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How do i create a vector in Autocad?


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I am new in Autocad.


I want create the following figure(2D) in Autocad as follows:




I tried to create a vector, but I couldn't do it.

In fact, I don't know that how do i create a vector in Autocad.

I am grateful that guide me about this case.







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Wouldn't that be covered in your Help file under the topic heading "Use Points and Vectors (CAL Command)"?


See also: "Calculate a Normal Vector" and "Calculate a Vector from Two Points".

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I searched in help of autocad but I didn't understand anything.

Help of autocad is weak in term of explaning and presenting figures about vector. I also searched in youtube but I didn't find anything about this case.


I am grateful that guide me more.







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The first question you might ask is what is the difference between a vector and a point? One definition of a vector is “a quantity having direction as well as magnitude”. A point is a location in space. For this discussion let’s assume the space is three dimensional. We can think of a point as a vector but this assumes that the base of the vector is tied to the coordinate system’s origin (0,0,0). Unlike points, vectors are free to float in space and are not necessarily tied to 0,0,0. You must keep this in mind when working with points as if they were vectors.


You can use a variety of methods to create a point in AutoCAD. AutoCAD also let’s you use points to calculate normal vectors and from point to point values as noted in ReMax’s post. So, to find the vector from (1,2,3) to (4,-3,5) you would enter:





which would yield: 3,-5,2 The vector from 1,2,3 to 4,-3,5


I don’t know how to add vectors in straight AutoCAD commands but have found the mapcar AutoLISP function useful. Here’s a simple AutoLISP program to add two vectors.


(defun c:vec-add (/)
 (setq a (getpoint "\nSpecify point A")
  b (getpoint a "\nSpecify point B")
  c (mapcar '+ a b)
 (princ "\n A + B = ")
 (princ c)


What is it that you would like to do with vectors?


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