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Can this be written better?


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It works but it takes a long time to process. I was thinking my coding can be changed to work more proficient.


(defun c:clj (/ c d2d d3d e)
  (setq layerset (getvar "clayer"))
 (command "layiso" pause "")
(command "_.layer" "m" "s-frm-2x6" "c" "blue" "" "")
(command "_.layer" "m" "s-frm-2x8" "c" "t" "242,103,34" "" "")
 (command "_.layer" "m" "s-frm-2x10" "c" "t" "147,39,143" "" "")
 (command "_.layer" "m" "s-frm-2x12" "c" "t" "255,255,255" "" "")
 (command "_.layer" "m" "s-anno-egtext" "p" "no" "s-anno-egtext" "s" "s-anno-egtext" "" "")
 (setq c (getstring "\nWhat is the spacing? (24,19.2,16,12): "))
  (command "textsize" "6" "")
(and (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LINE"))))
           (while (setq en (ssname ss 0))
           (setq ed (entget en))
           (setq p10 (cdr (assoc 10 ed)))
           (setq p11 (cdr (assoc 11 ed)))
           (setq mpt (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (* (+ a b) 0.5)) p10 p11))
           (setq d2d (distance (cdr (reverse p10)) (cdr (reverse p11))))
     ;(setq d2d (- d3d 7.0)) 
           ;(setq d1d (/ d2d 12.))
           ;(setq d1c (fix (+ d1d 0.501)))
  (if (= c "24")
      (cond  ((<= d2d 118)(setq e "2x6"))
       ((and(>= d2d 118.01)(<= d2d 150))(setq e "2x8"))
              ((and(>= d2d 150.01)(<= d2d 177))(setq e "2x10"))
              ((and(>= d2d 177.01)(<= d2d 209))(setq e "2x12"))
       ((and(>= d2d 209.01)(<= d2d 500))(setq e "Change Spacing"))
               );end cond
               );end if
 (if (= c "19.2")
      (cond  ((<= d2d 132)(setq e "2x6"))
       ((and(>= d2d 132.01)(<= d2d 167))(setq e "2x8"))
              ((and(>= d2d 167.01)(<= d2d 198))(setq e "2x10"))
              ((and(>= d2d 198.01)(<= d2d 234))(setq e "2x12"))
       ((and(>= d2d 234.01)(<= d2d 500))(setq e "Change Spacing"))
               );end cond
               );end if
  (if (= c "16")
      (cond  ((<= d2d 144)(setq e "2x6"))
       ((and(>= d2d 144.01)(<= d2d 183))(setq e "2x8"))
              ((and(>= d2d 183.01)(<= d2d 217))(setq e "2x10"))
              ((and(>= d2d 217.01)(<= d2d 256))(setq e "2x12"))
       ((and(>= d2d 256.01)(<= d2d 500))(setq e "Change Spacing"))
               );end cond
               );end if
  (if (= c "12")
      (cond  ((<= d2d 167)(setq e "2x6"))
       ((and(>= d2d 167.01)(<= d2d 211))(setq e "2x8"))
              ((and(>= d2d 211.01)(<= d2d 251))(setq e "2x10"))
              ((and(>= d2d 251.01)(<= d2d 296))(setq e "2x12"))
       ((and(>= d2d 296.01)(<= d2d 500))(setq e "Change Spacing"))
               );end cond
               );end if

 (defun radians->degrees (r)(cvunit r "radian" "degree"));end rad defun
;-------TEXT JUSTIFICATION----------------------------------------     
(setq lan (angle p10 p11))
      (setq ad (radians->degrees lan))
      (if (and (> ad 90.1) (<= ad 270.1)) 
          (setq ptemp p10
                p10 p11
                p11 ptemp
                lan (angle p10 p11)  
                ad (radians->degrees lan))
   );end progn
   );end if
      (setq dir (if (< (* pi 0.5) lan (* pi 1.5)) - +))

 (setq r3(entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT")
                          (cons 8 (getvar "CLAYER"))
                          (cons 7 (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))
                          (cons 40 (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))
                          (cons 41 0.80)
		   (cons 72 4)
	           (setq fg(cons 10 (polar mpt (dir lan (+ 1)); (* pi 0.5))
                                   (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))))
                          (setq hg(cons 11 (polar mpt (dir lan (+ 1)); (* pi 0.5))
                                   (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))))
                          (setq gg(cons 50 lan))
                         (setq rg(cons 1 (strcat e)))
		 );end list
	         );end entmake
                 );end setq r3
(if (= e "2x6")(command "_change" ss "" "p" "la" "s-frm-2x6" "" "")
 );end if
(if (= e "2x8")(command "_change" ss "" "p" "la" "s-frm-2x8" "" "")
 );end if
 (if (= e "2x10")(command "_change" ss "" "p" "la" "s-frm-2x10" "" "")
 );end if
(if (= e "2x12")(command "_change" ss "" "p" "la" "s-frm-2x12" "" "")
 );end if  
      (command "layuniso" "")
                  (ssdel en ss)));end and
 (setvar "clayer" layerset)

);end defun

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A couple of suggestions rather than make layers just check they exist put this in a defun and check for 1st layer name if not exist then run defun.


