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Lisp to add a circle and solid hatch to a block


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I use the code below to add a polyline to a block made in lisp. I need help for a similar code (similar format and syntax) to add a


1. solid hatch (color by layer)

2. and a circle.


to the block.


Blk_Nme  ; block name
(list    (car pt1) 
        (cadr pt1)
        (car pt2) 
        (cadr pt2) 
         (car pt3) 
        (cadr pt3) 

Code syntax to substitute 'AddLightWeightPolyline . All help and/or indication is appreciated.


I would like to avoid using ENTMAKE.

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Hi ,


Try this and change values to suit your needs of them .


(defun c:Test (/ o _add_circle_+_solid)
 ;;    Tharwat 19.11.2014    ;;
 (princ "\n Pick a sinlge Block to addd Circle with Hatch :")
 (if (setq o (ssget "_+.:S:E:L" '((0 . "INSERT"))))
     (defun _add_circle_+_solid (spc pnt rad / c h)
       ;; spc = Block definition        ;;
       ;; pnt = Circle insertion point        ;;
       ;; rad = Radius of Circle        ;;
       (if (and (setq c (vla-addcircle spc (vlax-3d-point pnt) rad))
                (setq h (vla-addhatch
           (vlax-invoke h 'AppendOuterLoop (list c))
           (vlax-invoke h 'Evaluate)
           (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
         (cdr (assoc 2 (entget (ssname o 0))))
       '(0. 0. 0.)
     (vla-regen doc acallviewports)

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Thank you Tharwat for your reply and suggestion. The code below is what I have for making an anonymous block. What I'm trying to do is solid-hatch the closed polyline and add a circle.


I tried to integrate your code but without success.


(defun c:pttest()
(setq radiusPT 5
     profon 0.5
     pt0 '(0 0 0)
     Blk_Nme "New_block"
     *doc (cond (*doc)((vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
     spc  (if (or (eq AcModelSpace (vla-get-ActiveSpace *doc))
            (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-MSpace *doc)))
         (vla-get-ModelSpace *doc)
         (vla-get-PaperSpace *doc))
     BOX_type "steel 0.5"
     lay "0"

;insertion points
(setq ins_Pt(getpoint "\n Select insertion point")
x1(car ins_Pt)
y1(cadr ins_Pt)
x2 (- x1 0.2 )
y2 (- y1 0.2 )
boxtype_ins_pt (list x2 y2)  ; attribute insertion point
p1 (list (- x1 radiusPT) (- y1 profon)) ; for solid hatch
p2 (list (- x1 radiusPT) (+ y1 profon))
p3 (list (+ x1 radiusPT) (+ y1 profon))
p4 (list (+ x1 radiusPT) (- y1 profon))
L1 0.02
ptl1 (list  (- x1 radiusPT L1) y1)
ptl2 (list (+ x1 radiusPT L1) y1)
ptl3 (list x1 (+ y1 profon L1))
ptl4 (list x1 (- y1 profon L1))      

; make block 
(setq Blk_Nme    (vlax-invoke
         (vla-get-Blocks *doc)
         (list    (car ins_Pt) 
               (cadr ins_Pt) 

; put closed polyline
     (list    (car p1) 
       (cadr p1) 
       (car p2) 
       (cadr p2)
       (car p3) 
       (cadr p3)
       (car p4) 
       (cadr p4))

; code to hatch closed polyline and be part of the block
; code to add a circle to the block "Blk_Nme" with center "ins_Pt" and radius "radiusPT"


;insert attribute BOX_type
0.02 ;text height
acAttributeModePreset;  ; attribute visibile
(list (car boxtype_ins_pt) 
     (cadr boxtype_ins_pt) 
"BOX_type tag" ; attribute tag
BOX_type ; attribute value

;insert block
   (setq bObj
        spc ;mSpace
        (setq p1 (list    (car ins_Pt) 
                       (cadr ins_Pt) 
               0. )
        (vla-get-Name Blk_Nme)




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