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noob workspace config/save questions...

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hi all,

I am returning to autocad after about 10 years, so getting back into the swing of things but once again a noob!



my question is regarding the tool palette layout in 2016:



I have them set up as I want right now, and have saved a "*.svf" file so I can reload it (if this is the correct thing to do?!).

I have my ".arg" profile saved and can load that no worries as well.



in particular, I like to have the layer section of the Home ribbon always visible, so I detach it from the ribbon and offset it so it doesn't lock back. but when I restart CAD it returns to its natural habitat and is back in the Home ribbon again.



how can I keep it on screen but separate from that ribbon?



is there a variable in Options that I need to repath? it seems to be remembering my basic profile setting, but the tool palette thing always reverts....



thank you. :)

Edited by jt6572
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it was an issue with the desktop shortcut icon.



I had the Target Location pointing at my saved ".arg" file in the shortcut properties, whereas now I have reverted it to



"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2016\acad.exe" /ld "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2016\\AecBase.dbx" /p ">" /product "C3D"



it is remembering the workspace changes I make.



just for future reference, what is the setting to ensure it remembers or finds the correct workspace or sysvar configuration?

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Changes made to workspaces must be SAVED otherwise the next time you start AutoCAD you'll have to make those changes all over again. So click on the Workspace button in your System Tray and use the "Save current as" option.

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that's awesome. exactly what I was looking for ReMark. thanks very much! :)

okay, so this is the "*.cuix" file?



getting myself into a little trouble messing around with these (but not too much! ;) ) but its helping me understand the cuix can be a set of workspace settings, right?

Edited by jt6572
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From AutoCAD Help:

The Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor provides a wide range of options to create and modify all the content that can be displayed with a workspace.

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My suggestion is don't play to much inside the default Cui but make your own Partial menu's and add them to the CUI, I have taken 2 default pull down menus and joined them together they were short, turned off original in Cui and added my new menu this gave me 1 extra pull down slot for another menu. Same with toolbars do you really use all 15 items in that toolbar, maybe only 3. Use "MENULOAD"


