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Data Extraction for cutlist


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Hi all,


This is what am I am trying to do, well I can do part of it, it is a cutlist for a box. I do my drawing (2d) and then create a dynamic block. Then I extract the data from the block and I get part of the info. Something like below.

Qty        Description      Thickness       Width          Length
2              Sides              3/4            23 1/2
1              Back               1/2            34 1/2
2              Top                                    33                  4
1               Bottom                              33               23 1/2     

I don't know if this is possible or not. Then from another block get the rest of the information or do something like if this value is blank input this. In essence I would like it to look something like this:

Qty               Description       Thickness               Width            Length
2                   Sides                  3/4               23 1/2                   29
1                   Back                   1/2                34 1/2                  29
2                   Top                    3/4                33                       4
1                   Bottom               3/4                33                      23 1/2     

Thanks in advance,


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Can you post an example of the blocks, there should be a way to either have the info complete in a block or be able to somehow link them so that they can be combined in Excel (do you use excel or some other software). And yes it should be doable, I extact data for cabinetry regularly.

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Hi all,


This is what am I am trying to do, well I can do part of it, it is a cutlist for a box. I do my drawing (2d) and then create a dynamic block. Then I extract the data from the block and I get part of the info. Something like below.

Qty        Description      Thickness       Width          Length
2              Sides              3/4            23 1/2
1              Back               1/2            34 1/2
2              Top                                    33                  4
1               Bottom                              33               23 1/2     

I don't know if this is possible or not. Then from another block get the rest of the information or do something like if this value is blank input this. In essence I would like it to look something like this:

Qty               Description       Thickness               Width            Length
2                   Sides                  3/4               23 1/2                   29
1                   Back                   1/2                34 1/2                  29
2                   Top                    3/4                33                       4
1                   Bottom               3/4                33                      23 1/2     

Thanks in advance,



I would import as CSV and preset Cutlist as per pdf explanation i do it all the time and it works fine once your export csv is set it works fine here.




Cutlist Import from cad.pdf

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If you drew the "BOX" as a multi part 3d object then cut list would include the thickness of the material. Me personally I would use a lisp to create the box this way your ITEM has the correct block details say attached to the base. I have seen some lisps for cupboards here have a search.

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I do have excel but I was trying to figure out how to do it in excel and it seems it would be a very tedious. I was hoping to create a more automatic approach. The only way I would think it would be possible would be using VB (which I don't do, so I would need to learn) or is there another way.

Here is what I have. I would use attributes but I feel it is more prone to error.

Thanks for your help.



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Did you try a search for "cabinet" like I said above I would look at lisp its not a real hard object to draw. You make a library of std cupboards answer 10 questions and all done.


here is an example of a simple bench its was drawn as a series of questions length, width, height, leg W&L offset bench.jpg


: draw plain bench with legs
; by Alan H Oct 2012
(setq pi2 (/  pi 2.0)) ; 90 degrees
(setq Pt1 (getpoint "\npick lower left corner point")) 
(setq L (getreal "\nEnter length"))
(setq W (getreal "\nEnter width"))
(setq thick (- 0.0 (getreal "\nEnter bench thickness")))
(setq pt2 (polar pt1 0.0 L))
(setq pt3 (polar pt2 pi2 W))
; do stuff here like layers for now just draw
(command "rectang" pt1 pt3)
(command "extrude" "L" "" thick)
(setq OF1 (getreal "\nEnter Offset from length for legs"))
(setq OF2 (getreal "\nEnter offset from width for legs"))
(setq leg1 (getreal "\nEnter Hor size of leg"))
(setq leg2 (getreal "\nEnter Ver size of leg"))
(setq thick (+ (- 0.0 (getreal "\nEnter height of legs"))thick))
(setq pt4 (polar (polar pt1 0.0 OF1) pi2 OF2)) ;cnr of leg
(setq pt5 (polar (polar pt4 0.0 leg1) pi2 leg2))
(command "rectang" pt4 pt5)
(command "extrude" "L" "" thick)
(setq Cols (- L (+ (* 2.0 OF1) leg1)))
(setq rows (- W (+ (* 2.0 OF2) leg2)))
(command "array" "Last"  "" "R" 2 2 rows cols)

(princ)  ; exit quitely

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How about something like the attached, you will need to figure out how you prepare your drawings, but all the info can be in each block.


i will try it in cutlist when i have time and let you know if workable according to table.


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I can't seem to figure out what you did in the drawing.

How about something like the attached, you will need to figure out how you prepare your drawings, but all the info can be in each block.
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It was nothing spectacular, just a linear dimension that has a stretch action. It's just there so that you can fill in a number for the thickness and get all 3 values from the same block, it doesn't actually do anything.

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