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Ignore sub entities on frozen layers?


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Hello all

I have created a lisp to modify sub entities of block(s) using the

tblobjname "block" bkn (while ent (entnext

method & it works very well.

BUT I wish it to ignore sub entities on frozen layers possibly using something like the following psuedo code:

(if (not "FROZEN LAYER") [obviously using the appropriate assoc function]


Modify sub entities as required


Is there a DXF code added to an entity when a layer is frozen? If so then I cannot find it. I created a new drawing, drew a line on a new layer, then froze that new layer.


(setq s (ssget "_X" ))
(entget (ssname s 0))

to retrive the DXF codes for that one entity

The DXF code list is the same whether or not the layer is frozen

Alternatively is there a vl function to detect whether an entity is on a frozen layer?

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Firstly retrieve the Layer name then retrieve the DXF codes for that layer from the tblobjname and have a look about the DXF 70


Have a look at this LINK

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Sorry I don't follow you. How does one extract the DXF data from a layer name exactly?

Ideally it needs to be added to the line using an and:

(if (not (eq(cdr(assoc 8 tblentx)) "NO PRINT"))

"NO PRINT" is a layer we use for the users benefit & which is set to non printing BTW



My code:

(defun c:test ( / bln blnlst ent idx mess1 n ss tblent tblentx)
 (command "UNDO" "BE")  
 (Setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "INSERT"))))
(if ss
  (command "change" ss "" "P" "LA" "0" "")
   (repeat (setq idx (sslength ss))
     (setq idx (1- idx)
    ent (ssname ss idx)
    bln (cdr (assoc 2 (entget ent))))   ;; get the BLOCK name 
     (if (not(member bln blnlst))    ;; check to see if block name has already been added
(setq blnlst (cons bln blnlst))    ;; Build a list of unique block names from the ssget
   (repeat (setq n (length blnlst))
     (setq n (1- n))
 (setq tblent (tblobjname "block" (nth n blnlst)))   ;; get the block entity name from the block name list
       (while (setq tblent (entnext tblent))    ;; Step through the entities in the block definition
       (setq tblentx (entget tblent))    ;; DXF codes for tblent
   (if (assoc 6 tblentx)     ;;; if assoc 6 [linetype] exists
        (setq tblentx (subst '(6 . "BYLAYER") (assoc 6 tblentx) tblentx));;;THEN set linetype to "BYLAYER"
        (setq tblentx (append tblentx '((6 . "BYLAYER"))));;;ELSE add assoc 6 to list & set linetype to "BYLAYER"
    (if (assoc 48 tblentx)    ;;; if assoc 48 [ltscale] exists
        (setq tblentx (subst '(48 . 1) (assoc 48 tblentx) tblentx));;; THEN set LTSCALE to 1 
        (setq tblentx (append tblentx '((48 . 1)))) ;;;ELSE add assoc 48 to list & set LTSCALE to 1
    (if (assoc 62 tblentx)    ;;; if assoc 62 [colour] exists
        (setq tblentx (subst '(62 . 256) (assoc 62 tblentx) tblentx));;; THEN set colour to 256 which is "BYLAYER"
        (setq tblentx (append tblentx '((62 . 256)))) ;;;ELSE add assoc 62 to list & set colour to 256 which is "BYLAYER"
  (entmod tblentx)
  (if (not (eq(cdr(assoc 8 tblentx)) "NO PRINT"))  ;; exclude all items on layer "NO PRINT"
    (if (eq (cdr(assoc 0 tblentx)) "ATTDEF")   ;;; if tblentx is an attribute & not on layer NO PRINT
      (progn       ;;; THEN put attrbutes on layer ATTRIBUTES
     (setvar 'expert 3)
     (command "-layer" "m" "ATTRIBUTES" "c" "2" "" "" ) ;; Make layer ATTRIBUTES
     (setvar 'expert 0)
   (setvar 'clayer "0")     ;; Set layer back to 0
        (entmod (subst '( 8 . "ATTRIBUTES") (assoc 8 tblentx) tblentx));; Change layer of attributes to "ATTRIBUTES"
     );; progn
        (entmod (subst '(8 . "0") (assoc 8 tblentx) tblentx));; ELSE change layer of non attribute items to "0"
  );;; if not layer "NO PRINT"
       ) ;; end WHILE
 (command "_.attsync" "_n" (nth n blnlst))
 );; progn if ss
(setq mess1 t)   
);; if ss
 (command "_regen")
 (command "UNDO" "END")
 (if mess1 (princ "\nNo Blocks Selected"))

There's lots of tidying up yet to be done BTW!

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An example:


(setq LayerName (cdr (assoc 8 (entget <entityName>))))

(eq 1 (logand 1 (cdr (assoc 70 (entget (tblobjname "LAYER" LayerName)))))) ;; 1 = Frozen

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