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Help please need to combine to lisp


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Hi to all,not a programer, just a simple drafter , wondering if anyone can help me combine these two programs I found them online don´t know the source but use them on a daily basis. Tried several attempts combining but never worked.One program calculates the weight of material the other the area of the oject in m2 witch I multiply by 10.76 to get it in square feet. what I was looking was when I get the result of the weight of the material I would also get the result of the area in square feet.

I work in scale 1:1 ( milimiters ) and when I use the area program I get the result sort version and would like to keep that but in square feet (m2 x 3.28X3.2icon_cool.gif.

Can anybody help me

Thank you all


Weight Lsp:

;;; Lisp function for calculating weight per metre length of section (profile) with

;;; choice to assign material.

::: Option to extend materials list.

;;; By Cadtutor poster Petkovski with help from Cadtutor poster PBE.

;;; http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?50384

;;; Modified by Manila Wolf. Added my own material and density values.

;;; Figure is density in g/cm3 divided by 1000 then multiply by 0.671968975



(defun C:CalcWtin (/ area en ent obj ospace prefix pt remd resp suffix)


;;;error trap


(defun *error* (msg)

(command "._undo" "_end")

(setvar 'dynmode old_Dyn)

) ;_ end_defun





(setq old_Dyn (getvar 'dynmode))

(setvar 'dynmode 3)

(command "._undo" "_begin")



;;local defun

(defun density (mat)

(cond ((eq "Aluminium-Extrusion" mat) 0.001821)

((eq "Aluminium-Sheet-3003" mat) 0.001834)

((eq "Plain-Carbon-Steel" mat) 0.005275)

((eq "Stainless-Steel-304" mat) 0.005309)

((eq "Stainless-Steel-316" mat) 0.005376)

((eq "Glass" mat) 0.001693)

((eq "EPDM-Silicone" mat) 0.000786)

((eq "Rigid-PVC" mat) 0.000974)

((eq "Granite" mat) 0.00180icon_cool.gif

((eq "Isobar-pa66-gf25" mat) 0.000907)

((eq "Terracotta" mat) 0.001445)

((eq "Wood-average" mat) 0.00045022)

((eq "Pultrusion" mat) 0.0012297)


;; add other materials similarly

(T nil)



;;main part

;;(setvar "dynmode" 3)

;;(setvar "dynprompt" 1)

(setq ospace (vla-get-block





(setq prefix "Weight = "

suffix " lb/ft"


(while (setq ent (entsel "\nSelect a closed polyline or region (or press Enter to Exit) >>"))

(setq en (car ent))

(if (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (entget en))) "REGION,*POLYLINE,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE")


(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object en))

(initget "Aluminium-Extrusion Aluminium-Sheet-3003 Plain-Carbon-Steel Stainless-Steel-304 Stainless-Steel-316 Glass EPDM-Silicone Rigid-PVC Granite Isobar-pa66-gf25 Terracotta Wood-average Pultrusion");

(setq resp (getkword

"\Choose material [Aluminium-Extrusion/aLuminium-sheet-3003/Plain-carbon-steel/Stainless-Steel-304/sTainless-Steel-316/Glass/EPDM-silicone/Rigid-pvc/GRanite/Isobar-pa66-gf25/Terracotta/Wood-average/PUltrusion] : "))

(setq area (strcat prefix

(rtos (* (vla-get-area obj)

(density resp))

2 ;

3 ;





(setq pt (getpoint "\nPick text point: "))




(vlax-3d-point (trans pt 1 0))

(getvar 'Textsize) ;;





(*error* "")



(prompt "\n\t\t>>>\tType CALCWTIN or calcwtin to calc mass\t





Area Lsp:


(defun c:sarea(/ aSum cSet)


(setq aSum 0)

(if(setq cSet(ssget '((0 . "*POLYLINE,SPLINE,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE"))))

(foreach c(vl-remove-if 'listp(mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex cSet)))

(setq aSum(+ aSum(vlax-curve-GetArea c)))

); end foreach

); end if

(princ(strcat "\nTotal area = " (rtos(/ aSum 1000000)) " m2"))


); end of c:sarea

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Simple but I would do a IF for M or F

; (rtos (* (vla-get-area obj)
(rtos (* (* 10.76391 (vla-get-area obj))(density resp)) ; do IF M or F here then no  10.76


To fix code problem type [ code ] at start and [ / code ] at end with no spaces.

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I do not have the ability to combine your lisps.

What I can do, is suggest a replacement lisp for the Area lisp you are using.


See the attached AreaPerim.lsp

I draw in millimetres and use this lisp to show both metric and imperial units.

I select the resultant value I want using Ctrl C then paste into the drawing using Ctrl V


The precision is set to 3 decimal places. This can be adjusted if required.


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