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Need help with a Lumber lisp Routine


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I have a few lisp routine that I used before in my previous job. I trying to load them at my new station, but when I type it in the command line it tells this

; error: no function definition: $START what need to done to make it work. Thx in advance.


 (setq lay (getvar "clayer"))
 ($setvar "clayer" lay)
 (defun D90 () (* pi 0.5))
 (defun D270 () (* pi 1.5))
 (setq OLD_ERR *error*
*error* STLP:ERR
 ($setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (if set2layr
   (set2layr "S-DETL-WOOD" "S")
 (if (not L_THK)
   (setq L_THK 2.0)
 (if (not L_DEP)
   (setq L_DEP 4.0)
 (if (not LL_THK)
   (setq LL_THK 2.0)
 (if (not LL_DEP)
   (setq LL_DEP 2.0)
 (if (not LR_THK)
   (setq LR_THK 2.0)
 (if (not LR_DEP)
   (setq LR_DEP 2.0)
 (if (not TOG_LVIEW)
   (setq TOG_LVIEW 2)
 (if (not TOG_MTYPE)
   (setq TOG_MTYPE 2)
 (if (not TOG_DTYPE)
   (setq TOG_DTYPE 0)
 (if (not TOG_LLEFT)
   (setq TOG_LLEFT 0)
 (if (not TOG_LRIGHT)
   (setq TOG_LRIGHT 0)
 (if (not LUM_GAP)
   (setq LUM_GAP 0.0)
 (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "lumber.dcl"))
 (if (not (new_dialog "lumber" dcl_id))
 (set_tile "edt_thk" (rtos L_THK 4 4))
 (set_tile "edt_dep" (rtos L_DEP 4 4))
 (set_tile "edt_gap" (rtos LUM_GAP 4 4))
 (if (= TOG_LLEFT 1)
   (set_tile "tog_lleft" "2")
 (if (= TOG_LRIGHT 1)
   (set_tile "tog_lright" "2")
 (defun SET:VIEW (VW)
     ((= VW 1)
      (mode_tile "rad_mb2" 1)
      (mode_tile "rad_mb3" 1)
      (mode_tile "rad_mb4" 1)
      (mode_tile "rad_sgl" 1)
      (setq TOG_MTYPE 1)
      (set_tile "rad_mb1" "2")
      (if (= TOG_DTYPE 0)
   (setq TOG_DTYPE 1)
   (set_tile "rad_dbl" "2")
     ((= VW 2)
      (mode_tile "rad_mb2" 0)
      (mode_tile "rad_mb3" 0)
      (mode_tile "rad_mb4" 0)
      (mode_tile "rad_sgl" 1)
      (if (= TOG_DTYPE 0)
   (setq TOG_DTYPE 1)
   (set_tile "rad_dbl" "2")
      (mode_tile "rad_mb2" 0)
      (mode_tile "rad_mb3" 0)
      (mode_tile "rad_mb4" 0)
      (mode_tile "rad_sgl" 0)
   ((= TOG_LVIEW 0) (set_tile "rad_thk" "2"))
   ((= TOG_LVIEW 1) (set_tile "rad_dep" "2"))
   ((= TOG_LVIEW 2) (set_tile "rad_sec" "2"))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 1) (set_tile "rad_mb1" "2"))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 2) (set_tile "rad_mb2" "2"))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 3) (set_tile "rad_mb3" "2"))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 4) (set_tile "rad_mb4" "2"))
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 0) (set_tile "rad_sgl" "2"))
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 1) (set_tile "rad_dbl" "2"))
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 2) (set_tile "rad_tpl" "2"))
 (defun CK:LLEFT ()
   (if (= TOG_LLEFT 1)
(mode_tile "edt_lthk" 0)
(mode_tile "edt_ldep" 0)
(mode_tile "edt_lthk" 1)
(mode_tile "edt_ldep" 1)
   (set_tile "edt_lthk" (rtos LL_THK 4 4))
   (set_tile "edt_ldep" (rtos LL_DEP 4 4))
 (defun CK:LRIGHT ()
   (if (= TOG_LRIGHT 1)
(mode_tile "edt_rthk" 0)
(mode_tile "edt_rdep" 0)
(mode_tile "edt_rthk" 1)
(mode_tile "edt_rdep" 1)
   (set_tile "edt_rthk" (rtos LR_THK 4 4))
   (set_tile "edt_rdep" (rtos LR_DEP 4 4))
 (action_tile "edt_thk" "(setq L_THK (distof $value))")
 (action_tile "edt_dep" "(setq L_DEP (distof $value))")
   "(setq TOG_LLEFT (atoi $value)) (CK:LLEFT)"
 (action_tile "edt_lthk" "(setq LL_THK (distof $value))")
 (action_tile "edt_ldep" "(setq LL_DEP (distof $value))")
   "(setq TOG_LRIGHT (atoi $value)) (CK:LRIGHT)"
 (action_tile "edt_rthk" "(setq LR_THK (distof $value))")
 (action_tile "edt_rdep" "(setq LR_DEP (distof $value))")
 (action_tile "rad_thk" "(setq TOG_LVIEW 0) (SET:VIEW 0)")
 (action_tile "rad_dep" "(setq TOG_LVIEW 1) (SET:VIEW 1)")
 (action_tile "rad_sec" "(setq TOG_LVIEW 2) (SET:VIEW 2)")
 (action_tile "rad_mb1" "(setq TOG_MTYPE 1)")
 (action_tile "rad_mb2" "(setq TOG_MTYPE 2)")
 (action_tile "rad_mb3" "(setq TOG_MTYPE 3)")
 (action_tile "rad_mb4" "(setq TOG_MTYPE 4)")
 (action_tile "edt_gap" "(setq LUM_GAP (distof $value))")
 (action_tile "rad_sgl" "(setq TOG_DTYPE 0)")
 (action_tile "rad_dbl" "(setq TOG_DTYPE 1)")