Not sure "(and (setq".... and what ? where is end of and

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Bigal thanks for the suggestion but i pieced this together and added things to it. Still have not learned enough. Could you point me in the direction on how to do that? Like a good site or something.

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J_spawn_h, your excerpt appears to be incomplete, so until you didn't post it entirely, one cannot review it to identify the source of latency.

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That is the entire lisp. It works it just takes a long process to get to the end result. I am still not that great at writing. I thought it was complete since it worked.




I layiso because there are a lot of lines and I just need certain ones to change.

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Maybe I miss something, but your code excerpt had 3 unbalanced statements (DEFUN, AND and WHILE) so it wouldn't be evaluated in AutoCAD. How do you run it? What software were you using? What do you mean by "long process"?

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I am new at this if you have not noticed. I trying to understand it, but you say the defun,and,& while is unbalanced. I am guessing you are saying that they should not work due to they are not complete (as in closed), or something like that. I load it as a lisp in cad type the clj and it works. Being that the they are as you say unbalanced could be why it takes for ever to run. That's why I was asking for help.

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I'm in a mood to type so here it is. I haven't address your layer issues, you can figure that out. Read about tblsearch and entmake (layer).




(defun C:clj (/ tag_beam ss c i en p1 p2 mpt d a)
;;;;; jdiala ;;;;;
;; cadtutor.net ;;

(defun tag_beam ( beam )
   (cons 0 "TEXT")
   (cons 40 6)
   (cons 41 0.80)
   (cons 72 1)
   (cons 73 2)
	(cons 10 (setq mpt (polar mpt (+ (/ pi 2.) a) 5)))
   (cons 11 mpt)
   (cons 50 a)
   (cons 1 beam)
   (cons 8 "s-anno-egtext")
(if (not (= beam "Change Spacing!!!"))
(vla-put-layer en (strcat "s-frm-" beam))     

 (setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LINE"))))
   (princ "What is the spacing? (1 = 12) (2 = 16) (3 = 19.2) (4 = 24) \nPress 1-4:") 
       (member c (list 49 50 51 52))
     (setq c (cadr (grread)))
   (repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
     (setq en  (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))))
           p1  (vla-get-StartPoint en)
           p2  (vla-get-EndPoint en)
           mpt (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (/ (+ a b) 2.0)) 
               (safearray-value (vlax-variant-value p1)) 
               (safearray-value (vlax-variant-value p2)))
           d  (vla-get-Length en)
           a  (LM:MakeReadable (vla-get-Angle en))
       ( (= c 52) 
             (<= d 118)
             (tag_beam "2x6")
               (> d 118)
               (<= d 150)
             (tag_beam "2x8")
               (> d 150)
               (<= d 177)
             (tag_beam "2x10")
               (> d 177)
               (<= d 209)
             (tag_beam "2x12"))
             (> d 209)
             (tag_beam "Change Spacing!!!")
       ( (= c 51)
             (<= d 132)
             (tag_beam "2x6")
               (> d 132)
               (<= d 167)
             (tag_beam "2x8")
               (> d 167)
               (<= d 198)
             (tag_beam "2x10")
              (> d 198)
               (<= d 234)
             (tag_beam "2x12")
             (> d 234)
             (tag_beam "Change Spacing!!!")
       ( (= c 50)
             (<= d 144)
             (tag_beam "2x6")
               (> d 144)
               (<= d 183)
             (tag_beam "2x8")
               (> d 183)
               (<= d 217)
             (tag_beam "2x10")
               (> d 217.01)
               (<= d 256)
             (tag_beam "2x12")
             (> d 256)
             (tag_beam "Change Spacing!!!")
       ( (= c 49)
           (<= d 167)
           (tag_beam "2x6")
             (> d 167)
             (<= d 211)
           (tag_beam "2x8")
             (> d 211)
             (<= d 251)
           (tag_beam "2x10")
             (> d 251)
             (<= d 296)
           (tag_beam "2x12"))
           (> d 296.01)
           (tag_beam "Change Spacing!!!"))
 (princ "None selected!")

(defun LM:MakeReadable ( a )
 ;; © Lee Mac  ~  12.06.10
     (and (> a (/ pi 2)) (<= a pi))
     (- a pi)
     (and (> a pi) (<= a (/ (* 3 pi) 2)))
     (+ a pi)

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