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Align polyline on another one


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Hello motee-z, here you go:

(defun c:proftodist (/ sourcepl targetpl vlpl polydata verli hdist cnt pointlst)
 (setq	sourcepl (car (entsel "\nSelect source polyline: ")) ; Get source polyline
targetpl (car (entsel "\nSelect target polyline: ")) ; Get target polyline
vlpl	 (vlax-ename->vla-object targetpl)
				; Convert target polyline data to vla-object
polydata (entget sourcepl)	; Get source polyline data
verli	 (list)			; Define an empty list for vertices
 (foreach v polydata			; Append vertices from source polyline
   (if	(= 10 (car v))
     (setq verli (append verli (list (cdr v))))
 (setq	verli (vl-sort verli
	       (function (lambda (x1 x2) (< (car x1) (car x2))))
      )				; Sort vertices in ascending order on x axis
hdist (list)			; Create an empty list for horizontal distances
cnt   0
 )					; Set up a counter
 (while (/= cnt (1- (length verli)))	; Append cumulated horizontal distances
   (if	(= cnt 0)
hdist (append hdist
	      (list (- (car (nth (1+ cnt) verli)) (car (nth cnt verli))))
     (setq hdist (append hdist
		    (+ (- (car (nth (1+ cnt) verli)) (car (nth cnt verli)))
		       (last hdist)
   (setq cnt (1+ cnt))
 (setq pointlst (list))		; Create an emplty list for the resulting vertices
 (foreach d hdist
   (setq pointlst (append pointlst (list (vlax-curve-GetpointatDist vlpl d))))
 (foreach p pointlst			; Create the points along the target polyline
'(0 . "POINT")
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
'(62 . 256)
(cons 8 "markchainage")
'(100 . "AcDbPoint")
(cons 10 p)


Let me know if this is what you are looking for!


With regards CAD89

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thanks cad89 for your reply

thats good job

but can be creat polyline with vertices in addition to points


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