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How to get rectangs center--Rectangs change to circles(circle can assign size)


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I try to write the lisp about rectangs change to circles(circle can assign size)

but I do not know how to write to get rectangs center.

Have anyone help??Thanks a lot!! :cry:

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(circle can assign size)

i hope OP can understand simple & easier code which

simply using command PEDIT :)


;;;rectang-> circle
(defun c:test (/ p e r c )
 (if (and (setq e (car (entsel)))
   (=(cdr (assoc 0 (entget e)))"LWPOLYLINE")
   (vl-cmdf "_.PEDIT" e "fit" "")
   (setq c (entsel "\nPick circle to modify radius.. "))
   (setq p (osnap (cadr c) "_cen"))
   (vl-cmdf "_.PEDIT" e "decurve" "")
   (setq r ([color="blue"]getdist[/color] p "\nRadius.. "))
   ) ;_ end of and
   (command "_.CIRCLE" p r)
   ) ;_ end of if

) ;_ end of defun

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Please check the INTERS function; use rectangle's corners as arguments.

(inters corner1st corner3rd corner2nd corner4th)


Can you give me some example??

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Here's another example, using the rectangular bounding box of the polyline vertices:

(defun c:p2c ( / a b e i l s )
   (if (setq s (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE"))))
       (repeat (setq i (sslength s))
           (setq e (entget (ssname s (setq i (1- i))))
                 l (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda ( x ) (= 10 (car x))) e))
                 a (apply 'mapcar (cons 'min l))
                 b (apply 'mapcar (cons 'max l))
           (if (entmake
                   (append '((0 . "CIRCLE")) (LM:defaultprops e)
                           (cons  010 (mapcar '/ (mapcar '+ a b) '(2 2)))
                           (cons  040 (/ (distance a b) 2))
                           (assoc 210 e)
               (entdel (cdr (assoc -1 e)))

;; Default Properties  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns a list of DXF properties for the supplied DXF data,
;; substituting default values for absent DXF groups

(defun LM:defaultprops ( enx )
   (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (cond ((assoc (car x) enx)) ( x )))
           (006 . "BYLAYER")
           (008 . "0")
           (039 . 0.0)
           (048 . 1.0)
           (062 . 256)
           (370 . -1)


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It is good choice that can use PEDIT but this circle can't change size.

Anyway I learn a new way.Thanks a lot!!:shock:


i hope OP can understand simple & easier code which

simply using command PEDIT :)


;;;rectang-> circle
(defun c:test (/ p e r c )
 (if (and (setq e (car (entsel)))
      (=(cdr (assoc 0 (entget e)))"LWPOLYLINE")
      (vl-cmdf "_.PEDIT" e "fit" "")
      (setq c (entsel "\nPick circle to modify radius.. "))
      (setq p (osnap (cadr c) "_cen"))
      (vl-cmdf "_.PEDIT" e "decurve" "")
      (setq r ([color=blue]getdist[/color] p "\nRadius.. "))
      ) ;_ end of and
   (command "_.CIRCLE" p r)
   ) ;_ end of if

) ;_ end of defun

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It is good example for me.

I just learn lisp recently and no one can teach me , I tried to write the same lisp but I can't success . It really difficult to me.:oops:

Thanks for your share......



Here's another example, using the rectangular bounding box of the polyline vertices:

(defun c:p2c ( / a b e i l s )
   (if (setq s (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE"))))
       (repeat (setq i (sslength s))
           (setq e (entget (ssname s (setq i (1- i))))
                 l (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda ( x ) (= 10 (car x))) e))
                 a (apply 'mapcar (cons 'min l))
                 b (apply 'mapcar (cons 'max l))
           (if (entmake
                   (append '((0 . "CIRCLE")) (LM:defaultprops e)
                           (cons  010 (mapcar '/ (mapcar '+ a b) '(2 2)))
                           (cons  040 (/ (distance a b) 2))
                           (assoc 210 e)
               (entdel (cdr (assoc -1 e)))

;; Default Properties  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns a list of DXF properties for the supplied DXF data,
;; substituting default values for absent DXF groups

(defun LM:defaultprops ( enx )
   (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (cond ((assoc (car x) enx)) ( x )))
           (006 . "BYLAYER")
           (008 . "0")
           (039 . 0.0)
           (048 . 1.0)
           (062 . 256)
           (370 . -1)


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It is good choice that can use PEDIT but this circle can't change size!!

Invoke program -> Pick the entity the circle is polyline -> then pick the entity again, it will prompt you to modify radius or osnap


If you want to learn coding, I suggest you study Tharwat & Lee's code :)

[edit] I use PEDIT just bcos you are newbie so just make it simpler

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That is true, I really can understand how to use "PEDIT" for my needed.:P

Thanks for your suggetion, I will try to learn more.:D



Invoke program -> Pick the entity the circle is polyline -> then pick the entity again, it will prompt you to modify radius or osnap


If you want to learn coding, I suggest you study Tharwat & Lee's code :)

[edit] I use PEDIT just bcos you are newbie so just make it simpler

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Can you give me some example??

To ilustrate my suggestion, please find an example with comments:

(if (setq ssetPLine (ssget "_:S:E" '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE"))))          ;ask user to select a polyline
 (setq listPLine   (entget (ssname ssetPLine 0))                   ;retrive entity's list
       listCorners '())
 (while (setq listPLine (member (assoc 10 listPLine) listPLine))   ;cycle until all vertexes (corners) were found
  (setq listCorners (cons (cdar listPLine)                         ;and retain them in a list
        listPLine   (cdr listPLine))                               ;skip first entry to allow locating next vertex

 (print (inters (nth 0 listCorners) (nth 2 listCorners)            ;get intersection of diagonals
                (nth 1 listCorners) (nth 3 listCorners)))

Please note that the above works for rectangles only; you will need later to add a SSGET filter (please check Tharwat's code) or a post-selection validation.

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It's so goooood to me, Thanks for your explained:D


To ilustrate my suggestion, please find an example with comments:

(if (setq ssetPLine (ssget "_:S:E" '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE")))) ;ask user to select a polyline
(setq listPLine (entget (ssname ssetPLine 0)) ;retrive entity's list
listCorners '())
(while (setq listPLine (member (assoc 10 listPLine) listPLine)) ;cycle until all vertexes (corners) were found
(setq listCorners (cons (cdar listPLine) ;and retain them in a list
listPLine (cdr listPLine)) ;skip first entry to allow locating next vertex

(print (inters (nth 0 listCorners) (nth 2 listCorners) ;get intersection of diagonals
(nth 1 listCorners) (nth 3 listCorners)))

Please note that the above works for rectangles only; you will need later to add a SSGET filter (please check Tharwat's code) or a post-selection validation.

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