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Need help on an existing offset lisp routine


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Found this lisp previously by a user name Kent Cooper.


The lisp routine will allow to offset on both side by a user input distance & able to join the ends on both sides making it an object.


Could someone help me to modify it such that both ends will also extend to the same distance as the offset before joining the ends.




;;  OffsetBothSidesJoin.lsp [command name: OBSJ]
;;  To Offset the same object to Both Sides at the same distance, and
;;    if open-ended, Join the resulting objects with PEDIT.
;;  On first use, offers regular Offset command's default distance,
;;    but only if numerical [not "Through"].
;;  Remembers specified offset distance, separately from regular
;;    Offset command's default, and offers as default on later use.
;;  Kent Cooper, 21 March 2014
(defun C:OBSJ (/ osd disttemp obj); = Offset to Both Sides
 (setq osd (getvar 'offsetdist))
 (setvar 'peditaccept 1)
 (if *obsjdist (initget 6) (initget 7))
   ; no 0, no negative, no Enter on first use
         "\nBoth-sides-offset distance"
           (if (or *obsjdist (> osd 0))
             (strcat ; then - construct default
               " <"
               (if *obsjdist
                 (rtos *obsjdist)
                 (rtos osd)
               ); end if
             ); end strcat
             "" ; else - no default offered on first use if Offset's is Through
           ); end if
         ); end strcat
         ": "
       ); end strcat
     ); end getdist
       (disttemp); User specified something other than Enter - use it
       (*obsjdist); Enter with prior value set - use that
       ((> osd 0) osd)
         ; Enter on first use with non-Through Offset default - use that
     ); end cond & *obsjdist
 ); end setq
 (while T
     (setq obj
         (car (entsel "\nSelect object to Offset to Both Sides [Esc to exit]: "))
       ); end vlax-...
     ); end setq
       (vla-offset obj *obsjdist)
       (setq ent1 (entlast))
       (vla-offset obj (- *obsjdist))
       (if (not (vlax-curve-isClosed obj)); e.g. Line, Arc, open Polyline
         (command "_.pedit" "_m" ent1 (entlast) "" "_j" "_j" "_b" (* *obsjdist 2.5) "")
       ); if
     ); end progn
   ); end if
 ); end while
); end defun
(prompt "Type OBSJ to Offset to Both Sides by the same distance and Join if possible.")

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A possible workaround offset 0.00000001 and join remember this object (setq obj (entlast)) then offset say 99.99999999 erase obj. Tested manually need add entlast to code 0.001 then 50

Edited by BIGAL
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Kent is a frequent contributor in the Autodesk customization forums. If you don't get a reply here, I bet he would help you if you posted over there.


I have PM him & it so happens that he came up with another lisp for another user who needed something like my query. I tried it but did not work for me due to some limitation which he did highlight.


But it is fine as there is a workaround for the current code. I just need to offset smaller then what i require then later use normal offset so that the ends will be longer. An extra step but i can live with it.



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A possible workaround offset 0.00000001 and join remember this object (setq obj (entlast)) then offset say 99.99999999 erase obj. Tested manually need add entlast to code 0.001 then 50


Look through the code but did not see any "(setq obj (entlast))"?


But is is fine as i will use the workaround.



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