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Help with rectangle lisp


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I am trying to write a lisp to draw rectangle from center point


I use this lisp for giving the scale to all my lisp codes

 (COMMAND "_PDMODE" "32"); point style
 (COMMAND "_PDSIZE" "0.5");point size
 (setvar "OSMODE" 
   (SETQ CURSC (getvar "useri1" ))
   (princ "scale is 1:")(princ cursc)
   (setq newsc (getint "\nNew scale  1:"))
   (setvar "useri1" newsc)
     (setq a1 (getvar "useri1"))
     (princ "\n the new scale is 1:")(princ newsc)(princ)


This is the rectangle lisp


(defun C:test()
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(COMMAND "_layer" "_m" "rectangle" "_c" "3" "" "_lw" "0.30" "" "")
(setq scl (getvar "useri1"))
(setq ht (* 0.09 scl))
ptc (GETPOINT "\nPick Center Of Rectangle : ")
hxy (/ ht 2.0)
ptll (list (- (car ptc) hxy) (- (cadr ptc) hxy))
ptur (list (+ (car ptll) ht) (+ (cadr ptll) ht))
(setvar "plinewid" 0.0)
(command ".PLINE" ptll "W" "0" "0" ".X" ptur ".Y" ptll ptur ".X" ptll ".Y" ptur "C" "")


The problem with this lisp is that the first time works fine. When i try to pick another point to draw me the rectangle then draws again a new rectangle over the previous :? I don;t know why. Can any one help me ...



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Perhaps something like this


(defun C:test ( / echo ht ptc ptll ptur scl)
 (if (and (setq scl (getvar "useri1"))
          (not (zerop scl))
          (setq ptc (getpoint "\nPick Center Of Rectangle : "))
     (setq echo (getvar 'CMDECHO))
     (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
     (command "_layer" "_m" "rectangle" "_c" "3" "" "_lw" "0.30" "" "")
     (setq ht   (* 0.09 scl)
           hxy  (/ ht 2.0)
           ptll (list (- (car ptc) hxy) (- (cadr ptc) hxy))
           ptur (list (+ (car ptll) ht) (+ (cadr ptll) ht))
     (setvar "plinewid" 0.0)
     (command ".PLINE" ptll "W" "0" "0" ".X" ptur ".Y" ptll ptur ".X" ptll ".Y" ptur "C")
     (setvar "cmdecho" echo)



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I am trying to write a lisp to draw rectangle from center point


I use this lisp for giving the scale to all my lisp codes

 (COMMAND "_PDMODE" "32"); point style
 (COMMAND "_PDSIZE" "0.5");point size
 (setvar "OSMODE" 
   (SETQ CURSC (getvar "useri1" ))
   (princ "scale is 1:")(princ cursc)
   (setq newsc (getint "\nNew scale  1:"))
   (setvar "useri1" newsc)
     (setq a1 (getvar "useri1"))
     (princ "\n the new scale is 1:")(princ newsc)(princ)


This is the rectangle lisp


(defun C:test()
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(COMMAND "_layer" "_m" "rectangle" "_c" "3" "" "_lw" "0.30" "" "")
(setq scl (getvar "useri1"))
(setq ht (* 0.09 scl))
ptc (GETPOINT "\nPick Center Of Rectangle : ")
hxy (/ ht 2.0)
ptll (list (- (car ptc) hxy) (- (cadr ptc) hxy))
ptur (list (+ (car ptll) ht) (+ (cadr ptll) ht))
(setvar "plinewid" 0.0)
(command ".PLINE" ptll "W" "0" "0" ".X" ptur ".Y" ptll ptur ".X" ptll ".Y" ptur "C" "")


The problem with this lisp is that the first time works fine. When i try to pick another point to draw me the rectangle then draws again a new rectangle over the previous :? I don;t know why. Can any one help me ...





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Yes my final code is this


(defun C:RCC (/ echo wide high ptc ptll ptur scl)
 (if (and (setq scl (getvar "useri1"))
          (not (zerop scl))
          (setq ptc (getpoint "\nPick Center Of Rectangle : "))
     (setq echo (getvar 'CMDECHO))
     (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
     (command "_layer" "_m" "exasf" "_c" "3" """")
     (setq wide (* 0.0894 scl)
           high (* 0.08975 scl)
           hwide (/ wide 2.0)
           hhigh (/ high 2.0)
           ptll (list (- (car ptc) hwide) (- (cadr ptc) hhigh))
           ptur (list (+ (car ptll) wide) (+ (cadr ptll) high))
     (setvar "plinewid" 0.0)
     (command ".PLINE" ptll "W" "0" "0" ".X" ptur ".Y" ptll ptur ".X" ptll ".Y" ptur "C")
     (setvar "cmdecho" echo)

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@ Henrique

You have set the width of the polyline two times . ;)



It's the OP code, I did formatted the original code...

But you are correct, there is no need to set the width with setvar... :)



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