révision : ")))))	  
 (setq TDesc (strcase (getstring T "\n Donner la raison de la révision. : "))
       Tdate (_Today)
 (initget 1 "C F J S")
 (setq	TPar (getkword "\n Qui a fait les changements sur le plan? [Charle/François/Julieta/Simon]: "))
       (if (= TPar "C")(setq TPar "C.L"))
(if (= TPar "F")(Setq TPar "F.L"))	
(if (= TPar "J")(setq TPar "J.L"))
(if (= TPar "S")(setq TPar "S.D"))
 (initget 1 "J S")
 (setq	TApp (getkword "\n Qui a approuvé les changement [Julieta/Simon]: "))
       (if (= TApp "J")(setq TApp "J.L"))
       (if (= TApp "S")(setq TApp "S.D"))

 ;| Élénment des TAG |;	
 (setq TagRev "REV"
       TagNRev (strcat "N°REV" TRev)
       TagDesc (strcat "DESCRITION" TRev)
       TagDat (strcat "DATE" TRev)
       TagPar (strcat "PAR" TRev)
       TagApp (strcat "APP" TRev)

;Inscrit le texte dans chacun des attributs
(mapcar '_Text->Attribute->Layout
(list TagRev TagNRev TagDesc TagDat TagPar TagApp)
(list TRev TRev TDesc Tdate TPar TApp)



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but now it's not getting the VLA-Object from the other code.




(setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object)))

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(setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object)))


Thanks for the help buts it's in the first comment I'd like to know what's missing and a little explanation on how to get there.

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Thanks for the help buts it's in the first comment I'd like to know what's missing and a little explanation on how to get there.

i'm not tutor, just share my understanding (so i hope senior can advise if i'm wrong thanx)

vb activex is like "explorer expand tree" sequence...

assume application is "my computer", so we must expend valid path "directories" & "sub-folder" to reach what we are looking for other eg: layouts etc..

(vla-get-layouts adoc)

?? --> ?? --> layouts, missing path is adoc= documents & application(object)

(setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object))) ;



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i'm not tutor, just share my understanding (so i hope senior can advise if i'm wrong thanx)


Well I understand that far.


Where I get mixed up is when I need to change a value. How do I process to knowing what function is to be used. Even if I use "vla-get-block" it won't get the block needed.

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