 (action_tile "rad_tpl" "(setq TOG_DTYPE 2)")
 (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 4)")
 (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")
 (setq DO_NEXT (start_dialog))
 (if (= DO_NEXT 4)
;;; Set finished size
     (if (> 7.0 L_THK)
(setq L_THK1 (- L_THK 0.5))
(setq L_THK1 (- L_THK 0.75))
     (if (> 7.0 L_DEP)
(setq L_DEP1 (- L_DEP 0.5))
(setq L_DEP1 (- L_DEP 0.75))
     (if (> 7.0 LL_THK)
(setq LL_THK1 (- LL_THK 0.5))
(setq LL_THK1 (- LL_THK 0.75))
     (if (> 7.0 LL_DEP)
(setq LL_DEP1 (- LL_DEP 0.5))
(setq LL_DEP1 (- LL_DEP 0.75))
     (if (> 7.0 LR_THK)
(setq LR_THK1 (- LR_THK 0.5))
(setq LR_THK1 (- LR_THK 0.75))
     (if (> 7.0 LR_DEP)
(setq LR_DEP1 (- LR_DEP 0.5))
(setq LR_DEP1 (- LR_DEP 0.75))
((= TOG_LVIEW 0)
;;;Plan on thickness
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 0) (LMB:THICK1))
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 1) (LMB:THICK2))
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 2) (LMB:THICK3))
((= TOG_LVIEW 1)
;;;Plan on Depth
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 0) (LMB:DEPTH1))
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 1) (LMB:DEPTH2))
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 2) (LMB:DEPTH3))
((= TOG_LVIEW 2)
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 0) (LMB:SECT1))
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 1)
    (if (= TOG_LLEFT 1)
   ((= TOG_DTYPE 2) (LMB:SECT3))
;;; Single Line on Thickness
(defun LMB:THICK1 (/ PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 D2)
 (setq PT1 (getpoint "\nLeft Center Placement Point: "))
 (setq PT2 (getpoint PT1 "\nLumber Length-Angle: "))
 (setq ANG (angle PT1 PT2))
 (command "._line" PT1 PT2 "")
 (setq EL1 (entlast))
 (setq D2 (+ L_THK1 LUM_GAP))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 2)
    (command "._copy" EL1 "" PT1 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) D2))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 3)
    (command "._copy" EL1 "" PT1 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) D2))
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) (* D2 2))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 4)
    (command "._copy" EL1 "" PT1 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) D2))
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) (* D2 2))
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) (* D2 3))
;;; Double Line on Thickness
(defun LMB:THICK2 (/ PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 D2)
 (setq PT1 (getpoint "\nLower Left Placement Point: "))
 (setq PT2 (getpoint PT1 "\nLumber Length-Angle: "))
 (setq ANG (angle PT1 PT2))
 (setq PT3 (polar PT2 (+ ANG (D90)) L_THK1)
PT4 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) L_THK1)
 (command "._pline" PT1 "w" 0 0 PT2 PT3 PT4 "c")
 (setq EL1 (entlast))
 (setq D2 (+ L_THK1 LUM_GAP))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 2)
    (command "._copy" EL1 "" PT1 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) D2))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 3)
    (command "._copy" EL1 "" PT1 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) D2))
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) (* D2 2))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 4)
    (command "._copy" EL1 "" PT1 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) D2))
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) (* D2 2))
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) (* D2 3))
;;; Section Double Line
(defun LMB:SECT2 (/ PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 D2)
 (setq PT1 (getpoint "\nLower Left Placement Point: ")
ANG (getangle PT1 "\nRotation Angle: ")
PT2 (polar PT1 ANG L_DEP1)
PT3 (polar PT2 (+ ANG (D90)) L_THK1)
PT4 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) L_THK1)
 (command "._pline" PT1 "w" 0 0 PT2 PT3 PT4 "c")
 (setq EL1 (entlast))
 (command "._line" PT1 PT3 "")
 (setq EL2 (entlast))
 (command "._line" PT2 PT4 "")
 (setq EL3 (entlast))
 (command "._change" EL2 EL3 "" "p" "c" "1" "")
 (setq D2 (+ L_THK1 LUM_GAP))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 2)
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) D2)
