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DCL Location


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I am wondering where to put my DCL file to get my LISP to work. I am trying to install DDnumb again... I put it in the C/Autocad Support folder. I Seem to ask this question every few years... Is it a pathing issue? Any help or input would be great.


load error message:


Command: ddnumb

_.UNDO Current settings: Auto = On, Control = All, Combine = Yes, Layer = Yes

Enter the number of operations to undo or [Auto/Control/BEgin/End/Mark/Back] : _G


Error: quit / exit abort

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If it is a .dcl file, so you have two options:

1- Put the .dcl file into your AutoCAD Support folder and use findfile function to find the file.

2- Put it any where you want BUT you need to add the full path into you lisp file to be able to find the file otherwise findfile can not find it.

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So can we link the Lisp and DCL here? C:\Users\ian.anderson\Desktop\LISP LIBRARY or I might even link it my USB drive.


I have added the lisp I am trying to use. If you update the lisp can you show me the spot I need to update to link the DCL file for future reference? I have ran into this issue a time or 2...


DDNUMB.LSP for release 15
;Auto numbers text strings.
;Written by: S. Restmeyer 3/01

;;;----------------------ERROR FUNCTION----------------------------
(DEFUN ERR (S)				;if an error (such as CTRL-C)
				;occurs while this command is active...
 (if (not (member s '("console break" "Function cancelled")))
   (princ (strcat "\nError: " s))
 (command "_.UNDO" "_E")		;end any outstanding UNDO group
 (setvar "cmdecho" cmd)		;restore saved mode
 (setq *error* olderr)
;;;---------------------- MAIN PROGRAM ----------------------------
(defun C:DDNUMB (/ CMD dcl_id1 olderr)
 (setq	olderr	*error*
*error*	err
 (command "_.UNDO" "_G")
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (defun set_replace ()
     ((= (get_tile "do_replace") "0")
      (set_tile "sort_type" "0")
      (mode_tile "sort_type" 1)
      (set_tile "start_no" " ")
      (mode_tile "start_no" 1)
      (set_tile "txt_inc" " ")
      (mode_tile "txt_inc" 1)
     ((= (get_tile "do_replace") "1")
      (mode_tile "sort_type" 0)
      (mode_tile "start_no" 0)
      (mode_tile "txt_inc" 0)
      (if sort_type
   (set_tile "sort_type" sort_type)
   (set_tile "sort_type" "0")
      (if txt_inc
   (set_tile "txt_inc" (rtos txt_inc 2 0))
   (set_tile "txt_inc" "1")
      (if start_no
   (set_tile "start_no" (rtos start_no 2 0))
   (set_tile "start_no" "1")
 (defun my_help ()
   (setq file_name (findfile "autonumb.pdf"))
   (startapp "acrobat.exe" (strcat "\"" file_name "\""))
      (defun get_data ()
 (setq suffix (get_tile "suffix"))
 (setq prefix (get_tile "prefix"))
 (setq start_no (atoi (get_tile "start_no")))
 (setq txt_inc (atoi (get_tile "txt_inc")))
 (setq sort_type (get_tile "sort_type"))
 (setq do_replace (get_tile "do_replace"))
    (setq dcl_id1 (load_dialog "autonumb.dcl"))
     (if (not (new_dialog "ddstart" dcl_id1))
 (setq sort_list '("Selection" "Top-Bottom" "Left-Right" "Bottom-Top" "Right-Left"))
	(start_list "sort_type")
(mapcar 'add_list sort_list)
 (if sort_type
   (set_tile "sort_type" sort_type)
   (set_tile "sort_type" "0")
 (if prefix
   (set_tile "prefix" prefix)
 (if suffix
   (set_tile "suffix" suffix)
 (if start_no
   (set_tile "start_no" (rtos start_no 2 0))
   (set_tile "start_no" "1")
 (if txt_inc
   (set_tile "txt_inc" (rtos txt_inc 2 0))
   (set_tile "txt_inc" "1")
   (action_tile "do_replace" "(set_replace)")
   (action_tile "numb_hlp" "(my_help)")
   (action_tile "accept" "(setq start_ok T)(get_data)(done_dialog 1)")
   (action_tile "cancel" "(setq start_ok nil)(done_dialog 0)")
     (unload_dialog dcl_id1)
;;;---------------THIS SECTION MODIFIES SELECTED TEXT-----------------
 (defun get_txt (/ sset sset1 sset2 sset3 test num llen temp old)
   (setq sset (ssget '((0 . "TEXT"))))
   (setq num 0)
  (if (= do_replace "1")
     ((= sort_type "0")
    (while (< num (sslength sset))
      (setq temp (entget (ssname sset num)))
      (setq old (assoc 1 temp))
  (setq new (cons 1 (strcat prefix (rtos start_no 2 0) suffix)))
           (setq temp (subst new old temp))
           (entmod temp)
      (setq start_no (+ start_no txt_inc))
      (setq num (+ num 1))
     ((= sort_type "1")
      (setq temp (caddr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))))
      (setq sset1 (list temp))
      (setq num (+ num 1))
    (while (< num (sslength sset))
      (setq temp (caddr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))))
      (setq sset1 (append sset1 (list temp)))
      (setq num (+ num 1))
      (setq sset2 (list ""))
      (while (< (- (length sset2) 1) (sslength sset))
    (setq temp (apply 'max sset1))
    (setq sset2 (append sset2 (list temp)))
    (setq sset3 (list ""))
