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Reverse function is not working


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Hello people.


So here I am, trying to create a lisp command, and already stuck at the very first part of it (Yes, Im kinda new with lisp and anything related with programming too)


Anyways, here's the code:


(defun c:test ( / pl ent chequeo vert)

(prompt "\nSeleccione objeto")
(setq pl (entget (car (entsel))))

(foreach ent pl
	(setq chequeo (car ent))
	(if (= chequeo 10)
	(setq vert (cons (cdr ent) vert))
(reverse vert)
(print vert)(princ)


So I have noticed that the new list I am creating it has the items ordered in the wrong way that I want, and then I found the REVERSE function that fixes it for me, except that nothing happens at all. Whether I put REVERSE or not in the command it seems that the list remains unchanged, so I am not sure if I did something wrong here or I am using the REVERSE function wrong.


Any help is appreciated


Thanks in advance

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(defun c:test ( / plenx dxf chequeo vert )

 (setq plenx (entget (car (entsel "\nSeleccione objeto"))))

 (foreach dxf plenx
   (setq chequeo (car dxf))
   (if (= chequeo 10)
     (setq vert (cons (cdr dxf) vert))
 [color=red](setq vert [/color][color=blue](reverse vert)[/color][color=red])[/color]
 (print vert)


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Lol, it seems to be kinda obvious now. Thanks a lot, it is working now!


But it makes me wonder... I have seen other codes where they don't have the setq before hand, now I am confused about when I am supposed to use setq before the command or when it is not needed :(

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Prompt function is not required as you give your message by Entsel too:-

(setq pl (entget (car (entsel "\nSeleccione objeto"))))

There are different methods of performing this operation such as :-



(foreach l pl
 (if (= (car l) 10)
   (setq v (cons (cdr l) v))
(setq v (reverse v))



(vl-remove nil
	   (mapcar '(lambda (x)
		      (if (eq (car x) 10)
			(cdr x)



(mapcar	'cdr
	  '(lambda (x)
	     (eq (car x) 10)

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FWIW, here is a performance comparison of several 'massoc' functions.


Excellent comparison Lee sir... :thumbsup:


My Function Comparison :-

   (PROGN (FOREACH L PL (IF (= (CAR L) ...).....1669 / 1.34 <fastest>
   (VL-REMOVE nil (MAPCAR (QUOTE (LAMBD...).....1903 / 1.17
   (MAPCAR (QUOTE CDR) (VL-REMOVE-IF-NO...).....2231 / 1 <slowest>

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I have seen other codes where they don't have the setq before hand, now I am confused about when I am supposed to use setq before the command or when it is not needed :(


To change the value of vert it's value must be reset somehow, but using setq is not always needed. You can use the output of a function without saving it to a value. Maybe this is what you're thinking of?

(defun c:test ( / pl ent chequeo vert)

(prompt "\nSeleccione objeto")
(setq pl (entget (car (entsel))))

(foreach ent pl
	(setq chequeo (car ent))
	(if (= chequeo 10)
	(setq vert (cons (cdr ent) vert))
[color="blue"][b](reverse vert)[/b][/color]

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FWIW, here is a performance comparison of several 'massoc' functions.


Woah, the most efficient one seems to be calling itself as a function? How is that possible? It seems it is called as recursive, but I tried to search material about it, but none seems to be understandable by me lol.


Will look into it further when I finish what I am trying to accomplish here (in an attempt to make it more efficient too)


Anyways, another problem has came up, so Ill just post here in hope that someone might be able to help me without having to make a new thread:


Currently I am having with the following code:


(setq y-aux (mapcar 'cadr vert))
(print y-aux)(princ)
(setq n 0)
(repeat (- n-veces 1)
	(setq h-aux (- (min (nth n y-aux) (nth (+ n 1) y-aux)) (nth n y-fund)))
	(print h-aux)(princ)
	(set h-fund (cons h-aux h-fund))
	(print "checkpoint")(princ)
	(setq n (+ n 1))


And this is what Autocad is returning me:


(7.99292 8.07037 8.15563 8.25114 8.35942 8.48295 8.62478 8.78742 8.97419 9.1877 9.4312 9.70793 10.0208 10.3739 10.7689 11.1954 11.6348 12.0677 12.4751 12.8378 13.137 13.3557 13.486 13.535 13.5121 13.4241 13.2795 13.0853 12.8488 12.5772 )
1.57056 ; error: bad argument type: symbolp nil


I have added the print functions as a way to see where I am messing up, and from what it is returning to me, it seems that the following code seems to be at fault (considering that it is printing y-aux and h-fund correctly)


(set h-fund (cons h-aux h-fund))


Any ideas why? I have done the exact same function like three times previously (but with different variables) and they all worked fine except for this one.


Thanks in advance!

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The error is here:

(set h-fund (cons h-aux h-fund))

Unlike setq, the set function will evaluate both the symbol & value arguments (setq only evaluates the value argument), thereby evaluating the symbol h-fund which evidently yields a value of nil.


This should instead be either:

(setq h-fund (cons h-aux h-fund))


(set 'h-fund (cons h-aux h-fund))

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Ahhh thanks a lot!


That was a very stupid mistake and I was unable to see.... No wonder it didnt work this time although I have already done something similar like three times already

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