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Merge two polylines


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Hello guys, I don't know why but i got stacked with my lisp!


I've to create a polyline from a list of points and I really can't understand how to do that. I just searched everywhere but something is missed..


That's what I'm doing:

1. create a polyline -> extract coordinates

                    (VLAX-VARIANT-VALUE (VLAX-GET-PROPERTY obj1 'Coordinates))

2. doing an offset from it and extract coordinates

                    (VLAX-VARIANT-VALUE (VLAX-GET-PROPERTY obj1 'Coordinates))


Now I want to merge these lines (merge list of points and entmake a polyline).

The second one is oriented as the first one, I need to invert it!


I have 2 problems:

1. can't append the list of points, because i got something like that:

(1 2 3 4 5 6 ..) instead of ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (..) ..)

(setq lista_punti (append lista_punti (list (nth n coordinate1) (nth (1+ n) coordinate1))))


2. Really don't know exactly of to entmake that.. I saw something with lamda funcion.


    '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE")		;nome
    '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
    '(100 . "AcDbPolyline")
    ;'(8 . "Muri")		;layer
    ;'(62 . 5)			;colore
    (cons 90 (length coordinate1))			;numero vertici
    '(90 . 4)
    '(70 . 1)			;1 chiusa, 0 aperta
 ;istructions here?


Can someone give me an advice please?




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A guy named freerefill put this together a while back. Not the cleanest code ever, but it's super reliable.


  (defun plverts (ent / retn listy retDum add1 add2) ;
   (if	(= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))) "LWPOLYLINE")
(setq retn  nil
      listy (vlax-safearray->list
		(vla-get-coordinates (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
(while (and (setq var1 (car listy)) (setq var2 (cadr listy)))
  (setq retn (append retn (list (list var1 var2 0))))
  (setq listy (cddr listy))
 )					; Returns a list of 3D coordinates defining the vertices of a polygon

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I guess that I don't understand.


Do you want a continuous pline to incorporate the 2 exiting lines with vertices thru the mid points of the shape and add end caps as well ?


The vertex order shown in attached jpg would not have any overlaying segment




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This is another example create a pline form a list of points.


; co-ordsxy is a list of 2d points
(setq x -1) ; so x starts at nth 0 at start and closing
(command "PLINE" (while (= (getvar "cmdactive") 1)
                   (COMMAND (repeat (length co-ordsxy) 
                            (nth (setq x (+ x 1)) co-ordsxy)
(command "C")

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