ID_ALAN_0    [_Toolbar("Alans1", _Right, _Show, 0, 0, 1)]
AECC_ShowTS  [_Button("Show Toolspace", RCDATA_16_IMAGE, RCDATA_16_IMAGE)]^C^C^C^P_ShowTS
ID_Matchprop [_Button("Match Properties", RCDATA_16_MATCH, RCDATA_16_MATCH)]^C^C_matchprop
ID_Erase     [_Button("Erase", RCDATA_16_ERASE, RCDATA_32_ERASE)]^C^C_erase
ID_Copy      [_Button("Copy", RCDATA_16_COPYOB, RCDATA_32_COPYOB)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_copy,^C^C_copy)
ID_Mirror    [_Button("Mirror", RCDATA_16_MIRROR, RCDATA_32_MIRROR)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_mirror,^C^C_mirror)
ID_Offset    [_Button("Offset", RCDATA_16_OFFSET, RCDATA_32_OFFSET)]^C^C_offset
ID_Array     [_Button("Array...", RCDATA_16_ARRREC, RCDATA_32_ARRREC)]^C^C_array
ID_Move      [_Button("Move", RCDATA_16_MOVE, RCDATA_32_MOVE)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_move,^C^C_move)
ID_Rotate    [_Button("Rotate", RCDATA_16_ROTATE, RCDATA_32_ROTATE)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_rotate,^C^C_rotate)
ID_Scale     [_Button("Scale", RCDATA_16_SCALE, RCDATA_32_SCALE)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_scale,^C^C_scale)
ID_Stretch   [_Button("Stretch", RCDATA_16_STRETC, RCDATA_32_STRETC)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_stretch,^C^C_stretch)
ID_Trim      [_Button("Trim", RCDATA_16_TRIM, RCDATA_32_TRIM)]^C^C_trim
ID_Extend    [_Button("Extend", RCDATA_16_EXTEND, RCDATA_32_EXTEND)]^C^C_extend
ID_BreakSele [_Button("Break at Point", RCDATA_16_BREAKATPT, RCDATA_32_BREAKATPT)]^C^C_break \_f \@
ID_Break     [_Button("Break", RCDATA_16_BRE2PT, RCDATA_32_BRE2PT)]^C^C_break
ID_Join      [_Button("Join", RCDATA_16_JOIN, RCDATA_32_JOIN)]^C^C_join
ID_Chamfer   [_Button("Chamfer", RCDATA_16_CHAMFE, RCDATA_32_CHAMFE)]^C^C_chamfer
ID_Fillet    [_Button("Fillet", RCDATA_16_FILLET, RCDATA_32_FILLET)]^C^C_fillet
ID_Explode   [_Button("Explode", RCDATA_16_EXPLODE, RCDATA_32_EXPLODE)]^C^C_explode
ID_LAYFRZ    [_Button("Layer, Layer Freeze", RCDATA_16_FRZLAY, RCDATA_32_FRZLAY)]^C^C_layfrz
ID_LAYOFF    [_Button("Layer Off", RCDATA_16_OFFLAY, RCDATA_32_OFFLAY)]^C^C_layoff
ID_LAYISO    [_Button("Layer Isolate", RCDATA_16_LAYISO,RCDATA_32_LAYISO)]^C^C_layiso
MM_LAYUNISO  [_Button("Layer Unisolate", RCDATA_16_LAYUNISO, RCDATA_32_LAYUNISO)]^C^C_Layuniso
ID_LAYDEL    [_Button("Layer, Layer Delete", RCDATA_16_LAYER_DELETE,RCDATA_32_LAYER_DELETE)]^C^C_laydel
ID_Line      [_Button("Line", RCDATA_16_LINE,RCDATA_32_LINE)]^C^C_line
MM_1608      [_Button("Circle", RCDATA_16_CIRRAD,RCDATA_32_CIRRAD)]^C^C_circle
MM_1607      [_Button("Arc", RCDATA_16_ARC3PT,RCDATA_32_ARC3PT)]^C^C_arc
ID_Pline     [_Button("Polyline", RCDATA_16_PLINE,RCDATA_32_PLINE)]^C^C_pline
ID_Pedit     [_Button("Polyline Edit", RCDATA_16_PEDIT, RCDATA_32_PEDIT)]^C^C_pedit
ID_DrawordeB [_Button("Draw Order, Send to Back", RCDATA_16_SN2BCK,RCDATA_32_SN2BCK)]^C^C^P_ai_draworder _Back ^P
ID_Appload   [_Button("Load Application...", RCDATA_16_LOAD_APPLICATIONS,RCDATA_16_LOAD_APPLICATIONS)]^C^C_appload

