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Draw a dimension that shows the gradient of line in %


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I am trying to show the gradient of a line as a dimension or possibly with a leader indicating which way the slope is declining. I am on AutoCAD 2014 is there command to do this or will I have to look into LISP routine's.



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I think a custom lisp routine would be the answer to your problem. I'm sure if you look around you could find one. Try searching on "autocad"+"slope"+"lisp".


Did you want both the length of the line and the slope as well or just the slope?


A couple of links that might be of interest.


http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?107096-Slopes-and-angles-of-a-polyline-in-2d-autocad Refer to post #10.



Edited by ReMark
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Here is an example


; xfall as a percentage 
;(defun trap (errmsg)
;  (prompt "\nAn error has occured.")
;  (command "undo" "b")
;  (setvar "osmode" os)
;  (setq *error* temperr)

(defun rtd (a)(/ (*  a 180.0) pi))
(defun c:xfallper ()
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
;(setq temperr *error*)
;(setq *error* trap)
;(command "undo" "m")
;(setq dimz (getvar "DIMZIN"))
;(setvar "DIMZIN" 0)
(setq os (getvar "osmode"))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(if (= horiz nil)
   (progn (setq horiz 100)
   (prompt "\nEnter Horizontal scale <-ve to reset> :<")
   (prin1 horiz)
   (prompt ">:")
   (setq newhoriz (getint))
         (if (= newhoriz nil)
  (PRINC "\N")
  (setq horiz newhoriz)
  ); progn horiz
) ; if horiz
(if (= vert nil)
   (progn (setq vert 50)
   (prompt "\nEnter Vertical scale:<")
   (prin1 vert)
   (prompt ">:")
   (setq newvert (getint))
   (if (= newvert nil)
     (setq vert vert)
     (setq vert newvert)
(if (= prec nil)
   (progn (setq prec 3)
   (prompt "\nEnter number of decimal places:<")
   (prin1 prec)
   (prompt ">:")
   (setq newprec (getint))
   (if (= newprec nil)
     (setq prec prec)
     (setq prec newprec)
(setq ss1 (ssget '((0 . "LINE"))))
(setq n (sslength ss1))
  (setq count 0)
  (repeat n
     (setq a (entget (ssname ss1 count)))
     (setq count (+ count 1)) 
     (setq pt1 (cdr (assoc 10 a)))
     (setq pt2 (cdr (assoc 11 a)))
     (setq ang (angle pt1 pt2))
     (setq dist (distance pt1 pt2))
     (if (> dist 0)
           (setq halfdist (/ dist 2))
           (setq pt3 (polar pt1 ang halfdist))
           (if (> ang pi) (setq ang (- ang pi)))
           (if (> ang (/ pi 2)) (setq pt4ang (- ang (/ pi 2))) (setq pt4ang (+ ang (/ pi 2))))
           (setq pt4 (polar pt3 pt4ang 0.6))
           (if (> ang (/ pi 2)) (setq ang (+ ang pi)))
           ;(setq tang (rtd ang))
            (setq tang ang)
           (setq pt1y (cadr pt1))
           (setq pt2y (cadr pt2))
           (setq pt1x (car pt1))
           (setq pt2x (car pt2))
           (if (> pt1y pt2y) (setq ydist (- pt1y pt2y)) (setq ydist (- pt2y pt1y)))
           (if (> pt1x pt2x) (setq xdist (- pt1x pt2x)) (setq xdist (- pt2x pt1x)))
           (setq xfall (* (/ (* ydist vert) (* xdist horiz)) 100))
           (setq xfall (rtos xfall 2 prec))
           (setq xfall (strcat xfall "%"))
           (command "TEXT" pt4 2.5 tang xfall "")
     ):if dist=0
);repeat n
;  (setvar "DIMZIN" dimz)
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
(setvar "osmode" os)
;  (setq *error* temperr)
(SETVAR "LUNITS" lunitss)
(SETVAR "ANGBASE" angbasee)
(SETVAR "ANGDIR" angdirr)
(SETVAR "LUPREC" luprecc)
(SETVAR "AUNITS" aunitss)
(SETVAR "AUPREC" auprecc)

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....gradient of a line as a dimension or possibly with a leader indicating which way the slope is declining.