    (setq num (- (length sset1) 1))
     (while (> num -1)
(setq test (nth num sset1))
(if (not (member test sset2))
  (setq sset3 (append sset3 (list test)))
(setq num (- num 1))
      (setq sset1 (cdr sset3))
      (setq sset2 (cdr sset2))
      (setq llen 0)
      (while (< llen (length sset2))
 (setq test (nth llen sset2))
 (setq num 0)
 (while (not (= (caddr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))) test))
   (setq num (+ num 1))
 (setq temp (entget (ssname sset num)))
      (setq old (assoc 1 temp))
  (setq new (cons 1 (strcat prefix (rtos start_no 2 0) suffix)))
           (setq temp (subst new old temp))
           (entmod temp)
      (setq start_no (+ start_no txt_inc))
      (setq llen (+ llen 1))
     ((= sort_type "2")
      (setq temp (cadr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))))
      (setq sset1 (list temp))
      (setq num (+ num 1))
    (while (< num (sslength sset))
      (setq temp (cadr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))))
      (setq sset1 (append sset1 (list temp)))
      (setq num (+ num 1))
      (setq sset2 (list ""))
      (while (< (- (length sset2) 1) (sslength sset))
    (setq temp (apply 'max sset1))
    (setq sset2 (append sset2 (list temp)))
    (setq sset3 (list ""))
    (setq num (- (length sset1) 1))
     (while (> num -1)
(setq test (nth num sset1))
(if (not (member test sset2))
  (setq sset3 (append sset3 (list test)))
(setq num (- num 1))
      (setq sset1 (cdr sset3))
      (setq sset2 (cdr sset2))
     (setq llen (- (length sset2) 1))
      (while (> llen -1)
 (setq test (nth llen sset2))
 (setq num 0)
 (while (not (= (cadr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))) test))
   (setq num (+ num 1))
 (setq temp (entget (ssname sset num)))
      (setq old (assoc 1 temp))
  (setq new (cons 1 (strcat prefix (rtos start_no 2 0) suffix)))
           (setq temp (subst new old temp))
           (entmod temp)
      (setq start_no (+ start_no txt_inc))
      (setq llen (- llen 1))
     ((= sort_type "3")
      (setq temp (caddr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))))
      (setq sset1 (list temp))
      (setq num (+ num 1))
    (while (< num (sslength sset))
      (setq temp (caddr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))))
      (setq sset1 (append sset1 (list temp)))
      (setq num (+ num 1))
      (setq sset2 (list ""))
      (while (< (- (length sset2) 1) (sslength sset))
    (setq temp (apply 'max sset1))
    (setq sset2 (append sset2 (list temp)))
    (setq sset3 (list ""))
    (setq num (- (length sset1) 1))
     (while (> num -1)
(setq test (nth num sset1))
(if (not (member test sset2))
  (setq sset3 (append sset3 (list test)))
(setq num (- num 1))
      (setq sset1 (cdr sset3))
      (setq sset2 (cdr sset2))
      (setq llen (- (length sset2) 1))
      (while (> llen -1)
 (setq test (nth llen sset2))
 (setq num 0)
 (while (not (= (caddr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))) test))
   (setq num (+ num 1))
 (setq temp (entget (ssname sset num)))
      (setq old (assoc 1 temp))
  (setq new (cons 1 (strcat prefix (rtos start_no 2 0) suffix)))
           (setq temp (subst new old temp))
           (entmod temp)
      (setq start_no (+ start_no txt_inc))
      (setq llen (- llen 1))
     ((= sort_type "4")
      (setq temp (cadr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))))
      (setq sset1 (list temp))
      (setq num (+ num 1))
    (while (< num (sslength sset))
      (setq temp (cadr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))))
      (setq sset1 (append sset1 (list temp)))
      (setq num (+ num 1))
      (setq sset2 (list ""))
      (while (< (- (length sset2) 1) (sslength sset))
    (setq temp (apply 'max sset1))
    (setq sset2 (append sset2 (list temp)))
    (setq sset3 (list ""))
    (setq num (- (length sset1) 1))
     (while (> num -1)
(setq test (nth num sset1))
(if (not (member test sset2))
  (setq sset3 (append sset3 (list test)))
(setq num (- num 1))
      (setq sset1 (cdr sset3))
      (setq sset2 (cdr sset2))
      (setq llen 0)
      (while (< llen (length sset2))
 (setq test (nth llen sset2))
 (setq num 0)
 (while (not (= (cadr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sset num)))) test))
   (setq num (+ num 1))
 (setq temp (entget (ssname sset num)))
      (setq old (assoc 1 temp))
  (setq new (cons 1 (strcat prefix (rtos start_no 2 0) suffix)))
           (setq temp (subst new old temp))
           (entmod temp)
      (setq start_no (+ start_no txt_inc))
      (setq llen (+ llen 1))
      (setq start_no nil)
      (setq txt_inc nil)
     (while (< num (sslength sset))
      (setq temp (entget (ssname sset num)))
      (setq old (assoc 1 temp))
  (setq new (cons 1 (strcat  prefix (cdr old) suffix)))
           (setq temp (subst new old temp))
           (entmod temp)
      (setq num (+ num 1))
  (if start_ok
  (setq *error* olderr)
(setvar "cmdecho" cmd)

