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Info by cogo point #


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A brief overview of what's going on here:


  1. user will select their points
  2. run the command
  3. once the LISP encounters a point description with "CNF" or "DEC", it places a block with text

Now the next step is to grab the next 2 sequential points and get their X&Y coordinates so I can measure the distance between the two, but I'm kind of stuck on how to do that. Any help would be appreciated.



(defun c:desc2 (/ ss x northng pnt eastng descr dist hndl eastng1 eastng2 northng1 northng2)
  (if (ssget ":S:E" '((0 . "AECC_COGO_POINT")))
        (vlax-for x
           (setq ss (vla-get-activeselectionset (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
           (setq pnt (vlax-get x 'number)
              eastng (vlax-get x 'easting)
              northng (vlax-get x 'northing)
              descr (vlax-get x 'rawdescription)
              hndl (vlax-get x 'handle)
           );END setq
              (= 0 (vl-string-search "DEC" descr))
                    (command "text" "c" (list eastng northng) 0.5 0 descr)
                    (command  "_insert" "nf_shrub_decid" (list eastng northng) "" "" "")
                    (setq pnt1 (+ 1 pnt)
                          pnt2 (+ 2 pnt)
                 );END if TRUE
                       (= 0 (vl-string-search "CNF" descr))
                             (command "text" "c" (list eastng northng) 0.5 0 descr)
                             (command  "_insert" "nf_shrub_conifer" (list eastng northng) "" "" "")
                          );END if TRUE
                    );END if
                 );END if FALSE
           );END if
        );END vlax-for
     );END progn
  );END if

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I don't have Civil, but based on your code, you can try something like this :


(defun c:desc2 ( / ss x northng pnt eastng descr dist hndl eastng1 eastng2 northng1 northng2 pnt1 pnt2 easting1 nothing1 easting2 northing2 )
  (if (ssget ":S:E" '((0 . "AECC_COGO_POINT")))
        (vlax-for x
           (setq ss (vla-get-activeselectionset (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
           (setq pnt (vlax-get x 'number)
              eastng (vlax-get x 'easting)
              northng (vlax-get x 'northing)
              descr (vlax-get x 'rawdescription)
              hndl (vlax-get x 'handle)
           );END setq
              (= 0 (vl-string-search "DEC" descr))
                    (command "text" "c" (list eastng northng) 0.5 0 descr)
                    (command  "_insert" "nf_shrub_decid" (list eastng northng) "" "" "")
                    (setq pnt1 (+ 1 pnt)
                          pnt2 (+ 2 pnt)
                    (vlax-for p ss
                       (if (= pnt1 (vlax-get p 'number))
                             (setq easting1 (vlax-get p 'easting))
                             (setq northing1 (vlax-get p 'northing))
                       (if (= pnt2 (vlax-get p 'number))
                             (setq easting2 (vlax-get p 'easting))
                             (setq northing2 (vlax-get p 'northing))
                 );END if TRUE
                       (= 0 (vl-string-search "CNF" descr))
                             (command "text" "c" (list eastng northng) 0.5 0 descr)
                             (command  "_insert" "nf_shrub_conifer" (list eastng northng) "" "" "")
                          );END if TRUE
                    );END if
                 );END if FALSE
           );END if
        );END vlax-for
     );END progn
  );END if
  (prompt "\nDistance is : ") (princ (rtos (distance (list easting1 northing1) (list easting2 northing2)) 2 20))



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