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Cannot Get This Lisp To Work on All Blocks in a DWG


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We are trying to write a lisp that will set all blocks in a dwg to an X, Y, and Z scale value of 1.


By my reckoning it should work. But it only applies the scale change to one block in the dwg - the latest one that was inserted.


Do I need to loop through the selection set? I assumed it would apply the change to all in the selection automatically.


Thanks for any help. See below for code, and see attached a sample dwg that shows one block only changing.


(defun c:SCB ()
 ;(setvar "qaflags" 1)
;below selects all blocks 
 (setq ALLBLOCKS (ssget "X" (LIST (cons 0 "INSERT"))))
 ;(command "select" allblocks))
       (setq blocks (ssname ALLBLOCKS 0))
               (entmod ; modifies the properties of the entity
                   (append ; combines the list
                       (entget blocks); indicates what entity to edit
                       (list ; create a list of properties to change
                           (cons 41 1)
                           (cons 42 1)
               (cons 43 1)
                   (entupd blocks); updates the block
       (prompt "\nNo blocks in drawing!")
 ;(setvar "qaflags" 0)



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Try this


;below selects all blocks 
(setq ALLBLOCKS (ssget "X" (LIST (cons 0 "INSERT"))))
 ;(command "select" allblocks))
       (repeat (setq x (sslength allblocks))) 
       (setq blocks (ssname ALLBLOCKS (setq x (- x 1))))
               (entmod ; modifies the properties of the entity
                   (append ; combines the list
                       (entget blocks); indicates what entity to edit
                       (list ; create a list of properties to change
                           (cons 41 1)
                           (cons 42 1)
                           (cons 43 1)
               (entupd blocks); updates the block
       ) ; repeat ?
       (prompt "\nNo blocks in drawing!")
  ) ; progn
 ;(setvar "qaflags" 0)
) ; if 


Its just me but I put ) ; if its so I can keep track of the closing pairs makes it easier to add to code like this.

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