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 3)
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) D2)
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) (* D2 2))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 4)
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) D2)
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) (* D2 2))
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) (* D2 3))
;;; Section Double Line w/Ledgers
(defun LMB:SECT2L (/ PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 D2)
 (setq PT1 (getpoint "\nLower Left Placement Point: "))
 (setq ANG 0.0)
 (setq PT2 (polar PT1 ANG LL_THK1))
 (setq PT3 (polar PT2 (+ ANG (D90)) LL_DEP1))
 (setq PT4 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) LL_DEP1))
 (command "._pline" PT1 "w" 0 0 PT2 PT3 PT4 "c")
 (command "._line" PT1 PT3 "")
 (setq EL2 (entlast))
 (command "._line" PT2 PT4 "")
 (setq EL3 (entlast))
 (command "._change" EL2 EL3 "" "p" "c" "1" "")
 (setq PT1 PT2)
 (setq PT2 (polar PT1 ANG L_THK1)
PT3 (polar PT2 (+ ANG (D90)) L_DEP1)
PT4 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) L_DEP1)
 (command "._pline" PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 "c")
 (setq EL1 (entlast))
 (command "._line" PT1 PT3 "")
 (setq EL2 (entlast))
 (command "._line" PT2 PT4 "")
 (setq EL3 (entlast))
 (command "._change" EL2 EL3 "" "p" "c" "1" "")
 (setq D2 (+ L_THK1 LUM_GAP))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 2)
    (command "._copy" EL1 EL2 EL3 "" PT1 (polar PT1 ANG D2))
    (setq PT1 (polar PT2 ANG D2))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 3)
    (command "._copy" EL1 EL2 EL3 "" PT1 (polar PT1 ANG D2))
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 ANG (* D2 2))
    (setq PT1 (polar PT2 ANG (* D2 2)))
   ((= TOG_MTYPE 4)
    (command "._copy" EL1 EL2 EL3 "" PT1 (polar PT1 ANG D2))
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 ANG (* D2 2))
    (command "._copy"
      (polar PT1 ANG (* D2 3))
    (setq PT1 (polar PT2 ANG (* D2 3)))
 (setq PT2 (polar PT1 ANG LR_THK1))
 (setq PT3 (polar PT2 (+ ANG (D90)) LR_DEP1))
 (setq PT4 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) LR_DEP1))
 (command "._pline" PT1 "w" 0 0 PT2 PT3 PT4 "c")
 (command "._line" PT1 PT3 "")
 (setq EL2 (entlast))
 (command "._line" PT2 PT4 "")
 (setq EL3 (entlast))
 (command "._change" EL2 EL3 "" "p" "c" "1" "")
;;; Double Line on Depth
(defun LMB:DEPTH2 (/ PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4)
 (setq PT1 (getpoint "\nLower Left Placement Point: "))
 (setq PT2 (getpoint PT1 "\nLumber Length-Angle: "))
 (setq ANG (angle PT1 PT2))
 (setq PT3 (polar PT2 (+ ANG (D90)) L_DEP1)
PT4 (polar PT1 (+ ANG (D90)) L_DEP1)
 (command "._pline" PT1 "w" 0 0 PT2 PT3 PT4 "c")
 (setq EL1 (entlast))

Edited by SLW210
added code tags!!
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The message is exactly that $start does not exist it probably existed in your acaddoc.lsp etc and was loaded on starting autocad. You need to find it. Try ;($start) and see what happens

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Please read the Code Posting Guidelines and edit your post to include the Code in Code Tags.


SLW210 perhaps this should be made a STICKY?


It seems that almost every first post of this type, you or another administrator, or member

needs to supply this link or clarify this instruction.

When I recently wanted to advise a newbie of this, I was unable to find the link to it.

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It's already a sticky: http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?21-AutoLISP-Visual-LISP-amp-DCL


And also, lisp questions should be posted in the Autolisp section of the forum, which is where this thread has been moved. ;)


I missed that, where was it?


Usually the first thing I check when going through the threads. :ouch:


So I fixed it for you wipo, it isn't that difficult to add Code Tags, just [NOPARSE]




When editing you can also use "Go Advanced" at lower right of reply box and you will get the # that automagically adds the [NOPARSE]

[/NOPARSE] then copy and paste the code in between.

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