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Rotating the text of dimension


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DIMEDIT is built in AutoCAD to rotating the text of dimension to Horizontal or vertical.


Yes, 0 , 90,180, 270 degrees is I need. why can't input "0" degrees ? and I don't want input. can dynamic change?

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Yes, 0 , 90,180, 270 degrees is I need. why can't input "0" degrees ? and I don't want input. can dynamic change?

here's is my attempt, i hope you don't mind using mouse as key?

select dimensions -> [enter] -> [L&R] mouse click to rotate




(defun c:test (/ *error* ss ang key rot e *degrees*)
;hanhphuc 24/09/2014
(defun *error* (msg)
 (if (not (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*CANCEL*,*EXIT*"))
   (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
   ) ;_ end of if
 ) ;_ end of defun
 (setq *degrees* [color="red"]90.[/color]) ; [color="blue"]<--- try change settings here eg: 30. 45. 90. 180. etc.. [/color]
 (prompt "\nSelect Dimension, then [ENTER]..")
 (if (and
   (not (zerop *degrees*))
   (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "DIMENSION"))))
   ) ;_ end of and
   (setq key t)
   (setq key nil)
   ) ;_ end of if
 (prompt "\nMouse click [L] & [R] to rotate.\n")
 (while key
   (if	(and (setq key (grread nil 10 0))
       rot (eval
	     (cons 'cond
		     (vl-list* '(t (setq key nil))
			       (mapcar ''((a b) (list (list 'equal (car key) a) (/ pi (b (/ 180. *degrees*)))))
				       '(3 25)
				       (list + -)
				       ) ;_ end of mapcar
			       ) ;_ end of cons
		     ) ;_ end of reverse
		   ) ;_ end of cons
	     ) ;_ end of eval
       ) ;_ end of setq
     ) ;_ end of and
     (foreach e (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss)))
(setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object e))
(vla-put-textrotation e (+ (vla-get-textrotation e) rot))
) ;_ end of foreach
     ) ;_ end of while
   ) ;_ end of while
 ) ;_ end of defun

(princ "\nRotate DIMTEXT by mouse click. command: test")

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here's is my attempt, i hope you don't mind using mouse as key?

select dimensions -> [enter] -> [L&R] mouse click to rotate




I really appreciate the help. I haven't tested the code yet, but as soon as I test I let you know.

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here's is my attempt, i hope you don't mind using mouse as key?

select dimensions -> [enter] -> [L&R] mouse click to rotate




Cool! I tested yet .Very good! Admire you! Thans a lot ! hanhphuc

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nice code...hopefully it also works with aligned dimensions.


one thing i notice is that it changes the Dimension gap?

Edited by nod684
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nice code...hopefully it also works with aligned dimensions.


one thing i notice is that it changes the Dimension gap?

i think the gap is measured text's boundingbox, that's why it changes


you guys are welcome, just repay i've learned since active in the forums.

Idea was Lee Mac's dynamic oblique text,

EDIT: ISO text , credit to Lee


Edited by hanhphuc
found the link
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