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Scale method (alternative for block inside block method)


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Hi all

For scaling purposes i tweaked a routine to let me scale a selectionset in Z direction.

Works good, but the disadvantage is that it will not work in 'Refedit mode'.

Since in 3D i a lot of work is within blocks i really am looking for a other methode than this -insert / purge method. Idea to do this with some kind of vla call?



(defun C:SXYZ (/ SS IP XS YS ZS RA)
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (setq SS (ssget)
IP (getpoint "Enter Base point (temp. blockname 'xstemp' will be used :")
 ) ;_ end of setq
 (initget 6)
 (setq XS (getreal "Enter X scale factor <1>:"))
 (initget 6)
 (setq YS (getreal "Enter Y scale factor (default=X):"))
 (setq ZS (getreal "Enter Z scale factor (default=X):")
RA (getreal "Enter Rotation angle <0>:")
 ) ;_ end of setq
 (if (= XS NIL)
   (setq XS 1)
 ) ;_ end of if
 (if (= YS NIL)
   (setq YS XS)
 ) ;_ end of if
 (if (= ZS NIL)
   (setq ZS XS)
 ) ;_ end of if
 (if (= RA NIL)
   (setq RA 0)
 ) ;_ end of if
   "block"  "xstemp" IP       SS ""  "insert" "xstemp"
   IP      "xyz"    XS       YS ZS  RA   "explode"
   "l"      "purge"  "b"      "xstemp" "n"
  ) ;_ end of command

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Hi all

Idea to do this with some kind of vla call?


(defun c:test()

   (setq p2 (getpoint "\nSpecify the insertion point:\n "))
      (setq _blkName "PONTO"
     _scaleX 1.0
     _scaleY 1.0
     _scaleZ 1.0
     _rotation 0
      ) ;_ >setq

      (setq vla-obj	(vla-insertblock
	   (if (eq (getvar "cvport") 1)
	   ) ;_ >if
	    ) ;_ >vla-get-ActiveDocument
	  (vlax-3d-point p2)
	) ;_ >vla-insertblock
      ) ;_ >setq
      (redraw (entlast) 1)
    ) ;_ >progn
 ) ;_ >if  
) ;_ >defun


I hope this code will help you.

Best regards

Luís Augusto

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Thanks Luis! I will give it a try.. code sure looks pretty





:test no result in AutoCAD

; error: Automation Error. Filer error


I think the part

(vlax-3d-point p2)


What also doesn't work is this..


    (if (eq (getvar "cvport") 1)
    ) ;_ >if
     ) ;_ >vla-get-ActiveDocument
   (vlax-3d-point IP)
   xstemp                                            ; is this correct? how to call a name by block?

Edited by halam
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That was the reference I used.

I hope it helps you.




(defun c:test ()

 ;---------------{sub function}---------------;
 (defun insBlock (
	   _blkName		;string
	   _scaleX		;real
	   _scaleY		;real	
	   _scaleZ		;real
	   _rotation		;real

   (defun *error* (errmsg)
     (princ "\nAn error has occurred in the programme.\n ")
     (prompt errmsg)
   ) ;_ >defun

   (setq thisdrawing
   ) ;_ >vla-get-activedocument
   ) ;_ >setq
   (setq mspace (vla-get-modelspace thisdrawing))
   (setq util (vla-get-utility thisdrawing))

   (if	(not (tblsearch "BLOCK" _blkName))
  (setq filePath (findfile (strcat _blkName ".dwg")))
  (progn (command "_.-insert" filePath nil) t)	  
) ;_ >and
 (setq blkFlag t)
 (setq blkFlag nil)
     ) ;_ >if
     (setq blkFlag t)
   ) ;_ >if

   (if	blkFlag
(setq _blkInsertPoint (vla-GetPoint util nil "\nInsertion Point: "))
(setq vla-obj
       ) ;_ >vla-insertblock
) ;_ >setq	
(redraw (entlast) 1)
     ) ;_ >progn
     (alert "Block not found.")
   ) ;_ >if
 ) ;_ >defun

 ;---------------{sub function}---------------;

 (setq	vla-obj		;get-vlaObject
 (insBlock	;call sub function
   "blkName"	;your block name
   1.0		;scale x
   1.0		;scale y
   1.0		;scale z
   0.0		;rotation
 ) ;_ >insBlock
 ) ;_ >setq
) ;_ >defun

Edited by Luís Augusto
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Heres another example:

(defun C:test ( / acDoc AcSpc MyBlockName XS YS ZS Rot insPt BlkRefObj )
(setq acDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(setq	AcSpc 
		(if (= acModelSpace (vla-get-ActiveSpace acDoc))
			(if (= (vla-get-mSpace acDoc) :vlax-true)
)'; setq
	MyBlockName "MyBlock"
	XS 1.0
	YS 1.0
	ZS 1.0
	Rot 0.0 ; Value in degrees
); setq
		(not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-item (list (vla-get-Blocks acDoc) MyBlockName))))
		(setq insPt (getpoint (strcat "\nSpecify \"" MyBlockName "\" insertion point: ")))
	(setq BlkRefObj (vla-InsertBlock AcSpc (vlax-3D-point insPt) MyBlockName XS YS ZS (* pi (/ Rot 180))))
);| defun |; (or (vlax-get-acad-object) (vl-load-com)) (princ)

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AFAIK the problem of the original code is the use of the _BLOCK command and not the _INSERT command. Creating alternative insert code, although interesting, will not solve the OP's problem.

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Thanks for your replies guys

Luis' is very nice but works only in 'normal' mode, not inside the block editor.



Command: #

Command: ** Self reference detected:

1 block reference not added to the work set.



I think ..



- there is no other way to 'deform' XYZ other than manipulate 'as block'

- one way as workaround for it..



1. 'refset' => remove selected =>

2. 'refclose'

3. SXYZ selected

4. 'refedit' previous block you where working in..

5. 'refset' => add the selected (scaled) . done.



This is just what would be done manually... faster if automated

Some good 'refset' add / remove & Refedit function... searching _.-REFEDIT

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Have you tried to use the entmod function?


I think maybe my little knowledge will not be enough to help you.


Is it possible you post a sample drawing so we can try?

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Its not possible to add block reference inside that same block's definition, thats why you have this error.

Command: ** Self reference detected:

1 block reference not added to the work set.

Usually when I attempt such thing my ACAD crashes (for example try LM's program, called "AddObjects2Block" and pick for a source and destination objects two block references of the same block name).

Simply said its like trying to nest "BlockA" inside of "BlockA".

Another example is if you have 2 blocks and "BlockB" is nested inside "BlockA", then you can not nest "BlockA" inside "BlockB".

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I will look at the a entmod method later, thanks for that Luis. ALso for the suggested routine that Lee Mac has made.


@Grrr. I don't think you clearly see the problem i have while working in blockedit mode.

The routine only temporary uses a block. It gets purged after the scaling has taken place.

My problem is that the (default) commands (methods i can think of) for creating blocks are blocked in the first place. Beacuse of the fact that you cannot define or a block while working in a block. I think there is a reason for that but i'm not that deep into de logic behind dwg hyrarchy. Why is that?


.. Still, i would be very happy of have a way to scale XY(Z) WHILE i am defining 3D blocks that have multiple parts and inserted in many places...


Kind regards hans

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