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How to input spherical and cylindrical coordinates with autolisp?


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I want to write a routine that converts a text file of Cartesian coordinates to either spherical or cylindrical coordinates. What is the method and format, for example for the command function to draw a line in autolisp with spherical and cylindrical coordinates.


I know how to input manually these coordinates but I don't know how to do it automatically with AutoLISP.


Any help will be appreciated.





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The general syntax for spherical coordinates is


or for relative coordinates

@ length


The general syntax for cylindrical coordinates is


or for relative cylindrical coordinates



You can use this in Lisp - see the example


(setq l1 1000)

(setq w1 90)

(setq w2 -90)

(setq pt (strcat "@" (rtos l1) "




Hope this helps




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Hello Lee Mac,


I am using a spherical and cylindrical routine to input 3-D objects into AutoCAD. I only wanted to alter my routine to to the syntax for spherical and cylindrical input in AutoLISP. I can't see why the study of the polar function would help. scj understood what I was trying to convey.


Many people are experts on this site and you are one of them, however scj gave me what I wanted. Interpreting someone's email can be hit or miss.


Your assistance is always welcome.





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I agree with Lee and Marco looking into polar function will answers questions further down the track.


basic angle functions

o/h = sin(ang)

a/h = cos(ang)

o/a = tan(ang)

others have a habit of answering


(defun dtr (a)
(* pi (/ a 180.0))

(defun tan (a)
 (setq a (dtr a))
 (/ (sin a)(cos a))

(setq orgpt (list 0 0 0)) ; set your base pt
(setq pt (polar orgpt (dtr w1) L1))
(setq z (* l1 (tan (dtr w2))))
(setq pt (list (car pt)(cadr pt)(+ z (caddr pt)))

Edited by BIGAL
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A bit of fun


(defun dtr (a)
(* pi (/ a 180.0))

(defun tan (a)
 (setq a (dtr a))
 (/ (sin a)(cos a))

(setq cenpt (list 0 0 0))
(setq ang1 0.0)
(setq ang2 0.0)
(setq rad 1000.0)
(repeat 59
(repeat 59
(setq pt (polar cenpt ang1 rad))
(setq pt (list (car pt)(cadr pt)(+ (* rad (tan (dtr ang2)))) ))
(command "point" pt)
(setq ang1 (+ ang1 6.0))
(setq ang2 (+ ang2 6.0))
(command "-vpoint" "1,1,1")

Edited by BIGAL
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I am using a spherical and cylindrical routine to input 3-D objects into AutoCAD. I only wanted to alter my routine to to the syntax for spherical and cylindrical input in AutoLISP. I can't see why the study of the polar function would help. scj understood what I was trying to convey.


The existing suggestion is restricted to basic command-line input, however, if you were to generate objects using any other means (such as ActiveX or entmake, for example), the points would need to be expressed as a cartesian point list. As such, the AutoLISP polar function will allow you to calculate a point at a given angle & radius from a base point.

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The existing suggestion is restricted to basic command-line input, however, if you were to generate objects using any other means (such as ActiveX or entmake, for example), the points would need to be expressed as a cartesian point list. As such, the AutoLISP polar function will allow you to calculate a point at a given angle & radius from a base point.


FYI, polar function is derived from (sin ang) and (cos ang) functions... So actually no need for polar as must...

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FYI, polar function is derived from (sin ang) and (cos ang) functions... So actually no need for polar as must...


Of course there are other methods, but the equivalent of:

(polar pnt ang dis)

Using sin/cos would be:

(mapcar '+ pnt (list (* dis (cos ang)) (* dis (sin ang))))

Which is unnecessary.

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