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PUBLISH and Lisp / BlackBox's PUBLISH Reactor


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Hi guys,

I was scratching my head several months about a question.


There are alot routines, containing PLOT command, but my question is about PUBLISH. In the web I didn't found any information about this - is it possible to use that command within LISP, but luckily BlackBox posted his "pseudo-reactor" somewhere and until now I'm trying to figure out how it works (how does it invoke the PUBLISH command) - the real question is on the bottom of my post.


This is the main part of his code:

;AUTOMATICPUB 0 and ctrl+s
;AUTOMATICPUB 1 and ctrl+s to run the reactor


(defun Autopublish:StartReactor	()

 (or *AutopublishReactor*
     (setq preferences (vla-get-Preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)))
     (setq *AutopublishReactor*
	 (:vlr-documentbecamecurrent . Autopublish:DocumentBecameCurrent)

(defun Autopublish:DocumentBecameCurrent (rea doc)
 (if (and *AutopublishReactor* (= 1 (getvar 'automaticpub)))
   (prompt (strcat "\n[blackBox] : AUTOMATICPUB = "
	    (itoa (setvar 'automaticpub 0))


I added some variables before that:

   (setvar "PUBLISHCOLLATE" 1)

   (setq PBHATCH (getvar 'PUBLISHHATCH))
   (setvar "PUBLISHHATCH" 1)

   (setvar "PUBLISHALLSHEETS" 1)

   (setq FIELD-EVAL (getvar 'FIELDEVAL))
   (setvar "FIELDEVAL" 31)

   (setq AUTOPUB (getvar 'AUTOMATICPUB))
   (setvar "AUTOMATICPUB" 1)

   (setvar "AUTODWFPUBLISH" 0)

   (setvar "BACKGROUNDPLOT" 0)

   (setvar 'TRAYTIMEOUT 1)


And I defined a routine to toggle the AUTOMATICPUB variable:


;Toggle the AUTOMATICPUB variable:

(defun c:tgAutoPub (/)

(if (= (getvar "AUTOMATICPUB") 1)

 (setvar "AUTOMATICPUB" 0)
 (if (= (getvar "tilemode") 0) (setvar "tilemode" 1))
 (princ "\nPublish Reactor is OFF")
 );progn true

 (setvar "AUTOMATICPUB" 1)
 (setvar 'LTSCALE 1)
 (setvar 'PSLTSCALE 0)
 (princ (strcat "\nLTSCALE is set to \"" (rtos(getvar 'LTSCALE) 2 ) "\" "  ))
 (princ (strcat "\nPSLTSCALE is set to \"" (rtos(getvar 'PSLTSCALE) 2 ) "\" "  ))
 (princ "\nPublish Reactor is ON")
 );progn false


;  (princ (strcat "\nPublish Reactor is " (if (= (getvar 'AUTOMATICPUB) 0) (print "ON" )(print "OFF" )) " "  ))



His code works like magic: just set AUTOMATICPUB to 1, and ctrl+S to PUBLISH ALL of the layouts (it ignores the "Model" tab).


However, the change I'm trying to do is this:

If I had a list of layouts, for example:

(setq MyLayoutList '("Layout1" "Layout2" "Layout3" "Layout7" "Layout8" ))

Would it be possible to set that reactor to PUBLISH only this list, not the whole LAYOUTSLIST.

The problem is that I don't know how his reactor works and what changes I should apply (if my question is possible).


So, that was the main question - now I'll reveal my goal:

I'm trying to display all of the layouts in a listbox (usually I use my favourite LM:FiltListBox subroutine - you know the author! :D ).

Then PUBLISH the selected layoutnames from it. (I did similar routine that works with PLOT).

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I don't have problems using PLOT, but I'm attempting to build the same thing using PUBLISH:

; List Layouts in popup list
; Select Layouts to plot

(defun c:PlotSelected_VLD ( / itm lst BACKGROUNDPLT )

   (setvar "BACKGROUNDPLOT" 0)
   (setvar 'TRAYTIMEOUT 1)

   (setq lst (LM:FiltListBox "Select Layouts to Plot" (layoutlist) T ))

   (foreach itm lst ;; For every 'itm' in the list given by 'lst'

   (setvar 'LTSCALE 1)
   (setvar 'PSLTSCALE 0)
   (setvar 'CTab itm)
   (COMMAND  "-PLOT" "N" "" "" "" "" "N" "Y")
   (princ (strcat "\nPlotting Layout \"" itm "\" "  )) 

   ) ;; end foreach

   (if (= (getvar "tilemode") 0) (setvar "tilemode" 1)) ; Go back to MSPACE

;;------------------=={ Filtered List Box }==-----------------;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Displays a list box interface from which the user may     ;;
;;  select one or more items. Includes an edit box filter     ;;
;;  to enable the user to filter the displayed list of items. ;;
;;  Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2013 - www.lee-mac.com       ;;
;;  Arguments:                                                ;;
;;  msg - List box dialog title                               ;;
;;  lst - List of strings to display in the list box          ;;
;;  mtp - Boolean flag to determine whether the user may      ;;
;;        select multiple items (T=Allow Multiple)            ;;
;;  Returns:  List of selected items, else nil.               ;;

(defun LM:FiltListBox ( msg lst mtp / _addlist dch dcl des rtn tmp )

   (defun _addlist ( key lst )
       (start_list key)
       (foreach x lst (add_list x))

           (setq dcl (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl"))
           (setq des (open dcl "w"))
                   "filtlistbox : dialog { label = \"" msg "\"; spacer;"
                   ": list_box { key = \"lst\"; width = 50; fixed_width = true; height = 15; fixed_height = true; allow_accept = true; "
                   "multiple_select = " (if mtp "true" "false") "; }"
                   ": edit_box { key = \"flt\"; width = 50; fixed_width = true; label = \"Filter:\"; }"
                   "spacer; ok_cancel; }"
           (not (close des))
           (< 0 (setq dch (load_dialog dcl)))
           (new_dialog "filtlistbox" dch)
           (_addlist "lst" (setq tmp lst))
           (set_tile "lst" (setq rtn "0"))
           (set_tile "flt" "*")
           (action_tile "lst" "(setq rtn $value)")
           (action_tile "flt"
                       (setq flt (strcat "*" (strcase $value) "*"))
                       (_addlist "lst" (setq tmp (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda ( x ) (wcmatch (strcase x) flt)) lst)))
                       (set_tile "lst" (if (< (atoi rtn) (length tmp)) rtn (setq rtn "0")))
           (setq rtn
               (if (= 1 (start_dialog))
                   (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth x tmp)) (read (strcat "(" rtn ")")))
   (if (< 0 dch)
       (setq dch (unload_dialog dch))
   (if (and (= 'str (type dcl)) (findfile dcl))
       (vl-file-delete dcl)

This is the other code I use, it will PLOT every selected layout from the listbox, specified from the layoutslist.


I always output PDF files and the goal is to quickly concatenate them using PUBLISH and I'm trying to skip any prompts for specifying directories.

Usually I name my layouts with prefix of "A4_L" or "A3_P" or "A2_L" ... "A0_P" then I try to concatenate those with the same prefix and orientation. So I end up with few multipage PDFs containing pages of the same size and orientation (to be plotted easily).

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So.. atleast any explanation on how BlackBox's black magic (reactor) works?

How does the PUBLISH is invoked - is it enough for this just to set the automaticpub variable to 1 within a reactor?

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