ID_ALAN_1    [_Toolbar("Alans2", _LEFT, _Show, 50,50, 1)]
CL           [_Button("Draw Cl", COGGCL.BMP, COGGCL.BMP)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Cl  line;
Lip          [_Button("Draw Lip", COGGLIP.BMP, COGGLIP.BMP)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Lip  line;
Bok          [_Button("Draw Bok", COGGBOK.BMP, COGGBOK.BMP)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Bok  line;
Conc         [_Button("Draw Design Line", "S:\AutoDESK\ICONS\COGGCONC.BMP", "S:\AutoDESK\ICONS\COGGCONC.BMP")]^C^C^C-la s Design-General  line;
Drive        [_Button("Draw Driveway", RCDATA_16_THICKEN, RCDATA_32_THICKEN)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Driveway  line;
Draincl      [_Button("Draw Drain Cl", RCDATA_16_LINE, RCDATA_32_LINE)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Drainage-Cl  line;
Draininv     [_Button("Draw Drain Inv", RCDATA_16_OSNPAR, RCDATA_32_OSNPAR)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Drainage-Invert  line;
Drainpit     [_Button("Draw Drain Pit", RCDATA_16_EXTRACT_EDGES, RCDATA_32_EXTRACT_EDGES)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Drainage-Pits  line;
Housedrain   [_Button("Draw House Drain", RCDATA_16_OSNNEA, RCDATA_32_OSNNEA)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Drainage-House-drain  line;
Linemark     [_Button("Draw Linemarking", RCDATA_16_DIMARC, RCDATA_32_DIMARC)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Linemarkings  line;
Hatch        [_Button("Draw Road hatch", RCDATA_16_MYWORKSPACE, RCDATA_32_MYWORKSPACE)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Hatch  hatch;
Pathatch     [_Button("Draw Path hatch", RCDATA_16_WALK-THROUGH_SAVE, RCDATA_32_WALK-THROUGH_SAVE)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Hatch-path  hatch;
Nathatch     [_Button("Draw Nature hatch", RCDATA_16_RECTAN, RCDATA_32_RECTAN)]^C^C^C-la s Design-Hatch-naturestrip  hatch;
Text         [_Button("Draw Text 1", RCDATA_16_MTEXT, RCDATA_32_MTEXT)]^C^C^C-la s Text  text;
Text2        [_Button("Draw Text 2", RCDATA_16_SINGLE_DTEXT, RCDATA_32_SINGLE_DTEXT)]^C^C^C-la s Text  text;
MiddlePt     [_Button("Middle 2 pts","COGGMTP.BMP","COGGMTP.BMP")]MTP;
ZZZ          [_Button("Command","COGGZZZ.BMP","COGGZZZ.BMP")]^c^cZZZ;
Alloff       [_Button("All Off","Alloff.BMP","alloff.BMP")]^c^c^c(setq surface "_COGG All Off")(load "vercheck")(load "listselect")(load "changecontours6")
50mm         [_Button("50mm cont","50mm.bmp","50mm.bmp")]^c^c^c(setq surface "_COGG NS 0.05 Contours")(load "vercheck")(load "listselect")(load "changecontours6")
100mm        [_Button("100mm cont","100mm.BMP","100mm.BMP")]^c^c^c(setq surface "_COGG NS 0.1 Contours")(load "vercheck")(load "listselect")(load "changecontours6")
200mm        [_Button("200mm cont","200mm.BMP","200mm.BMP")]^c^c^c(setq surface "_COGG NS 0.2 Contours")(load "vercheck")(load "listselect")(load "changecontours6")
500mm        [_Button("0.50m cont","500mm.BMP","500mm.BMP")]^c^c^c(setq surface "_COGG NS 0.5m Contours")(load "vercheck")(load "listselect")(load "changecontours6")
1m           [_Button("1m cont","1m.BMP","1m.BMP")]^c^c^c(setq surface "_COGG NS 1m Contours" )(load "vercheck")(load "listselect")(load "changecontours6")
Triangles    [_Button("Triangles","TRI.BMP","TRI.BMP")]^c^c^c(setq surface "_COGG NS Triangles" )(load "vercheck")(load "listselect")(load "changecontours6")
Slope        [_Button("Slope","RCDATA_16_SM_EXTEND","RCDATA_32_SM_EXTEND")]^c^c^c(setq surface "_COGG Slope Arrows & Catchments" )(if (not AH:Vercheck)(load "vercheck"))(if (not AT:ListSelect)(load "listselect"))(if (not AH:Changecont)(load "changecontours6"))
Delard       [_Button("Delard","RCDATA_16_MAPRSREMOVE","RCDATA_32_MAPRSREMOVE")]^c^c^c(if (not XXX)(LOAD "del-ard") ) xxx
ID_Ddim      [_Button("Dim Style",RCDATA_16_DIMSTY,RCDATA_32_DIMSTY)]^c^c_dimstyle
ID_Dimaligned[_Button("Dim align",RCDATA_16_DIMALI,RCDATA_32_DIMALI)]^c^c_dimaligned
ID_Dimlinear [_Button("Dim Lin",RCDATA_16_DIMLIN,RCDATA_32_DIMLIN)]^C^C_dimlinear
M2P          [_Button("M2P","M2P.BMP","M2P.BMP")](command "M2P")

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