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Insert Block on the Intersection of a Circle and Polyline


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The simple answer is Vla-intersectwith, do a search or look up help its a pretty easy command to use. a couple of questions does the circle cross the pline twice. Something like this example


(setvar "osmode" 512)  ; nearest make sure on line
(setq pickobj (entsel "\nPick arc :"))
(setq obj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object (car pickobj)))
(setq pickobj1 (entsel "\nPick 1st line :"))
(setq obj2 (vlax-ename->vla-object (car pickobj1)))
(setq intpt1 (vlax-invoke obj2 'intersectWith obj1 acExtendThisEntity))

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(defun C:INTLINES ( / SS1 PT ptl oldos)

(prompt "\nINTLINES running to demonstrate GET_ALL_INTERS_IN_SS function.")

(setq SS1 (ssget);(ssget "_X");(get_all_lines_as_SS)

PTS (get_all_inters_in_ss SS1)


(setq ptl (length PTS) PTS (deldup PTS)) ; duplicates - shouldn't be any

(if (> ptl (length PTS)) (princ (strcat "\n" (itoa (- (length PTS) ptl)) " duplicates removed")))

(vla-startundomark (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))

(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)

(setq oldos (getvar "OSMODE"))(setvar "OSMODE" 0)

(foreach PT PTS ;;Loop through list of points

(command "_POINT" PT)) ;;Create point object (you can also use INSERT, CIRCLE, etc. here)

(setvar "PDMODE" 34) ;;display points so you can see them

(command "_REGEN")

(setvar "OSMODE" oldos)

(vla-endundomark (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))

(princ (strcat (itoa (length PTS)) " intersections found."))



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;; CDNC5-02.LSP

;; Bill Kramer

;; (modifications and enhancements by CAD Studio, http://www.cadstudio.cz , 2010-2014)


;; ILSIMPLEMODE = T for single intersection only (large coord problem)


;; Find all intersections between objects in

;; the selection set SS.


;; ---------------------------------------------- BEGIN LISTING 1


(defun get_all_inters_in_SS (SS /

SSL ;length of SS

PTS ;returning list

aObj1 ;Object 1

aObj2 ;Object 2

N1 ;Loop counter

N2 ;Loop counter

iPts ;intersects

C1 C2 C3



(defun iL->L (iPts / Pts) ; convert coordlist -> pointlist

(while (> (length iPts) 0)

(setq Pts (cons (list (car iPts)

(cadr iPts)

(caddr iPts))


iPts (cdddr iPts)))



(defun iL2->L (iPts / Pts) ; convert coordlist -> pointlist 2D

(while (> (length iPts) 0)

(setq Pts (cons (list (car iPts)

(cadr iPts)



iPts (cddr iPts)))




(defun DelDup ( l / x r ) ; remove duplicates

(while l

(setq x (car l)

l (vl-remove x (cdr l))

r (cons x r)



(reverse r)




(setq N1 0 ;index for outer loop

SSL (sslength SS))

; Outer loop, first through second to last

(while (

; Get object 1, convert to VLA object type

(setq aObj1 (ssname SS N1)

aObj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object aObj1)

N2 (1+ N1)) ;index for inner loop

; self-intersections:

(if (vlax-property-available-p aObj1 'Coordinates)(progn ; is it a curve? LWPOLY

(setq C1 (iL2->L (vlax-get aObj1 'Coordinates)))

(setq C2 (iL->L (vlax-invoke aObj1 'IntersectWith aObj1 0)))

(setq C3 (vl-remove-if '(lambda ( x ) (member x C1)) C2))


(if C3 (foreach x C3 (setq Pts (cons x Pts)))) ; add selfs


(if (= (vlax-get aObj1 'ObjectName) "AcDbSpline")(progn ; SPLINE

(setq C1 (iL->L (vlax-invoke aObj1 'IntersectWith aObj1 0)))

; (PRINT C1)

(if C1 (foreach x C1 (setq Pts (cons x Pts)))) ; add selfs


; Inner loop, go through remaining objects

(while (

; Get object 2, convert to VLA object

(setq aObj2 (ssname SS N2)

aObj2 (vlax-ename->vla-object aObj2)

; Find intersections of Objects

iPts (vla-intersectwith aObj1

aObj2 0)

; variant result

iPts (vlax-variant-value iPts))

; Variant array has values?

(if (> (vlax-safearray-get-u-bound iPts 1)


(progn ;array holds values, convert it

(setq iPts ;to a list.

(vlax-safearray->list iPts))

;Loop through list constructing points

; (setq Pts (iL->L iPts)) ; must be global


(while (> (length iPts) 0)

(setq Pts (cons (list (car iPts)

(cadr iPts)

(caddr iPts))


iPts (cdddr iPts))

(if ILSIMPLEMODE (setq iPts nil)) ; ILSIMPLEMODE - take only the first intersection



(setq N2 (1+ N2))) ;inner loop end

(setq N1 (1+ N1))) ;outer loop end

Pts) ;return list of points found

;;----------------------------------------------- END LISTING 1


;; Remaining lines of code for download version, used to demonstrate and test the utility in Listing 1.


;; Process - Create drawing with intersecting lines and lwpolylines.

;; Load function set

;; Run command function INTLINES

;; Intersections are marked with POINT objects on current layer


(defun C:INTLINES ( / SS1 PT ptl oldos)

(prompt "\nINTLINES running to demonstrate GET_ALL_INTERS_IN_SS function.")

(setq SS1 (ssget);(ssget "_X");(get_all_lines_as_SS)

PTS (get_all_inters_in_ss SS1)


(setq ptl (length PTS) PTS (deldup PTS)) ; duplicates - shouldn't be any

(if (> ptl (length PTS)) (princ (strcat "\n" (itoa (- (length PTS) ptl)) " duplicates removed")))

(vla-startundomark (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))

(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)

(setq oldos (getvar "OSMODE"))(setvar "OSMODE" 0)

(foreach PT PTS ;;Loop through list of points

(command "_POINT" PT)) ;;Create point object (you can also use INSERT, CIRCLE, etc. here)

(setvar "PDMODE" 34) ;;display points so you can see them

(command "_REGEN")

(setvar "OSMODE" oldos)

(vla-endundomark (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))

(princ (strcat (itoa (length PTS)) " intersections found."))





;; Get all lines and lwpolyline objects in the

;; drawing and return as a selection set.


(defun get_all_Lines_as_SS ()

(ssget "_X" '((0 . "LINE,LWPOLYLINE"))))



(princ "\n(get_all_inters_in_SS) function and INTLINES command loaded.")


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