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Error message in routine - bad argument type: numberp: nil


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I have a lisp routine which worked well in earlier editions of AutoCAD but now with AutoCAD Map 2014 it doesn't work giving me the following error message:


; error: bad argument type: numberp: nil


The routine draws a circle around a number located at an x,y co-ordinate.


Here's the code:


(defun c:ImportPts (/ txtht file line ptno x y xy b4y)
 (setq txtht (getreal "\nText height?")
   	file (open (getfiled "Select the input file: " "" "txt"  "r") ;;;the smiley with shades is 8 with a bracket next to it
 (while (setq line (read-line file))
   (setq ptno (substr line 1 (setq xy (vl-string-search "," line)))
x (vl-string-left-trim " " (substr line (+ 2 xy) (- (setq b4y (vl-string-search "," line (+ 2 xy))) 2)))
y (vl-string-left-trim " " (substr line (+ 2 b4y)))
 (command "circle" (list (atof x) (atof y)) txtht)
 (command "text" "j" "mc" (list (atof x) (atof y)) txtht 0 ptno)



I would appreciate any help, thanks in advance.

Edited by SLW210
icon appears unnecessarily (fixed with Code Tags!!)
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Things like this ?


(defun c:ImportPts  (/ h f p w st x y xy b4y)
   (and (setq h (getreal "\nText height :"))
          f (getfiled "Select the input txt file: " "" "txt" 16))
        (setq f (open f "r"))
      (while (setq w (read-line f))
        (setq st
                 (substr w 1 (setq xy (vl-string-search " " w)))
                   " "
                   (substr w  (+ 2 xy) (- (setq b4y (vl-string-search "," w (+ 2 xy))) 3)))
                 (vl-string-left-trim " " (substr w (+ 2 b4y)))
          (list '(0 . "CIRCLE")
                (cons 10
                      (setq p (trans (list (atof x) (atof y)) 1 0)))
                (cons 40 h)))
          (list '(0 . "TEXT")
                (cons 1 st)
                (cons 7 (getvar 'TEXTSTYLE))
                (cons 10 p)
                (cons 11 p)
                (cons 40 h)
                '(50 . 0.)
                '(71 . 0)
                '(72 . 1)
                '(73 . 2)
      (close f)

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Thanks for your assist, Tharwat ... works beautifully.


Please can you let me know what was wrong in the first instance.

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Thanks for your assist, Tharwat ... works beautifully.


You are welcome .



Please can you let me know what was wrong in the first instance.


The first function that search for comma (,) is supposed to be empty space " " and the variable b4y should be increased in location to reach the correct destination and I changed it to 3 .


Compare between the two routine to learn and see the differences ( if you'd like ) .



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FWIW, here's another way to parse the text file contents:

(defun c:test ( / des hgt lst txt )
   (initget 6)
   (if (and (setq hgt (getdist "\nSpecify text height: "))
            (setq txt (getfiled "" "" "txt" 16))
            (setq des (open txt "r"))
           (while (setq str (read-line des))
               (if (and (setq lst (read (strcat "(" (vl-string-translate "," " " str) ")")))
                        (= 3 (length lst))
                        (apply 'and (mapcar 'numberp lst))
                              '(0 . "CIRCLE") 
                               (cons 10 (cdr lst))
                               (cons 40 hgt)
                              '(0 . "TEXT")
                               (cons 10 (cdr lst))
                               (cons 11 (cdr lst))
                               (cons 01 (itoa (car lst)))
                               (cons 40 hgt) 
                              '(72 . 1) 
                              '(73 . 2)
           (close des)

(Untested & typed in post box!)

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Hi Tharwat,


Apologies for this but with the modified routine the coordinates for the first set of points (1-9) are drawn out of synch, possibly because of the number of digits. the coordinates are fine for points number 10 onwards. When I have got the coordinate say for point number 1 it reads as 53250,166730 rather than 532050, 166730. I have attached the sample text file I am using.

Chesnut Primary.txt

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  • 2 years later...
@Lee Mac. Can the routine be adjusted to include the z coordinate?


Change: (= 3 (length lst)) to (= 4 (length lst)) ( assuming your whole list has z values )


Or: (

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