Norrisad welcome to cadtutor


i noticed OP requests gradient with leader, so my attempt

Declining arrow function


x-scl : x-scale, real

y-scl : y-scale, real

p1 & p2 : point


(defun hp:grad% (x-scl y-scl p1 p2  / txsize os e %val lst mp rot rota pt arr )
;hanhphuc 18/12/14
(setq	txsize (cdr (assoc 40 (tblsearch "style" (getvar "textstyle"))))
os (getvar "osmode" )) ;_ end of setq
(if (zerop txsize)
 (setq txsize (getvar "textsize")))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
 ;; Make Angle Readable      ;credit to ymg       
 (defun MakeReadable (a)
   (setq a (rem (+ a pi pi) (+ pi pi)))
   (rem (if (< (* pi 0.5) a (* pi 1.5))
   (+ a pi)
   ) ;_ end of if
 (+ pi pi)
 ) ;_ end of rem
   ) ;_ end of defun
 (if (and 
(vl-every 'vl-consp (list p1 p2))
(setq lst (mapcar '- p1 p2))
(setq %val (if (zerop (car lst))
		(* (/ x-scl y-scl) (apply '/ (cdr (reverse lst))) 100.)
		) ;_ end of if
	 ) ;_ end of setq
   ) ;_ end of and
   (progn (setq lst  (list p1 p2)
	 mp   (apply 'mapcar (cons ''((a b) (* 0.5 (+ a b))) lst))
	 rot  (MakeReadable (apply 'angle lst))
	 rota (+ rot  (atan (apply '/ (cdr (reverse (getvar "ucsxdir"))))))
	 pt (polar mp (+ rot (/ pi 2.)) (* txsize 3.0))
	 arr  (trans(polar mp (+ rot (/ pi 2.)) (* txsize 1.5)) 1 0 )
	 (mapcar '(lambda (x) (trans x 0 1))
		      (list (polar arr rota (* txsize 3.)) (polar arr (+ rota pi) (* txsize 3.)))
		      ) ;_ end of mapcar 
	 ) ;_ end of setq
   (entmake (list '(0 . "TEXT")
		  '(8 . "TX%")
		  '(72 . 1) ; justify
		  (cons 1 (strcat (rtos (abs %val) 2 2) " %"))
		  (cons 10 pt)
		  (cons 11 pt) ; justify
		  (cons 40 txsize)
		  (cons 50 rot)
		  ) ; list
	    ) ;entmake

    (apply '(lambda (p1 p2 / obj sz)
	     (if (and p1 p2)
		 (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object
			     (entmakex (list '(0 . "LEADER")
					     '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
					     '(100 . "AcDbLeader")
					     '(73 . 3)
					     '(8 . "grad")
					     (cons 10 p1)
					     (cons 10 (polar p1
							    (angle p1 p2)
							    (setq sz (distance p1 p2)))); _ end of cons
					     ) ;_ end of list
				       ) ;_ end of entmakex
			     ) ;_ end of vlax-ename->vla-object
		       ) ;_ end of setq
		 (/ sz 3.)
		 ) ;_ end of vla-put-ArrowheadSize
	       ) ;_ end of if
	     ) ;_ end of lambda
	  (if (minusp %val)
	    (reverse lst)
	    ) ;_ end of if
	  ) ;_ end of apply
   ) ;_ end of progn
   ) ;_ end of if
 (setvar "osmode" os)
 ) ;_ end of defun


command: slope

try line & polyline only

(defun c:slope (/ *error* e e1 lst u dat)
 (defun *error* (msg)
   (if	u
     (princ "\n*cancel*")
     (vl-cmdf "_U")
     ) ;_ end of if
   ) ;_ end of defun
 (if (setq e (entsel "\nPick line.. "))
   (cond ((= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq dat (entget (car e))))) "LINE")
     (apply 'hp:grad% (vl-list* 1. 1. (mapcar ''((x) (cdr (assoc x dat))) '(10 11))))
   ((= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car e)))) "LWPOLYLINE")
   (progn (command "_explode" (car e))
	  (setq	e1  (car (nentselp (cadr e)))
		lst (if	(= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq dat (entget e1)))) "LINE")
		      (mapcar ''((x) (cdr (assoc x dat))) '(10 11))
		      ) ;_ end of if
		u   (vl-cmdf "_U")
		) ;_ end of setq
	  (apply 'hp:grad% (vl-list* 1. 1. lst))
	  ) ;_ end of progn
 (t nil) ) ;_ end of cond
   ) ;_ end of if
 ) ;_ end of defun
(princ "\ncommand: slope")



Edited by hanhphuc
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