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Here is the DCL file not sure if this needs to be updated? Thank you :)


// Corresponding dialogue for DDNUMB.LSP

//dcl_settings : default_dcl_settings { audit_level = 3; }

ddstart : dialog {
    label = "Auto Number";
initial_focus = "prefix";
	: row {
	: boxed_column {
		fixed_width = true;
		label = "&Prefix";
			: edit_box {
				key = "prefix";
				mnemonic = "P";
				fixed_width = true;
	: boxed_column {
		fixed_width = true;
		label = "Start &No";
			: edit_box {
				key = "start_no";
				mnemonic = "N";
				fixed_width = true;
	: boxed_column {
		fixed_width = true;
		label = "&Suffix";
			: edit_box {
				key = "suffix";
				mnemonic = "S";
				fixed_width = true;
: row {
	: boxed_column {
		fixed_width = true;
		label = "&Increment";
			: edit_box {
				key = "txt_inc";
				mnemonic = "I";
				fixed_width = true;
	: boxed_column {
		fixed_width = true;
		label = "Sort &By";
			: popup_list {
				key = "sort_type";
				width = 13;
				fixed_width = true;
	: toggle {
		label = "Replace";
		key = "do_replace";
		value = 1;
	: row {
		: button {
			key = "numb_hlp";
			label = "Help";
			mnemonic = "H";

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Just save the DCL codes with a name: utonumb.dcl and locate it into your AutoCAD support folder and try it.

But if you want it into another location , just get the full path of that location and be sure to have two back slashes or one Forward slash into the full path name.

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If you want to locate it into a specific folder as your provided this path earlier above, so it must be like this:

C:\\Users\\ian.anderson\\Desktop\\LISP LIBRARY\\autonumb.dcl

Or this:

C:/Users/ian.anderson/Desktop/LISP LIBRARY/autonumb.dcl

Edited by Tharwat
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so if I use the C:\\Users\\ian.anderson\\Desktop\\LISP LIBRARY\\autonumb.dcl


where do I insert it in my lisp? I don't know how to write these. The best I can do is make a hot key.

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In the following path of loading the dialog into your lisp file.

(setq dcl_id1 (load_dialog "C:\\Users\\ian.anderson\\Desktop\\LISP LIBRARY\\autonumb.dcl"))


NOTE: I modified my last post since I missed by mistake the first char of the dcl file which is 'a'.

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