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Ssget divide object on window filter


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I selected objects function ssget.

(setq s ssget)

I have a list of corner windows (white squares on drawing).

'((x y) (x y) (x y) (x y) (x y))

How to divide the objects on those that are inside the window.

I need a list entity of objects in each window.

'((<Entity name: 7ffff931b40> <Entity name: 7ffff931b40> ...)
(...) (...) (...) (...))

Is there a way to use the filters window on the system variable ssget (ssget "_W"

The example in the drawing.


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Something like this? :

(defun c:test ( / SS i ent lst x SelN n Nlst Tlst )
		(princ "\nSelect the closed(white) plines: ")
		(setq SS (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE") (-4 . "&=") (70 . 1))))
		(repeat (setq i (sslength SS)) ; repeat for each closed polyline
			(setq ent (ssname SS (setq i (1- i))))
			(setq	lst (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda ( x ) (= 10 (car x))) (entget ent))))
					(setq SelN (ssget "_WP" lst))
					(or (not (ssmemb ent SelN)) (ssdel ent SelN))
					(< 0 (sslength SelN))
					(repeat (setq n (sslength SelN)) ; repeat for each entity inside the polyline
						(setq Nlst (cons (ssname SelN (setq n (1- n))) Nlst)) ; create list for the SS
					(setq Tlst (cons (reverse Nlst) Tlst)) ; store the SS list into the global list
					(setq Nlst nil) ; reset the SS list
			); if
		); repeat
		(princ "\n") (print Tlst) ; print the global list
); if/while


This is heavily modified code, the original is from Lee Mac (MatchCenInsPoly) - by my old request. :)

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An alternative method maybe a bit more complex is to pick one window only but check the min/max Y value of the object so it becomes part of only 1 window group. Look also at bounding box methods. You can vary the window sizes then.

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It must be simple and quick.

I used a solution in which first choose the coordinates the windows and then ssget (window).

(setq lst '(((x y) (x y)) ((x y) (x y))  ((x y) (x y)) ...))


(mapcar '(lambda (%) (ssget "_W" (car %) (cadr %))) lst)

Sorry for my English.

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