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Pick a certain frozen or off layer to on or thawed


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I want to create a lisp where when I have a frozen or thawed layer that I want to be on when I don't know exactly what layer the object I want is on.


To clarify when I want a specific object to be on, I layon and laythw then xlist the object and then screenshot the dialog box then go through the layer manger and thaw/or layon the layer I wanted.


I was wondering if anyone could help me write a lisp routine that would help me save some time on this process.



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This lisp displays a DCL that shows what layers are off/frozen/locked


; Turn ON, Thaw ar Unlock layers
; Stefan M. - 04.06.2013
; Edited by Jonathan Norton

(defun C:LCON ( / *error* acDoc filen filew id l layers r c l_frz l_off l_lck selected_layers prop val)
 (setq acDoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (vla-startundomark acDoc)

 (defun *error* (m)
     (not (wcmatch (strcase m) "*CANCEL*,*QUIT*"))
     (princ (strcat "\nError: " m))
   (vla-endundomark acDoc)
 (defun prompt_list ()
   (start_list "a_list")
     (setq l (cond
               ((= "1" *tog1*) l_off)
               ((= "1" *tog2*) l_frz)
               ((= "1" *tog3*) l_lck)

 (vlax-for la (setq layers (vla-get-layers acDoc))
   (if (eq (vla-get-LayerOn la) :vlax-false)
     (setq l_off (cons (vla-get-Name la) l_off))
   (if (eq (vla-get-Freeze la) :vlax-true)
     (setq l_frz (cons (vla-get-Name la) l_frz))
   (if (eq (vla-get-Lock la) :vlax-true)
     (setq l_lck (cons (vla-get-Name la) l_lck))
 (setq l_off (acad_strlsort l_off)
       l_frz (acad_strlsort l_frz)
       l_lck (acad_strlsort l_lck)
 (if (or l_off l_frz l_lck) 
     (setq filew (open (setq filen (strcat (getvar 'dwgprefix) "temp_layer_dialog.dcl")) "w"))
       "layer_on_dialog : dialog {
      label = \"Layer Control\";
      : column {
      : list_box { label = \"Select Layer:\"; key = \"a_list\"; width = 40; height = 15; multiple_select = true; allow_accept = true;}
      : radio_column {
      : radio_button { label = \"Off Layers\";    key = \"tog1\"; }
      : radio_button { label = \"Frozen Layers\"; key = \"tog2\"; }
      : radio_button { label = \"Locked Layers\"; key = \"tog3\"; }}
      ok_cancel;}}" filew)
     (close filew)
       (>= (setq id (load_dialog filen)) 0)
          (new_dialog "layer_on_dialog" id)
             (or *tog1* (setq *tog1* "1"))
             (or *tog2* (setq *tog2* "0"))
             (or *tog3* (setq *tog3* "0"))
             (action_tile "a_list" "(setq selected_layers $value)")
             (action_tile "tog1"   "(setq *tog1* \"1\" *tog2* \"0\" *tog3* \"0\" selected_layers nil) (prompt_list)")
             (action_tile "tog2"   "(setq *tog1* \"0\" *tog2* \"1\" *tog3* \"0\" selected_layers nil) (prompt_list)")
             (action_tile "tog3"   "(setq *tog1* \"0\" *tog2* \"0\" *tog3* \"1\" selected_layers nil) (prompt_list)")
             (set_tile "tog1" *tog1*)
             (set_tile "tog2" *tog2*)
             (set_tile "tog3" *tog3*)
             (mode_tile "tog1" (if l_off 0 1))
             (mode_tile "tog2" (if l_frz 0 1))
             (mode_tile "tog3" (if l_lck 0 1))
             (setq r (start_dialog))
             (unload_dialog id)
           (princ "\nWrong dialog definition")
        (princ "\nDCL file not found")
     (if (findfile filen) (vl-file-delete filen))
       (and (= r 1) selected_layers)
          (setq prop (cond
                       ((= "1" *tog1*) 'LayerON)
                       ((= "1" *tog2*) 'Freeze)
                       ((= "1" *tog3*) 'Lock)
                val  (cond
                       ((= "1" *tog1*) -1)
                       ((= "1" *tog2*) 0)
                       ((= "1" *tog3*) 0)
          (foreach x (read (strcat "(" selected_layers ")"))
            (vlax-put (vla-item layers (nth x l)) prop val)
     (vla-regen acDoc acActiveViewport)
   (Alert "All Layers On/Active")
 (*error* nil)

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The problem is aharms33 wants to turn on an object previously drawn and its turned off, so good idea Jonathonn3891 but you still dont know what layer I drew "part 1234" on.


Only way would be to attach xdata and use this and record items find the OBJECT xdata "Part 12345" and check layer on ? Maybe Regions.

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